Strategic Goals & Plan
You got to be careful if you don’t know where you’re going, because you might not get there.
– Yogi Berra, baseball catcher
As you may know, the Initiating Committee of Transition Joshua Tree has met many times during the past 3 years to focus on our strategic objectives. We did this in the belief that you’re not going to get where you’re going unless you know where you want to go and have a plan to get there. Of course, any plan is just that, so we adjusted our thoughts and objectives throughout the planning process, in response to what the community told us.
Please offer us your thoughts on this overarching strategic goal.
Strategic Goal: To promote an understanding of the meaning, value and application of permaculture principles in the high desert.
Permaculture is at the heart of the Transition movement. Read more about permaculture principles.
Permaculture is an artful land use design system that uses the deep patterns of nature to regenerate ecosystems. It can be applied in any environment, no matter how degraded. Using permaculture techniques ‘waste’ becomes a resource, productivity and yields increase and environments are restored. Sustainable living in drylands has its own specifics. Using the principles of permaculture design we can learn to thrive within our high desert ecosystem.
Goal Tactics
1. Develop Outreach Programs
- Consider name change before outreach begins
- Create prioritized list of local community groups that we want to reach
- Create and tailor presentations for different age groups, community groups and regional leaders
- Build effective sense of urgency and collective optimism regarding Transition Joshua Tree
- Create an “elevator statement” for Permaculture
- Connect with other permaculture and transition organizations for idea sharing.
2. Offer Vibrant and Consistent Schedule of Events
- Set goal of regular “potlucks with a Purpose”
- Schedule a table at JT Farmer’s Market. Working Groups take turns hosting.
- Present educational opportunities
– film screening
– hands on permaculture workshops
- Arrange quarterly public TJT Governance meetings
3. Create/Locate Accessible and Maintained Permaculture Demo Sites
- Encourage Working Group members to be knowledgeable about permaculturre
- Create and present high level permaculture presentation for local audiences
- Identify and map people in the Morongo Basin who are already using permaculture techniques.
- Locate and develop other publicly accessible sites for permaculture demos
4. Share Relevant Permaculture Knowledge
- Provide Resource Assessment and Data
2. Aim for quarterly Newsletter
3. Aim for monthly research feature on TJT website
4. Host Hands-on workshops with appropriate experts
5. Schedule posting of videos
6. Create field trips and outings
- Post “Principles of Permaculture” series on website
5. Foster Opportunities for Personal and Community Change/Connection
- Provide opportunities for and examples of consuming less
- Initiate dialogue about self-responsibility and self-reliance
- Promote existing systems of reuse and repurposing (recycling of resources)
- Connect with elders as resources
- Develop ability of community to connect online
Again, your comments are welcome. Use the REPLY section for public comments, or shoot us an email using the form below.
(Our sincerest thanks to the very dedicated attention, attendance and leadership we received from Thomas Fjallstam, Douglas “Buck” Buckley, Tim Delorey, and most especially Eva Montville and Kathy Jennings)
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