Meeting Minutes 2/2011 – 5/2011
Transition Steering 5/31/11
Lynn, Jill, Stacy, Karen
guest Sylvia White
Treasurer’s Report: $119
New Biz
Sylvia White brings a transportation question and answer to the table.
lots of Joshua Tree residents (and neighbors) shop at Trader Joe’s
Sylvia is willing to begin a carpool to eliminate many driving to one place
perhaps to include other stops-Costco, Target, etc
rotate driving/helping those w/out a vehicle/collecting for gas $
possible segue to Transportation sub-group w/in Transition model
“fosters interdependence as well as accomplishing few trips down the hill”
**Jill will ask Sylvia to write the email which will go out using our gmail**
project can connect others of like interest, eg ReachOut Morongo Basin
Sandy Fleck: 369 8761, 361 1410,
Gift Circle-Discussion of concept of “gift economy”-how it dovetails w/Transitions
**Jill (?) invite Valerie (and Eden) to our meeting to facilitate a function**
CERT training
**Stacy has new information for upcoming agenda**
Old Biz
Volunteers-Leah and friends are no longer available-quick to respond: Douglas, Julia and Catherine have volunteered.
**Stacy to call Deb for Friday meeting to bag aerators and water audit bag**
Hand out available in hard copy and online giving aerator and audit info
**Stacy would like to add general info/introductory info (?)**
not yet posted to TJT nor WordPress but available on Steering FB page
Karen requests reimbursement for printing expense-consensus okays
questions RE: aerator exchange will have to be answered by online videos
Deb does not want to be involved in q&a after the event RE: installation
Doug’s talents are better used elsewhere
those who change their mind, return devices to church Sat. or Sun a.m.
Surveys: available online, to be posted following event
**Stacy will help**
agenda is packed with videos and water wise demo so cancel the raffle
**Travis/Jill to follow up RE: PA from Clive, not Josh**
Screen (sheet) only necessary if connection to TV not made
TED2 continued
**Stacy & Lynn will preview the 2 selected TED talks and formulate follow-up questions**
2 selected:
**Stacy to post flyer to WordPress**
Update on communications intern – Lynn reports that she will be in touch with Communications folks at CMC tomorrow 6/1 to get another intern to draw up plan for name change
Transitions Training Event in the Fall/2011
will require that we charge for event and hire a Transitions trainer
invite other area groups with similar interests
**All-visit and be curious about the TransitionLA website**
Respectfully Submitted,
TransitionSteering 5/17/11
Stacy Jill Lynn Karen
Treasurer’s Report: $114 including $46 from CollecTED Wisdom movie night donations
- Considering name change-‘Living JT’ vs. ‘Lifeboat JT’ Jill has settled on ‘Living’-no further discussion needed
- Adessa-intern working on timeline for name change-meetings and discussion of summer free from finals and summer school rendered moot following this meeting as Adessa resigned her assignment.
- Feedback from CollecTED Wisdom movie night:
selected movies were very well received
Moderately well attended altho’ Stacy was disappointed, perhaps 40 in attendance.
$5 recommended donation: was this perhaps an issue keeping numbers down?
check at AngelView to purchase a screen of our own-Douglas did not bring one for us-Travis used a sheet, last minute
still daylight outside, an issue despite hanging drapes
image on sheet was small-could be made larger by moving away from screen
**recommended that we preview the movies next time to have thoughtful questions ready and a facilitator Lynn or Stacy to provoke talk in audience**
4. Webinar-some confusion as this session was audio only-no video
next one will be 6/14-recommended that anyone interested call in individually
no reason to congregate for audio only-accessible by phone
topic: importance of Story in relation to points on the compass and organizing the way we oversee events
5. Plans for next CollecTED Wisdom 2
Date: June 12-6:30pm
Location: church fellowship hall (note-fellowship hall has no PA)
Josh (?) has PA he offered to loan
Raffle-Yes but not in flyers
Donation at the door-No
can project movies thru big screen TV or hang sheet over TV-will need to work out hardware issues to see if movies on Karen’s laptop can be seen on TV
Travis=go to guy to understand downloading selected movies to laptop
film selection-water theme as this event will incorporate aerators/shower heads and water audit instructions
meeting this Friday 5/20 to work up lesson plan for water audit Karen & Deb
**Stacy and Lynn co-moderate the discussion part-Karen provides general introduction**
**Jill working up flyer-look alike or similar-maybe different colors and emphasis on Pot Luck/FREE admission**
**Stacy poised to help Karen w/press release*
7. Finish work on Mission/Vision/Charter
June 7 3p.m. same day as regular Steering committee only earlier
Pot luck: assignments Jill-salad, Karen-dessert, Lynn-lasagna, Stacy-wine, Travis-pizza ½vegetarian
Stacy will facilitate
Consider at this meeting a firm date for Great Unleashing
Respectfully submitted
Approved – Jill
Transitions Steering 4/19/ 11
Stacy, Travis, Jill, Lynn, Minutes – Karen
Treasurer’s Report: $63.00
Meet and greet with Scott Wexler-founder of Keep Our Desert Clean, a 501.c.3 non-profit, formed in 2009
originally envisioned to be a collection service to pick up what might become illegally dumped trash
perhaps even someday becoming a pick up for hazardous household waste
Board of 3 including his wife (former Board member Jim Austin)
has solicited/made contact with local businesses and community groups
special relationship w/HVCC & Jim Harvey-has coordinated clean-ups in the HVCC/Landers/Yucca Mesa area including working w/SBCo taking hazardous waste-a “trash amnesty day” more than once-good track record w/County
would like to be self-funding for clean-ups including rental of Burrtec dumpsters
has applied for EPA grants-interest in other grant funding and connections to
locate grants and/or groups to work with
Discussion with Steering members about areas of overlap, how to eventually deal with “Trash” in the Transition Model e.g. tires and Goodyear Gardens-identifying common goals and mutual hot spots including grant writing and support of clean-up efforts.
Discussion of Stimulus money, EPA CARE grant, Environmental Justice Grant to fund possible contract w/Burrtec or contracts w/existing orgs. e.g. hospital, school district
Consensus after Scott leaves to invite him back to future Steering Committee mtgs.
Old Biz:
- Group photo-taken
- Update on CollecTED Wisdom – Travis-discussion of the videos selected and already downloaded-total time needs to be ~1 hour-with breaks following each video for audience participation and discussion-Stacy suggests redundancy to eliminate possibility of data on Travis’ laptop not being available-Also suggested and agreed that the Steering Committee be introduced at movie night
3. Update on getting rain catchment book back from Greg – Jill-book returned now in Karen’s possession
4. Update on joining MBCA – Jill-no yet accomplished
**5. Logo update – Jill-**Stacy to create document soliciting adjectives describing Transitions in order to incubate logo ideas for Jill**
6. Update on Webinars (location to watch?) – Jill at 11a.m. a room dark enough to watch could be the church, sanctuary or church hall with blinds closed-dates May 17th, June 14th and July 5th
7. Transition Handbook – Karen-purchased from Amazon used-in Jill’s hands temporarily
8. Finalize Charter/Vision/Mission (please all look over the related docs before the meeting) tabled again perhaps thru the summer months-heavy lifting is done-we’re down to refining and details-where the devil lives.
New Biz:
- Planning for next movie night – Karen-problem with 2012 content-does not include reference to Transition Model so perhaps we should have collecTED Wisdom2 depending upon turnout and success of collecTED Wisdom 1. TED talks supply enough Wisdom for many movie nights. Discussion also of Kogi movie as possible movie night. **June 7 set for collected viewing of Kogi movie as our Steering Committee meeting for that night**
- Transparency – keeping minutes updated on WordPress – Jill-**Travis will upload minutes to FB and WordPress
- **Intern Adessa Bigler to meet w/Stacy and Lynn in place of next Steering Committee mtg. Stacy to create document w/existing Vision statement to get her started on communications and name-change launch**NO MEETING 4/26
- Signage on tire garden-Jill reports the Food group is working on signs for the potato stacks at Ricochet
- Kay Kaufman-reporter for Desert Sun may be contacting us for report on Transitions and sustainability
Respectfully Submitted
Transition Steering 4/5/11
Jill as facilitator, Travis, Lynn, Karen
Treasurer’s Report: $52
Old Biz
Sustainable Post Cards-reference Lynn’s hand out from last week
Print in series w/ photos (local artists?) and our new logo-Jill working on
Suggested additional topics: Advice for Renters and Waste/No Waste (LNT)
Use also as marketing tool to announce new name, new FB, new blog&email
Green Biz update Travis
Nancy Karl, MDLT want to be onboard, support, helping
“Growing Wiser”-Travis’ incipient idea-may dovetail with Sr. housing proposed for YV
Harvey House-like architecture, rustic, solar powered, 75 low-income residents
using (committing) Redevelopment funds before they are retracted by State
Inner courtyard to be used for organic gardening
Planning process in YV town council being followed by Eric Mueller
Water Audit and aerator/shower head giveaway
Karen will consult with Deb Bollinger to complete program teaching:
How to calculate water saved as well as how to install
April Movie Night (may actually be in May)
Venue discussion: Tom O’Kea’s or Community Center or Methodist Church (Church available Tues. & Thurs.)
or behind Ricochet **Travis check with Tanja**
**Travis looking to string together TED talks instead of conventional movie**
discussion of 11th Hour-very depressing movie- 80% downer-WE’RE SCREWED
Webinar suggested that we not shy away from the difficult subjects
11th Hour ends with discussion of advances in sustainable uses
**Google calendar-everyone update your days away**
**Invite Scott Wexton to Steering Mtg. 4/19** Jill? Travis?
**Invite Tim DeLorey to Steering Mrg. 4/19** Karen
**Jill looking for connection to local Native Americas**
New Biz
Change date for Charter/Vision/Mission to 4/19
**JT Library-ask them to house Transition Library-Charlyn has already donated several books**Jill
Meet with CMC Communications intern RE: name change strategy 4/26
**Lynn extend invitation after meeting student**
**Look at and select a favorite Webinar to participate in LIVE next month**
See Jill’s post on FB page
Respectfully submitted
Transition Steering 3/29/11
Travis Jill Lynn Karen Stacy
Treasurer’s Report: $49
Old Biz
Debrief the PermaCulture event:
WE ALL LIKE DANIEL, A LOT! participants as well as all Steering Committee members
Attendance=38 what could have gone wrong that our attendance was so low?
Name ‘Intro to PermaCulture’ not evocative, or sexy. Design/engineering are dull subject material No pot luck. Venue, Community Center turns off people
Donation of $5 a problem for some tho’ we said anyone welcome
Good weather may have been an issue
only resolution to know is survey those who did not come
survey issue not resolved conclusively
Travis hatching idea to form support group “Friends of Transition”
use contacts to access high profile presenters and sustainers
Cell phone interruptions rude, announce at the beginning to turn off
Lighting-test at the beginning in a new venue for dimness, focus
Consider week nights to get more participation
Consider weather when scheduling events
Consider outdoors at Pappy’s for movie nights
Save Community Center for special events-increase recommended donation
for brining in someone special e.g.
**Get dates from Tom O’Kea for his venue for April and May**
Sustainability post cards
Lynn gave h/o for study
**tabled for further study**
Name change, consensus, finally: LIVING JOSHUA TREE
**develop strategy for announcing the name change-nest mtg.**
design newsletter to announce new name including photo of steering
**intern from marketing or communications dept. at CMC?** to help
Webinar/Pot Luck Thurs. Mar. 31 at Lynn’s
**bring camera, dress pretty, comb your hair for Steering Committee photo**
Constitution **tabled for next meeting**
Vision Statement
discussion RE: the need for 2 different Vision Statements
one for our constituents, one for those receiving grant req. from us
**refine vision statement at steering in 2 wks. 4/19**
New Biz
Database-some of our friends and followers are prepared to share their wisdom NOW
Discussion of how to facilitate their special interests and knowledge
Answer: this will be incorporated into our governance policy in the future-
right now-tell folks that we will use our email list to announce/promote for them
We are here to inspire people to do those things they are good at-bottom line
Missing Steering Committee Meetings
if a member is unable to attend, are the minutes helpful to get caught up?
consensus: yes
put your planned away-times on the Google calendar-Travis explained access
“Growing Wiser”
another hatchling from Travis-project to grow food locally for senior centers
possibly using Ethan’s land near the highway for garden (temporary)
not necessarily a ‘Food Group’ project-maybe bring in Barnraisers for their grow pods.
**Travis-rough out a proposal for Lynn including costs-added later: I (Karen) will be the first recipient of Barnraisers current pod iteration $400 for materials-labor donated-will keep Steering apprised of how this goes** (funds available for aid to seniors per Lynn)
MDLT Mindy may want to partner with us in future. Combine efforts on selected projects. TBD
Respectfully submitted
Transition Steering 3/22/11
Travis, Lynn, Stacy, Karen
Treasurer’s Report: $39
Old Biz
MBCA membership tabled until Jill present
Newsletter Update: Travis reviewed software sent by Stacy. “Easy” says Travis
$24~ per year options include 500 contacts, 52x/yr, 26,000 issues/yr.
1000 images via Flickr or…?
allows for comments and RSS feed
all of us could access and create
Stacy offers to purchase
**Travis directs Stacy to buy and set up with passwords/accounts**
Use for volunteers at PermaCulture event
since we will not be dispersing aerators
stage hands, door donation takers, handouts
Name change-considerable discussion
Stacy offers “Living Joshua Tree”
general consensus that this is a good name
Aerator/Water Audit
Deb has basic format, will re-work for our demographic
Green Biz also has water audit form to consider
**Karen will get with Deb to compile & develop program**
New Biz
MBCAC Hwy 62 Weekly Newsflash will publish our events in short press release form for no charge
for $10 our event poster will be published
deadline each week is Tues.
Teddy Quinn is editor
membership in MBCAC? discussed, no resolution
Mission and Vision statement
considerable discussion resulting in the following:
“Living Joshua Tree seeks to inspire and prepare the residents of our community for positive and sustainable action in response to energy, climate and economic changes.”
we had good discussion on the vision statement and decided to let our ideas incubate until the next meeting.
Respectfully Submitted
Transition Steering 3/15/11
Jill, Stacy, Travis, Lynn, Karen
Treasurer’s Report: $75 including a +$3 correction. Consensus on reimbursing Travis $40 for completing the amount required for insurance to negotiate the rental of the community center. New balance $35.
Old biz
**MBCA membership: all present give Jill cash to snail mail $10 to become members** (except Karen-already a member)
**(there is a membership application to consider, Jill)**
Food Group update-Jill will leave food group end of March-2 more meetings in 3 wks.
group working together and activities in general are going strong.
Deb Bollinger advised the group on irrigation during building and planting potato stacks.
Rhonda has overseen compost at Ricochet and says first bin is full and ready, begins second bin. Mid-April will see decision on disposition of compost.
Also last weekend, composter built at Methodist Church from pallets. Steve of Methodist congregation will be compost guru.
Next project (long term) will be documentary movie of food-growers in high desert. Marsu Wilde recommended to help in doc. movie.
Meetings and assigned tasks set thru Sept. 1.
Discuss Jennifer Thatcher joining food group.
Discuss required attendance of two food group meetings (consecutive?) before joining food group.
**Karen to call Tim to visit Steering Committee as possible member**
(Done. He will be in attendance 3/22 but cannot commit further now)
Discussion of inviting Scott Cutler.
Discussion of good Steering Committee candidates: consider political connections, strategic abilities, male (gender), diversity (ethnic)
Stacy sent newsletter template to Travis $20/yr license
All of us could share a login to help compose newsletter
**Travis-review templates and software for decision after name change**
Regional Council on Aging-report from Travis-presentation given last Friday 9:30
20 min. long, largest gathering of the Council
interest from those in audience RE: PermaCulture event 3/27
message to the audience, informally, experiences of the elders honored
Correction from earlier minutes: Steering Committee will have mtg. in early Apr. (5?) to discuss and be familiar with PP presentation material so message is unifies and we can all give the talk
**Lynn will compile list of groups to do presentations to** to include council of church leaders instead of delivering message to churches individually-also include Historical Society
This is different from the Transition Model public event which will be held in fall ’11
**new document-suggested by Stacy-decision list or timeline X-cel spreadsheet or calendar-create as a group here at Lynn’s?**
Aerators/Shower heads-update from Karen
**working with Deb who suggested this would be the perfect introduction to a general ‘Water Audit’-will flesh out lesson plan by 4/5/11mtg.-30 minutes also online version**
no distribution during PermaCulture event
**use for volunteers we have already lined up?**
**address adaptor needs and solutions by 4/5/11 mtg.** including visit to Jill’s to see her situation-getting Doug involved
discussion of personal responsibility and recruiting community members to help in their neighborhoods to install
New biz
Travis reviewed our group page and consolidated some discussions-recommends we all visit and refresh our memories of previous subjects in order to circle back to some interesting processes and get things cleaned up
Travis consolidated all agendas on one page
Indicate that a subject has been concluded with entry in the appropriate dialogue box
Create a WordPress blog
**Jill will begin blogging** this will capture our process for historical perspective
Travis demonstrated blog entry and dashboard
Rhonda would like to enter her process in the presentation on food
‘Parking lot’ document from our Visioning mtg.
mention our accomplishments in newsletter-it’s an impressive list and now a document
postcard of guiding principles, discussion of postcard of sustainability practices would be better
**Lynn will work on draft postcard of sustainability practices**
Name change will impact postcards
Logo will impact postcards
Transition Desert Summit
consensus: good idea event or festival type gathering for input, maturity and cross-pollination
**Jill will contact Transition Culver City**
Regional may already exists-needs research-including contacting other groups over the course of the summer
Discussion of Transition Laguna and city vs. desert-we are curious about who they are and what they are doing
summertime To-Do document created on the spot to include Open Space technology, webinars, strategic plan with timeline for outreach and awareness building
Posting “Please review this before next meeting” assurance that we will all comply
Stagger “Share” on FB when we have event so flyer does not show up in everyone’s newsfeed 4 times in a few minutes **Travis to develop stagger timeline/process**
**add to checklist for putting on event- requests to review & share**
**Jill to request ‘Texas Manual for Rainwater Catchment’ from Greg**
Finishing Vision/Mission/Constitution
online? in person? Stacy and Jill requested small changes & definitions
**Karen to look at Constitution and visit with Stacy to learn software**
Draft release after we all read for maturity of content
Timeline for finishing:
3/22 (Jill gone) Mission/Vision completion
3/29 **MEETING BEGINS AT 4P.M.** Constitution completion and final name change
early meeting ending in time for Mythology Roundtable
3/31 Special Meeting for Webinar review on Working Groups-pot luck-5p.m.
4/5 Review of PP presentation
Respectfully Submitted
Transitions Steering 3/7/11
Present: Jill, Travis, Stacy, Karen
Treasurer’s Report: $67
Old biz
Food Group Update: Jill reporting, Deb Bollinger asked to be on the Food Group-vote by the Food group was unanimous thus she is no longer on the Water Group and the question about the existence of a Water Group remains unanswered.
**invite Tim and/or Thomas to Steering group to investigate this question further**
(Thomas is Barnraiser and unlikely available for Tuesday Steering which begins next mtg.)
Sunday Mar. 13 is Food Group work day: Ricochet Gourmet will be location for Goodyear Gardens for potatoes, watering, splitting off existing water line and perhaps creating a misting system have all be addressed with John, landlord and Gary, neighbor. Signage should say, “Transitions JT EXPERIMENTAL Garden” as we don’t know how this will work.
Also Sunday Mar. 13 Food Group will install another composter at the Methodist Church.
Newsletter preview and e-blast have been sent out. Press release for PermaCulture meeting 3/27 has not yet gone out.
**Stacy to send Travis info on newsletter template/software/services for Mac**
**Newsletter in final form should go out 3/16. Travis is aiming for this date.**
Portrait of Steering Committee for newsletter is problematic. Next meeting on 3/15, proposed portrait date, Jill will not be present.
**get photo of potato stacks for newsletter**
**another e-blast reminder of PermaCulture 3/24 recommended**
**Jill to begin creating checklist document on ‘How to Produce a TJT event’
to include when in sequence is best to send out Press release
when to send out FB notice
create a draft version of notices to get re-used
PermaCulture loose ends
we have 3 volunteers to help at desks/tables/administration chores
**find/bring spotlight to have on speaker as he speaks in the darkened room**
**Karen working on short talk RE: aerators/shower heads-maybe get Doug to help with plumbing info/demo**
**have sign-in at donations desk to collect more emails**
**Travis will bring ‘Suggestions’ box**
**Stacy will purchase ‘DONATIONS’ box to be reimbursed**
Transition Town initiatives without TRANSITION in their names-Travis found there are 4 such official Towns-only one, Sustainable Monterrey, replied to his inquiry. They report is does not create any problems for them.
Webinars **Jill will keep an eye out for appropriate webinars for us to watch together.
Suggestion that we watch already-posted webinars together. Stacy can provide venue and large screen and connection to internet.
**date for watching ‘Working Groups’ webinar to be set during 3/15 meeting**
MBCA membership
Catherine wanted to know if we were members. Karen is current member. Consensus that we all be members. **as TJT or individually?**
next MBCA mtg. 3/10 at 4p.m. at Center for Life in YV
Name Change: consensus is to change from Transition to ?. Jill created a document suggesting new names. Consider **ballot** at PermaCulture meeting to ask membership?
New biz
We’ve got a Constitution-now what?
Vision and Mission statements will take a second look at special mtg. lasting 1½-2hrs.
These documents are our blueprint for people to get engaged.
**Following working-group webinar, set date to finalize the documents and develop Communications plan for releasing the documents to sub-group and public tentatively set for 3/29, final Steering Committee in March, 5p.m.**
**Travis will study ‘Open Space’ format with thoughts toward Great Unleashing-report back**
Strategic To Do List-what do we want to accomplish before the Great Unleashing?
June, July, August no public events?
October event: educate public on Transition US model-our Anniversary Event
Consider/research hiring a Transition speaker for Oct?
lots of networking between now and then-consensus, this is our focus now
lots of presentations: MBCA, MAC, BasinWide, DarkSkies, Church & Youth grps.
George? Sorry Travis, I missed this one
**Workshop with Steering on content of presentations early April** what is the message?
**MBCA presentation in late April?**
Movie nights to keep awareness up
April **owned by Travis** in the community center
May **owned by Karen** perhaps at the Lake venue
June **owned by Stacy**
3 months-Polling-sorry guys, that’s all I wrote and it doesn’t make any sense to me now
Regional Council on Aging-presentation 3/11 9:30 by Travis
Travis already sent press release
Message can contain-from Step 10 of the Transition Model-Honor the Elders also education on what a smaller carbon footprint looks like
Firefox books
Travis needing support-to run presentation past one member of Steering-call Karen on Wed. p.m.
We all Signed Thank You cards to members of public who have contributed to various Transition project. Jill will mail them.
Respectfully submitted
Transition Steering 2/28/11
Present: Travis=facilitator, Stacy, Jill, Karen=minutes and Gregory
Steering Committee met in Closed Session to discuss personnel matter.
Report from Closed Session: Gregory submitted and the Steering Committee accepted his resignation from the Transitions organization. Text of his resignation letter:
Feb. 27, 2011
Joshua Tree
Please let this letter be my resignation from the steering committee. I would like to thank you all for the opportunity to be a part of this group and to work with you on presenting the Transition movement to the community of Joshua Tree.
I wish you al the greatest success in moving forward with this project.
Gregory Glenn
Open Session
Treasurer’s Report: $63
Old biz
Visioning/Mission meeting this Wed. Feb 2. Stacy passes out h/o containing summary of day’s activities in timeline fashion
Keane document a good example of simple, plain words
**Travis to review Keane document**
**Travis to research Transition Towns that do not use the word ‘Transition’ with reference to our possible name change-discussion next Monday-not this Wed.**
Laguna Transitions site good resource
New biz
Jill pulls up new flyer for PermaCulture gathering-discussion of content, arrangement, colors. Jill to make changes and send to Travis for final
Daniel Francis avail for private consult but amount of content in our e-blast to be reduced
FB image change. Keeping our face to the community fresh
Upcoming newsletter to contain portrait of Steering Committee. Photo op at Vision/Mission mtg.-discussion of differing newsletter software and options that affords.
**Travis to send FB announcement to our FB followers of PermaCulture mtg.**
Aerators and shower heads-**Karen to develop talk to assist those receiving how to install and how much water can be saved.**
**Travis to ask for volunteers to track destination communities of water-saving devices**
**Jill will go listen to new PA at Community Center**
Recognition to Katie in newsletter *Jill to follow up and recognize others?***Jill to research becoming participants in online trainings/webinars thru Transitions.**
Respectfully submitted
Karen Tracy
minutes approved:
TransitionSteering 2/14/11
Present: Travis=facilitator, Stacy, Gregory, Karen=minutes and Jill
guests: Eden and Anda from Cultural Recyclists and
Valerie, Gabriel and Samit from Soncco Wasi
(Eden and Anda are touring US visiting Transition Towns and have
visited 3 others so far: State College PA, Pittsburg PA, and Portland OR)
HAPPY VALENTINE’S DAY to everyone from facilitator Travis
Treasurer’s Report: $59
Old Biz
Food Group update from Jill
-work day 2/13/11 very productive-composter at Ricochet ready
-P4P made first donation of compostable material
-Food group members are on board with upkeep schedules for
mulching, turning, watering and getting potato stacks planted
-Building day for Methodist Church composter 3/13 to be followed by
demonstration day for Rev. Reese’s parishioners
-Rev. Reese responsible for collecting tools for upkeep at church
**-permanent plaque to be placed at Church composter to credit TJT**
Janet T. owns next Food Group project-a documentary video of peeps in
High Dez growing food
**Travis recommends contact Marsu Wilde to follow-thru with video proj.**
Water Group update from Gregory
-H₂0 group meeting 2/13/11 to discuss conservation efforts in conjunction with
JBWD-measures might include funding, catchment and grey water
-members of H₂0 Deb Bollinger, Tim DeLorey, Thomas Fj.
-Bob Yeager and Kerri Tuttle mentioned as possible members but not available
for yesterday’s meeting
-suggestion of Deb Bollinger taking lead of H₂0 group-she says ‘maybe’
-progress made on a general policy of H₂0 use in JT
-H₂0 personnel not dedicated to TJT but more to conservation in general and
working with JBWD
-Travis suggests they keep meticulous records of their dealing with District and progress on developing water policy
-Gregory going on District tour
Movie Night update from Gregory
-movie night changed from Sunday to Saturday due to room availability
-press release and flyer changes have been made, will be posted for approval
**release by Travis to media on Wed.**
-11th Hour is movie selection-available from Netflix
-Max Laguna movie suggestions coming?
**still need to line up a screen-bed sheet?**
projector ‘good to go’ per Jill
Steering Committee membership discussion
-Katie Shaw says she is interested.
**-invite her to meeting on 2/28**
-Katie supplied a check for the ins. to rent the Community Center-delivered to Jill
JTGB and NPCA update from Travis
-Travis began contacting local biz today RE: Green Business program from
National Parks Conservation Association & Seth Shtier(sp?)
-began with Natural Sisters talking to Christy
-Travis described protocol including a pledge, list of measures and window sticker for successful completion of program
-measures are ‘already done’ ‘easily done’ and ‘not so easily done’
-building owner vs. biz. owner need to be involved in more difficult measures
for cost sharing where appropriate
-each contact will generate a folder indicating all work done at a site
-folders go thru Seth’s hands-remain with Seth? till spreadsheet created?
-P4P will be next biz
-to Christy’s great relief, Travis will be re-visiting and helping and delivering
the aerators
**Travis to create a .doc for our site detailing projects and needs**
**Travis to facilitate 1hr. visit?**
Gregory leaving H₂0 group
**still unclear-table this as well as discussion of Laguna**
New Biz
Rev. Reese joining Steering Committee contingent upon changing the day of week
-discussion of different days -consensus on Thurs. at 5p.m. so once per month
someone can be available to go to 7p.m. MAC meeting (3rd Thurs.)
-Steering C. to change days after Spring Break 3/17 will welcome Rev. Reese
**Power Point presentations and Organizations to present to**
-tabled for future discussion
New Name for TJT-what does this entail?
-some concern as to confusion with TRANSMISSION
-discussion of pro & con of changing
-lack of consensus Stacy wants change Gregory states eloquent reasons to ‘make the problem the solution’
**tabled to Visioning meeting**
**pro/con document for our group page to study**
**Travis to contact Thorn Rob Campbell in Tucson**
Scott Wexton from Keep Our Deserts
-discussion of inviting him as community outreach
-his org may be 501.c.3
**Travis to invite him to next Monday** have him tell us about his org
-consider possible synergy in formation of Waste sub-group and umbrella non-
profit status
40 Person event on Croatian PermaCulture Project at Paula’s dome
-Igor Drandic visiting from Croatia where he runs PermaCulture village
-he wants to do presentations/Paula has offered he Dome-holds 40 max.
**Travis owns deciding on a date and emailing to our gmail account**
-first 40 may attend at $3 per person
-funds to be dispersed $1 to Travis to reimburse him for donating to Community Center ins. for -$1 to Igor and $1 to Paula. Any Travis-designated proceeds taken in excess of $40 reimbursement to Travis will go to Transition kitty (JG revision).
-discussion of a second showing to 40 more peeps-Karen will stand by to facilitate and oversee
Stacy and Gregory asked to please be on time for meetings
**Booth on Earth Day-tabled**
FB issue- instructions from Travis on editing settings
**Laguna Transition-tabled**
Respectfully submitted
Karen Tracy
Steering Committee 2/7/11
Present: Jill=facilitator, Stacy, Travis, Karen=minutes, Greg
Treasurer’s Report: $53
Old Biz:
-Update from Jill on use of the Community Center
More expensive than previous estimates as we need to pay for the opportunity to ask for donations which raises the hourly fee to $30 and bumps us into “Group B” which requires a $200 refundable deposit minus cleaning fee
March 27 is reserved for us
Consensus from group following discussion that we need to get 1 year ins. for a total of 500 people and upgrade if we have more people throughout the year than 500.
Insurance donated from K.S. and deposit mostly refunded leaves us with an outstanding obligation of $123. We will probably recover this easily with $3 donation requested at the door.
-Update from Gregory on Movie Night
JTRC recommended, inexpensive $1/person, Fellowship Hall has chairs, but tables are more problematic. This is going to be a pot luck so we will need to locate tables.
Discuss moving the date to 2/27 so we have 3 weeks to promote.
Gregory has press release and flyer ready to insert venue and new date
Discussion of choice of movies. 11th Hour 1st choice after many considerations
We will approve the press release and flyer before they go out
-Tabled from last week – Movie night, independent from our big public events,
Greg’s idea, additional to our monthly meeting-Travis not in consensus.
Discussion of strategy: events are motivational, they raise awareness
More events=more people involved
Tabled again for warm weather/outdoor movie nights to attract people
-Update from Gregory on Ramon meeting-
Ramon says come anytime w/1day notice-perhaps just prior to movie night?
Discussion of who’s to attend-water sub-group invited also steering committe
-Update from Karen on aerators and shower heads
We have 100 aerators and low-flow shower heads from JBWD and AWAC
Distribution for these and the 30 aerators from before will be tracked by community-e.g. how many to JT, 29, etc
Calculating water saved and installation instruction will be part of Gregory’s talk at movie night
-Update from Travis on “Green Business” Project-no report-no action taken yet
-Update on Compost project (both Ricochet and Methodist Church)
Jill-compost donations have come in including cash and straw
JT restaurants will be involved and responsible with Food Group up to an end point-after that it will find its own feet and become a biz or be moved or….?
Way Station involvement? they have a kitchen and lots of helpers
Methodist Church compost project-Douglas collecting salvage to build
Rev. Reese and Food group also owning this-still to work out exactly where
Discussion of Barn Raisers and renting space at Bargain Alley-future composting?
-Discussion on Vision and Mission Statement research by Jill and Travis (please look over the links I posted to Transition Tucson)
Sustainable Tucson one model-look at Laguna also-look at TransitionUS also
come to Vision/Charter meeting prepared with your best vision for the future
New date: Wed. Mar. 2 11:00-4:00 perhaps at Travis’
-Continued discussion on members of Steering being working group members as well.
Steering Committee are ill-advised to participate in Working-Sub-Groups!
this per Jill as we examine our progress in generating leaders and advancing
community awareness
to an extent that we can now perceive in hindsight we have become bogged down in projects at the expense of working diligently toward “Great Unleashing” …with that in mind:
Suggestion to make April public event “Get Familiar with TransitionUS Model”,
2 to 3 weeks after PermaCulture meeting in Mar.
Greg on Steering Committee and Water Sub Group-problematic as he must work with water group to coalesce and establish a goal/timeline before he can step down or resign from Steering?
*****Jill added this to minutes: Consensus reached that Steering Group members will not be on Working Groups. Greg will report in next meeting on his timeline for stepping down from water group.
New Biz:
-MONEY. Are we ready to plan an explicit fund raising event before summer kicks in? Do we need to be under a non profit umbrella before we can do this?
Need Mission/Vision in place to make these decisions
-Will someone own thorough research on what local organization might be willing to umbrella us? My talk with Barnett.
See #1 above
-Consensus on inviting Rev. Reese to join Steering Group?
Yes. Jill will invite her. We also discussed adding more to Steering Committee- who? talents sought: event producer, long-standing community members, those with biz connections, attorney-Rev. Reese also may be able to facilitate us as we navigate writing Mission/Vision as she knows these waters
Stacy offered to facilitate something in exchange for Rev. Reese or others in community needing this service
-Do we need to appoint a Secretary?
Yes. Karen. Also a permanent Facilitator=Travis
Steering Committee still wants to get together socially but unable to come up with a date everyone is available
Respectfully submitted