TJT Organizational chart
Big Aim:
Transition Teams (TT): (Gets Stuff Done & Have Fun)
“Self organizing,” “formally approved,” “open, transparent, free flow of information,” “no less than 4 people.”
- “All efforts need to contribute in some way to the transition to greater community resilience.”
VIII.2 Constitution
- “. . .agree to abide and uphold principles . . .consider effects of our actions and statements on TJT public reputation.” Our Action Objectives, VI Constitution
- Meet on a regular basis
- Action planning for outreach programs
- Raise own funds
- Assign contact person & treasurer (not necessarily the elected rep to Coordinating Council)
- Elect representitive to Coordinating Council (CC)
- Reports on activities at Coordinating Council meetings
- Post minutes and flyers
- Provide content to Administrative Team (AT)
- Responsible for responding to inquires in a timely manner.
- Promotes events (Flyers, press releases. . .) w/ support (approval) from CC & AT
- Representative to Coordinating Council needs to report back to Transition Teams on Coordinating Council decisions.
- Recruits new members
- Encourage Transition Team members to occasionally attend other Transition Teams group meetings.
Coordinating Council (CC):
- “ . . . which is Transition Joshua Tree’s governing and strategic planning body comprised of elected representatives from each Transition Team.” VIII.1 Constitution
Oversight ( Develop and Keep Vision)
- Legal & Governance
- Strategic planning, Guiding Principles
- Consider request for advocacy, and formally approve new Transition Teams (TT)
- Be involved in general TJT matters: logo design, banners. . .
Outreach (Community)
- Transition Joshua Tree presence in community
- Collaborate with local organizations, keeping informed of community matters
- Form alliances with independent community organizations
- Influence public policy change i.e.; Water Board
- Collaborate with Transition USA and Global Transition Groups
- Transition Joshua Tree umbrella events i.e.; Great Unleashing, Open Spaces w/ support from Transition Teams & Administrative Team & special project teams.
Inreach (Coordinating Functions)
Internal communications:
- Reports/Track activities, events, projects
- Reports back to Transition Teams via TT representative on important CC information and decisions.
- Communication Hub for Transition Teams to inform of relevant regional workshops, webinars, (other?)
- Redirects team building and conflict resolution issues to Heart and Soul
- Gives guidence & direction to Adminstrative Team (AT), and approves AT person
- Support Transition Team events
- Supports the organic evolution of Transition Teams
- General membership meetings/potlucks
- Raise its own operating funds
- Encourage Coordinating Council members to ocassionally attend a meeting of each Transition Team.
- Delegate and support decision-making procedures that enable the greatest possible operational autonomy for each of the Transition Teams, Admin Support Team and Coordinating Council. *
Administrative Team (AT):
- “The Administrative Team is a subgroup that works at the direction of the CC and/or general membership.” VIII.1 Constitution
Information Technology
- Website
- Maintenance, keep current
- Design (Ease of use/User friendly)
- Videos:
Suggested producing Transition Joshua Tree video series & maintain media/library resources
- First responders; fielding phone calls, emails, etc.
- Maintain and keep current g-mail/email lists
- Archive documents: Constitution, Stratgic Plan, Guiding Principles
- Maintain Facebook page