Meeting Minutes 1/2012 – current

IG Minutes 11.19.13


Date: 11/19/13

Place: Janet’s

Those Present: Janet, Jill, Stacy, Karen

Facilitator: Janet

Minutes Taker: Karen

Treasurer: Janet

Time Keeper:

Treasurer’s Report: $148.11 following today’s contributions and a payout of $100 to Stacy for Newsletter printing

Approval of Last Minutes: Yes. Post to website

Yes or No-



Action Items To Be Completed Before Next Meeting:

Stacy-Create letterhead

Jill-check website for outdated items-this is discussed with questions below

Jill-Locate information on Austin water district supporting rain barrel purchases-send info to Tim

Jill-12 posts to website 1/month

Janet-get Food Group treasury from Spyder

Janet-send dij file to Karen of Home Depot letter

All-examine website for areas to cleanup

Karen-FB docs files-scrub

Stacy-collate list of projects for new CCouncil


Decisions Made:


Working Groups’ and Project Groups’ Reports:


Old Foodies-Spyder has Treasury to return to IG-Janet’s Action Item-Spyder’s actions with JTES dietician were not on behalf of TJT-another Janet Action Item


Water-no report


H&S – no report


Permies-Revamped swale at Kathy/Eva’s-no members available for CC election-Tim will own next project at Buck’s trailer rentals-next drylands permaculture lecture short discussion – it will be followed by a workshop with in 2 weeks/month-hands on learning for those in attendance


IC/Restructuring – Debrief of meeting on Sunday – short discussion


Old Biz

  1. Dietician & JTES gardening project- ongoing
  2. Letter to Home Depot-needs to go thru David-Janet’s Action item-send file to Karen
  3. IC/Restructuring discussed under project team above
  4. Karen’s report of trip to LA-incomplete


New Biz:


Updating website-begins with Jill changing ‘working group’ to ‘transition teams’

IC/Buckaroos talked about user friendly website-possible solution a “blog post” for each Team which they can write and post without help-blog ownership with author photo


List of ideas-projects not yet executed for CCouncil:

  1. Fall harvest carnival in Art Queen showcasing local sustainable vendors, crafts, businesses, educational items, plant swap
  2. TJT Powerpoint for regional outreach
  3. Give THT FB access to CCouncil
  4. Training on Workpress
  5. Banner research
  6. Recommend format for Blogs
  7. Newsletter
  8. Regional outreach – Transition US may have funding available for something like: Southern California Regional Networking
  9. Strategic Planning workshop


IG Minutes 11/9/13

Date: 11/9/13

Place: Janet’s

Those Present: Janet, Stacy, Jill, Karen        

Facilitator: Janet

Minutes Taker: Karen

Treasurer: Janet

Time Keeper:

Treasurer’s Report: ~$240 (approx… to be updated)

Approval of Last Minutes: discussion of last meeting minutes prior to hiatus

Yes or No- tbd

Comments: discussion of last meeting minute’s prior to hiatus-attempt to locate online but as a group unable to be certain of last minutes’ status


Action Items To Be Completed Before Next Meeting:

Janet-count Treasury and report out accurate amount

Jill-locate information on Austin water district supporting rain barrel purchases

Stacy-create letterhead

Who? -IC needs to be alerted to Banner & spending treasury on Banner-assure that this is on Nov. 17th meeting- Karen sent email to Susan 11/16/13

Jill-check website for dated material

Janet-determine actual dispersal of old Food Group funds for tracking and archival info.

Janet- needs to be underscored to [teacher] that Spyder was not representing TJT via Beth

Jill-12 postings to website RE: PermaCulture

Decisions Made:


Working Groups’ and Project Groups’ Reports:


Food-Janet-3 members (may add Stephanie and Jay) meet to discuss food that grows well in the desert and how to prepare-millet naturalizes here-desert’s grain-kumquats like to grow here- revelations like this may lead to a number of projects e.g. a cookbook, a presentation by Tim on mesquite, locovore feast as gift to Permies Team, soup swap, Discussion of structural additions of Transition overlaying the Food Group-not now per Janet hence this is not a formal Transition group, yet. Discussion on previous Food Group funds and how they were dispersed.

Water– Jill-New AIM statement complete-includes Permaculture-Water Group working with Climate Reality (Al Gore’s Group) most recent meeting, Jill has not yet received minutes, no further report


Permie Design Team-extensive work on project at Kathy/Eva’s developing rainwater harvesting swale-efforts may turn to becoming a TJT working group in the coming year after a workshop in January on completion of the project.


H&S-Karen- meeting last week had 2 new members and Bernard Skyped in-also Steve F. brought a guest-meetings moved to 1st and 3rd Tuesdays-ongoing new members and recruiting efforts discussed with possible email to all TJT list inviting them to join-Facilitation Workshop to be planned-workshop tabled till Nov. 19 meeting-Developmental segment led by Eva on Non-Violent Communication


Old Biz


Mary Beth’s email regarding school nutrition- Discussion of Spyder’s involvement with school teacher – needs to be underscored to that teacher: Spyder was not representing TJT


New Biz:

Letter to Home Depot RE: Henry Pratt-letter written from Permie Team but needs logo-Stacy to design letterhead

Jill and Susan’s talk to Idyllwild regional outreach-regularly meeting mountain group of 40 people in Ilyllwild library “It Is What It Is” working name-perhaps interested in becoming Mullers or beginning a Transition Initiative-Stacy notes that this type of regional outreach fulfills an objective of our Strategic Planning-there is a need along these lines to develop a PowerPoint on TJT accomplishments-no action item designated here-how does this not get lost in the shuffle?

Restructuring Developments-Buckaroos are working out the details-meeting this coming Sunday at Susan’s

Recap of IC meeting-IG responsibilities until new core elected discussed-Stacy willing to stay on for IT management but discussion includes grant money to pay for position (to Stacy or her successor)


Karen’s meeting with Rob Hopkins-tabled-stand by for written report to be posted to TJT website


Parking Lot


Great Unleashing-now the domain of the new governance structure

Transfer of Permaculture lecture to website-delete-this will not happen-12 posts to website will happen instead


MBCA collaboration-ongoing-Stacy point person-with emphasis on Desert Wise Landscape Tour and the Permaculture sites for that Tour


Penelope Sitter property-possible visit by IG- progress slow but connections are established


Janet to work with Spyder’s photos when they arrive-Janet connecting with Spyder about her broken computer and getting photos forwarded to her for TJT website post-this maybe needs to go back on to the Action Items list?

IG Minutes 7.8.13

 Date: July 8, 2013

Place: Janet

Those Present:

Facilitator: Janet

Minutes Taker: Karen

Treasurer: Janet

Time Keeper:

Treasurer’s Report: +$18 today $487 total

Approval of Last Minutes:

Yes or No- Yes

Comments: . Post


Action Items To Be Completed Before Next Meeting:

Stacy – Get graphic from Strategic Plan and goals met.

Jill – Check website for dated material.

Jill-secure date of Solar Oven workshop before hiatus

Stacy-send Karen rain barrel information?

Jill-contact Susan for logo PR information

Jill-ask Tim to generate quote RE: logo

Stacy & Janet-connect on banner info.

Stacy & Karen-body mapping photos

Decisions Made:

Hiatus begins now

 Working Groups’ and Project Groups’ Reports:

Water-Jill-ongoing AIM statement-vetting Kassie for climate talk-

H&S-flyer kerfuffle RE: OM circle – needs to go out now

Permaculture Design Team-working on how to generate site map for project at Kathy and Eva’s-3rd Drylands  PermaCulture lecture to be follow by hands on workshop-Nicholas set to lead Solar Oven workshop this summer or Fall-get the date before Jill leaves town

Restructuring Group – Jill-point person to Eva then Susan but during hiatus will be Janet

 Project Bobcat- Karen- Approps on Aug. 12-break until then.

 JBWD-topics of study submitted to IRWMP to include stormwater catchment and other control of water loss measures-Director Coate resigns in pursuit of Gen. Manager job-candidate search begins-SCE outage July 10 can result in increase pumping fees without intervention


Old Biz

Status of Logo Contest-long discussion of finishing up logo contest-logo requirements and money to Martin-Jill write PR piece with infor from Susan

Banner – Oasis v. Wanda quotes – investigation of material. Oasis is less expensive- material is quality- can include logo w/ no extra charge about $80-design for re-use including working group name and wind slits 8’ x 3’

 Sun Oven Workshop – status Make Your Own-not portable-Nicholas to teach-tjt Permie Team will handle

New Biz:

Bodymapping  slide show on H&S-Karen and Stacy will meet on this


IRWMP Press Release- not a Press Release topic-needs re-write as Soap Box article-Karen and help from Stacy

Gasland II looking for sponsor in JT-Water Group?

 Mary Beth’s email RE: nutrition-needs teacher onboard-Spyder or Rhonda to help?

TJT not able to take this on right now

 Hiatus-now till 9//15

IG Minutes June 27, 2013

Date: 27June2013
Place: Janet’s
Those Present: 
Facilitator: Janet
Minutes Taker: Karen
Treasurer: Janet
Time Keeper:
Treasurer’s Report: $17 today $469 
Approval of Last Minutes: Yes. Post to web
Yes or No- 

Action Items To Be Completed Before Next Meeting:
Janet – Await photos from Spyder when she fixes her computer
Karen – Take and submit pix of body-mapping for Stacy.
Jill – Check website for dated material.
Jill-talk with Susa RE: log contest status
Karen-IRWMP JBWD storm water catchment press release
Janet-sned IG functioning docs to Eva
Stacy-get graphic from Strat plan & goals met
Janet-investigate banner material-logo on banner?

Working Groups’ and Project Groups’ Reports:
Water-Jill-working on AIM-possible group name change
Heart&Soul-Karen-Bodymapping and planning of OM circle
Project Bobcat-Karen-3rd trip to Sac.-AB1213 out of committee 
PermaCuture team-Jill-visited Kathy & Eva’s –plan forthcoming-acacia guild and plot mat
JBWD-Karen-report on IRWMP-JBWD may propose stormwater catchment-Oct.18 2014 2:00pm USGS workshop on aquifers

Old Biz
1. 6/23 Pizza Party led by IG re TUS Crossover Webinar – Review –goal met-team formed
2. Status of Logo Contest – new deadline working on old name
3. Proposed donation of 5 acres from Penelope Sitter-found her –contacted her- IG may visit in Fall
4. Strategic Plan Revised-all changes are posted online 
5. Banner-Oasis quotes vs. Wanda quote-Janet investigate material

New Biz:
1. Gay Pride Event – Review-Great event-good exposure with Thomas

2. Homestead Fair Event – Review-good event-well attended-lots of interesting projects

3. Sun Oven workshop-Nicholas onboard to show how to build your own-not portable-working with PermaCulture Team

IG Minutes 10June2013

Date: 10June2013

Place: Janet’s

Those Present: Karen, Janet, Jill, Stacy

Check In

Announcements and appreciations – 1 minute each

Facilitator: Janet

Minutes Taker: Karen

Treasurer: Janet

Time Keeper:

Treasurer’s Report: collected today $19 for a total of $547

Approval of Last Minutes:

Yes or No- Yes

Comments: short from Jill on just a couple of topics

 Action Items To Be Completed Before Next Meeting:

Janet – Await photos from Spyder when she fixes her computer

Jill – Locate phone number for Penelope Sitter

Janet-track elementary school garden items (4)

Karen-bring tables to Jill’s pizza party

Karen-take and submit pix of body-mapping for Stacy

Karen-send Working Groups toolkit to Susan for possible use in new member H&S kit

Janet-get estimates from Oasis and signs by Wanda for banner

            Include tag in italics sans serif

Stacy-post PermaCulture tag-line on web site

Jill-check web site for dated material

Jill-ask Eva and Kathy to facilitate pizza party

Karen-post pix of CalEarth to web

Karen-take goals and orientation back to H&S

Stacy- re-write of strategic plan with how goals were met in graphic form for hand out at pizza party

 Working Groups’ and Project Groups’ Reports:

Working Groups:  3 min ea

Water:  Jill-most recent meeting held at Bernard’s as he won the lottery-discussion of new water catchment-all Transition invited to Cassie Siegal talk 7/9-planning solar cook-off at Benson Realty-endorsement of rain gauges for all collecting rainwater for calibrating how many gallons is captured by comparison to rainfall-continuing to re-write AIM statement


Food:  Janet (re new location of School Garden) Janet tasked with tracking the School Garden-JT El owns the materials from their grant money-Deb in the loop to track and work it back into curriculum

 Heart & Soul:  Karen-Body-mapping exercise lots of fun and revealing-to be continued at next meeting-E-Blast taking input for compiling 1st issue-database compilation by Steve F. of resources owned by all for loaning/sharing-new member kit for those who want to join an idea taken on by Susan and Bernard-H&S has one new member TamiWood Karen tasked with sending Working Groups Toolkit to Susan and Bernard

Project Teams:  3 mins ea (Name Change and Permaculture)

PermaCulture Team meets this week at Eva and Kathy’s-site of first demo

Name Change on today’s agenda-See below

 Other reports:  3 min ea. (Bobcat)

Bobcat bill goes to Senate subcommittee June 25. Showing up is encouraged

 Karen:  JBWD report:  3-5 mins

Report on Desert Wise Landscape Tour, school conservation program, greywater rules (still need tweaking-Deb B.) Tank Art taken on by new artist in town with experience-Consumer Confidence Report will be in July bill – electronic waste disposal co-sponsor w/ CofC Sept. 7 in their parking lot-big topic at JBWD is replacing Joe-Susan will be temp. Gen. Manager


Old Biz

  1. 6/23 Pizza Party led by IG re TUS Crossover Webinar – Updates on various possible sites (Methodist     Church, J-Topia, BKB Ceramics, D.Bollinger’s House, Sacred Sands)Jill will be hosting pizza party(?) Jill-ask Eva and Kathy to facilitate-goal will be to make sure all are engaged and empowered to contact other Transition Towns for guidance and a Project Team emerges which can make recommendations to next Working Groups meeting
  2. Status of Logo Contest – Name Change Controversy logo artists have change to re-work their submissions-name will not be changed for the time being
  1. Tour of CalEarth – Review of tour and Future Possible Connection with Permaculture very good turn-out-overtures to connect over PermaCulture successful-Karen to post pictures
  2. Allocation of Food Group money – JT’s Conversation with Deb Bollinger re School Gardens; status of School Garden dismantling-see above
  3. PowerPoint to iMovie conversion of Jill’s talk-Jill has begun work on it
  4. Westchester 6/22 Workshop – Stacy to promote-done
  5. Proposed donation of 5 acres from Penelope Sitter-Jill will continue to look for Penelope Sitter

New Biz:

  1. Revisit Strategic Plan goals-Long discussion of goals and how we’re doing-discussion moved on to doing video interviews for FB and web page-re-write of strategic plan with how goals were met in graphic form for hand out at pizza party

        2.$20 given to Methodist Church? Reimbursement?-Yes. Done. Jill writes receipt for payment from our Treasury

        3. 6/9 Lunch with Maggie Fleming-very interesting and engaging lunch date-note to planners-do not try to accomplish anything at Crossroads-she will stay engaged to help us locate similar groups who have made Crossover including locating the link to how Sebastopol did it


IG Minutes28May2013

Date: 5/28/13

Place: Janet’s

Those Present: Janet, Jill, Stacy, Karen

Facilitator: Janet

Minutes Taker: Karen

Treasurer: Janet

Time Keeper:Stacy

Treasurer’s Report: $43 from PermaCultureII, $20 from today, Total: $528

Approval of Last Minutes:

Yes or No- Yes, post to website


Action Items To Be Completed Before Next Meeting:

Janet: Obtain photos from Spyder when her computer working

Janet: Visit BKB Ceramics, introduce self and look to use of yard as TJT venue

Stacy: Change FB photo atop TJT FBpage

Jill: ask advisors about name change controversy – ask Tim and Eva who has issues

Stacy: Check on Sacred Sands as venue for pizza party

Janet: ask Deb about use of her back room for pizza party

Jill: check on availability of Methodist church for pizza party

Janet: ask Eric Q about wifi at J-Topia

Jill: begin transfer of PermaCulture lecture to website via iMovie

Stacy: promote to public Westchester workshop 6/22

Jill: locate phone number for Penelope Sitter

Decisions Made:

Jill “owns” pizza party event

Working Groups’ and Project Groups’ Reports:

Water-Jill-aware of and interested to be involved in MBCA Desert Wise Landscape Tour with a PermaCulture site- Rain catchment investigations continue with gauges at catchment sites, to be installed-Booth at JTMF-discussion of Solar Oven Cook-Off-Cassie Siegal Climate speaker at future meeting

Food-Janet-final Food group meeting held $275 in kitty-dipersal to include possible composter for Spyder’s work at JT El-6/10 moving day for garden materials from old elementary school-new school does not have a teacher involved in TJT gardening

H&S-Karen-no report until after this Thurs. body mapping by Bernard

Name Change project-Discussion of name change again. Need to consult with advisors about further involvement of working groups in decision making-Stacy asked Susan about extending deadline of 6/1 – Jill, after conferring with Eva, Tim, Lynn to look into poll on FB(?)

PermaCulture Team– Eva/Kathy’s to be first template trial- assessment for possible workshop- discussion of how to segue to working group

JBWD-Karen- Joe’s replacement is top item of discussion-architects hired to come up with concept for space use at District-meters will now be installed on Ellis property

ProjectBobcat– bill AB1213 is out of committees and on the Assembly floor. will get vote this week. If passed will go to Senate for committees and floor vote


Old Biz

PermaC.II5/16 review- went very well 60+ peeps, some repeats-with a few revisions lecture will be ready for another presentation along with Advanced PermaCulture-also aiming for Social PermaCulture lecture-same PermaCulture principles

Pizza Party-venue is the issue-must have wifi for TransitionUS webinar-Jill owns-possible sites: Deb B’s-Janet will ask, Sacred Sands-Stacy will ask, Methodist Church-Jill will ask, BKB Pottery-Janet will ask

Cal Earth Tour- 6/1 20 peeps?- meet at Food 4 Less at 8am

MBCA Collaboration-idea has been floated-on everyone’s radar-ball is in our court to move this forward-move to Parking Lot

Desert Sun reporter-this is 2nd time she did not show up to a TransitionJT event

PowerPoint to iMovie conversion of Jill’s talk-should be a conversion tool-Jill will begin work

New Biz:

Request from Eric Q to assist with J-Topia clean-up. Discussion. Janet will investigate and ask questions about installing wifi

Westchester workshop 22nd TJT interest in IG. Stacy to promote to public

Penelope Sitter-wants to donate 5 acres-Jill to locate phone number and IG will go look at land

Next Agenda: revisit Strat. Plan goals

IG Minutes 5_14_13

Date: 14May2013

Place: Janet’s

Those Present: Janet, Jill, Karen, Stacy

Facilitator: Janet

Minutes Taker: Karen

Treasurer: Janet

Time Keeper: Stacy

Treasurer’s Report: $465

Approval of Last Minutes:

Yes or No- Yes. Post last minutes

Comments: none

Action Items To Be Completed Before Next Meeting:

Janet-obtain photos from Spyder

Stacy-encourage local artist’s to enter logo contest-press release?

Jill-send out webinar link after DRAFT invite to Working Groups Crossover approved

Stacy-send jpeg of Cal Earth to Jill

ALL – go to view BK ceramics

Stacy-send Desert Sun link to Jill’s work

Decisions Made:

Move ‘Agenda Review’ to follow ‘Action Items’ so Report Outs go to Old Biz

Final meeting of Food Group needs to occur for closure and decision of $

Working Groups’ and Project Groups’ Reports:

Water –Jill- group busy re-writing AIM-Mission statement-2 factions working things out Permaculturists and Conservationists

Heart&Soul-Karen- review of conflict resolution outline as procedure for learning the task-further development of Group Norms led by Eva and Kathy

­Name Change– Stacy -loss of momentum discussed- Stacy to craft press release inviting logos and participants in contest

Permaculture Design Team-Jill-14 principles determined-time banking discussion tabled-Kathy&Eva’s will be template design first trial-possible inclusion in MBCA Desert Wise Landscape Tour

JBWD-Karen-Rate study PowerPoint by Bartels&Wells-discussion of change in law for Nov. ballot to allow charging landowners with well for imported water-Joe Guzzetta submits resignation


Old Biz

PermaCulture Presentation this Thurs. all ready-begin set up at 4:30

Selection of members for Crossover-IG needs to lead next working group gathering in order to lead this discussion-using TUS webinar-6/23 Pizza Party-IG buys the pizza-proposed $75 budget-have optional listening time

Cal-Earth Tour-tabled till after Thurs. need more flyers printed

Review of IG Presentation-Discussion of collaborative process and inclusivity as it applies to Transition-process does not include emotional component

Food Group kitty and dissolution– long discussion of where the money now belongs-FG needs one final dissolution meeting

New Biz:

MBCA collaboration-very good news-plans to work together on Landscape Tour with emphasis by TJT of hosting a permaculture site

Request from Water for $25-not allowed

Project Bobcat-petition to be available at Thurs. event

BK Pottery an outdoor venue-owners convey to Stacy their support of Transtition

Desert Sun reporter want to video tape Thurs. event-Jill put in touch with reporter

Next meeting 5/27

IG Minutes 4/15/13

Date: 4/15/13

Place: Janet’s

Those Present: Jill, Stacy, Janet, Karen


Minutes Taker: Karen

Treasurer: Janet

Time Keeper:

Treasurer’s Report: $427 after payout for printing and room rental

Approval of Last Minutes: Yes.

Yes or No-

Comments: post last minutes to website

Action Items To Be Completed Before Next Meeting:

Janet-keep bugging Spyder for photos of Food Group

Karen-photos of Damian’s garden for website

Jill-post PermaCulture hand out to website

Karen-make FB doc of lessons learned at PermaCulture Lecture

Jill-investigate Methodist Church as venue

Jill-draft of November merger/changes announcement for pot luck

Decisions Made:

New Facilitator will be Janet

Working Groups’ and Project Groups’ Reports:

Water Report – Spent most of previous meeting crafting a new mission statement

Food Report – Janet-no report-last meeting cancelled

Heart & Soul – Karen-Steve Fuji set up a Yahoo Group for us to share resources-books, dvd’s on heart and soul subjects-Michele will create eBlast for those on email list who are not attending meetings-work on H&S Norms or Expectations or Guidelines will continue next meeting-Subgroup completed protocol/questionnaire for dealing with outside conflict resolution, sent it to Jill, Janet, Buck-Team Building Exercise for next development session

Project Teams: 3 min ea. (Name Change & Permaculture Group)

PermaCulture team will meet next Thursday-no report

Name Change group in touch-panel of judges for new logo named

Karen – JBWD report: 3-5 mins-No further water hauling permitted-needs to be written about and more widely disseminated-JBWD in collaboration with USGS and other water districts for workshop on subject of aquifers-Water Tank art project continues, 2 tracks in conjunction with JTNP and Chaparral Artists-


Old Biz

1. Permaculture Presentation – accolades and lessons learned. Website updates?

So hugely successful, many requests to do it again, maybe different venue-discussion-questions about sign-up sheets/clipboards availability-see FB doc for lessons learned

2. . Proposed timeline for Rain Return Party & the “Great Celebration” party – Jill

Jill cannot own this event-this transition/merger needs a team possibly from the working groups-Jill to announce at potluck

3. Status of Logo contest – Stacy-in discussion with Susan of possible debut date for new logo-judges empanelled for logo contest

4. Tour of Cal Earth – Stacy – brief update-hearty reception to tour at PermaCulture lecture-June 1st is CalEarth Open House-pot luck planned or visitors can eat at restaurant

5. Selection of WG members to IG. tabled

6. Upcoming Potluck-Jill and Stacy will tag-team a presentation announcing our demise-in soliciting a merger team we will stress our accomplishments

New Biz:

1. Ride Sharing Idea – Janet-just floating an idea whose time will no doubt come

2. FB stats-Stacy-interesting look at our online following-hand out

3. Ramos visit at Sacred Sands-those involved believe that JT is making the impression desired upon Ramos and his staff-Jill sang a song-they loved it-

4. DRECP-meeting all day tomorrow at SBCo. offices

IG Minutes 4.5.13

Date: April 5, 2013    

Place: Janet’s

Those Present: Janet, Jill, Stacy, Karen

Facilitator:  Stacy

Minutes Taker: Karen

Treasurer: Janet

Time Keeper:  

Treasurer’s Report:  391.20



Approval of Last Minutes: 2.18 Approved

Yes or No- post to website



Action Items To Be Completed Before Next Meeting:

Janet-keep bugging Spyder for photos of Food Group

Karen-update Parking Lot items

Karen-photos of Damian’s garden for website

Jill-send slide show to Stacy for posting

Stacy-Tim DeLorey access to calendar


Decisions Made:



Working Groups’ and Project Groups’ Reports:

Janet-Food Group-Recruitment push somewhat successful so far, more to come, Deb B. looking to local Garden Clubs (3) Working on re-do of Mission statement to incorporate PermaCulture


Jill-Water Group-55 gal. emergency water barrels for sale just above cost-fundraiser but more importantly raising consciousness of water as resource to conserve-Earth Day booth-Rainwater catchment workshop 4/27? Hosting Working Group pot luck on 4/28 possibly at Bobby Furst’s-Save the Date already sent-Booth at JTMF-Researching how long current aquifers would last absent imports-looking to post 15 min. video on Delta

Karen-Heart&Soul-‘Internal Qualities of Facilitator’ doc. completed –sub committee working on guidelines for working with other groups-report due next week-facilitation skills from previous development session revisited-next development session will work on group principles/norms or expectations(housekeeping)-Karen will represent H&S at WGpotluck-Michele will design new e-Blast for newly designated ‘Friends of H&S’ email list-Energy Play-short development session featuring teaching from Susan and David using movement of energy/chi in stand-up move-about-the-room-hands-on format=FUN


PermaCulture Design Group-revamp mission statement to create a template for anyone to use to create Garden-no longer searching for a site-will feed into Desert Wise Landscape Tour and eventually produce faster payoff for time invested plus create a new working group?



Old Biz

I AM-the movie event-debrief-great event see New Biz


Permaculture Lecture-Jill updates on latest development-everything on schedule-handout and checklist for event review


Proposed timeline for Rain Return Party & Great Celebration-tabled


Status of Logo Contest-Discussion of answers to sub-committee questions- Stacy to work directly with contest sub-committee


Tour of Cal-Earth 6/1 tentative date-Stacy will make handbill-$5/carpool-FB invite/Thai lunch in Hesperia

Selection of WG members to IG-topic for potluck on 4/28


Facilitator –discussion tabled


New Biz:

I AM-the movie-successful event-Great film- we plan to do it again after YMIA to test drive that venue




Inclusivity Discussion –tabled

Planning IG demise-see Old Biz-tabled

Discussions w/MBCA-alignments are becoming obvious-still need time to dovetail perfectly, for example, incorporating sustainability into Landscape Tour


Brunch w/Ramos-Sacred Sands-Eva organizes

IG Minutes 4.5.13

Date: April 5, 2013    

Place: Janet’s

Those Present: Janet, Jill, Stacy, Karen

Facilitator:  Stacy

Minutes Taker: Karen

Treasurer: Janet

Time Keeper:  

Treasurer’s Report:  391.20

Approval of Last Minutes: 2.18 Approved

Yes or No- post to website



Action Items To Be Completed Before Next Meeting:

Janet-keep bugging Spyder for photos of Food Group

Karen-update Parking Lot items

Karen-photos of Damian’s garden for website

Jill-send slide show to Stacy for posting

Stacy-Tim DeLorey access to calendar

Decisions Made:

Working Groups’ and Project Groups’ Reports:

Janet-Food Group-Recruitment push somewhat successful so far, more to come, Deb B. looking to local Garden Clubs (3) Working on re-do of Mission statement to incorporate PermaCulture

Jill-Water Group-55 gal. emergency water barrels for sale just above cost-fundraiser but more importantly raising consciousness of water as resource to conserve-Earth Day booth-Rainwater catchment workshop 4/27? Hosting Working Group pot luck on 4/28 possibly at Bobby Furst’s-Save the Date already sent-Booth at JTMF-Researching how long current aquifers would last absent imports-looking to post 15 min. video on Delta

Karen-Heart&Soul-‘Internal Qualities of Facilitator’ doc. completed –sub committee working on guidelines for working with other groups-report due next week-facilitation skills from previous development session revisited-next development session will work on group principles/norms or expectations(housekeeping)-Karen will represent H&S at WGpotluck-Michele will design new e-Blast for newly designated ‘Friends of H&S’ email list-Energy Play-short development session featuring teaching from Susan and David using movement of energy/chi in stand-up move-about-the-room-hands-on format=FUN


PermaCulture Design Group-revamp mission statement to create a template for anyone to use to create Garden-no longer searching for a site-will feed into Desert Wise Landscape Tour and eventually produce faster payoff for time invested plus create a new working group?



Old Biz

I AM-the movie event-debrief-great event see New Biz

Permaculture Lecture-Jill updates on latest development-everything on schedule-handout and checklist for event review


Proposed timeline for Rain Return Party & Great Celebration-tabled


Status of Logo Contest-Discussion of answers to sub-committee questions- Stacy to work directly with contest sub-committee


Tour of Cal-Earth 6/1 tentative date-Stacy will make handbill-$5/carpool-FB invite/Thai lunch in Hesperia


Selection of WG members to IG-topic for potluck on 4/28


Facilitator –discussion tabled


New Biz:

I AM-the movie-successful event-Great film- we plan to do it again after YMIA to test drive that venue




Inclusivity Discussion –tabled


Planning IG demise-see Old Biz-tabled


Discussions w/MBCA-alignments are becoming obvious-still need time to dovetail perfectly, for example, incorporating sustainability into Landscape Tour

Brunch w/Ramos-Sacred Sands-Eva organizes

IG Minutes 2.18.13

Date: 2/18/13

Place: Jill’s

Those Present: Karen, Jill, Janet, Stacy

Facilitator: Stacy

Minutes Taker: Karen

Treasurer: Janet

Time Keeper:

Treasurer’s Report: Tabled

Approval of Last Minutes: Yes

Yes or No-


Action Items To Be Completed Before Next Meeting:

Jill-send slide show to Stacy

Jill-send timeline of name change to Susan

Jill-Working Group pitch at I AM event-printed flyers?

Stacy-review Parking Lot items

Karen ask Susan if she wants to talk to Palm Springs group about Starhawk Mandala technology

Decisions Made:

Working Groups’ and Project Groups’ Reports:

Water-Jill-they are re-writing their AIM statement-they are creating a new look on their webpage-planning another rooftop rainwater harvesting event with greywater included this time-developing 55gal. drum sales $1.00 to Water group for each drum sale-possible booth at Earth Day in YV.-sun oven cook off with maybe IG involvement?


Food – Janet- now meeting every 3 weeks at Janet’s-new member recruitment in progress-pitching to new members needs to include ‘what’s in it for you!’ – unresolved issue of helping to fund logo contest prize


H&S – ongoing study in to group dynamics and conflict resolution techniques- moving from 4 agreements thru Starhawk’s mandala to Eva and Kathy’s facilitation methods next meeting at Bernard’s


Name Change-Susan has full “go ahead” –  her committee is Donna and Sequoia


PermaCulture Demo Team-going ‘great guns’ they have timeline, mission statement, list of needs, requirements and wish list- also a list of sites to look at – have discuss fundraising


JBWD-Information and Outreach still working on partnering with JTNP Native Plant garden to get baby plants out into the community-long discussion about signage in the Demonstration Garden-cost and durability



Old Biz

I AM – Janet – on track-invitation during opening to new members for Food Group- rehearsal Sunday p.m.

Permaculture Lecture-Jill will develop lecture following trip to Tucson-Jill will get date and send out ‘Save the Date’ notice

Water Group to host next Working Group pot-luck-Yes-Tim is onboard and will pick a date-he will have access to our calendar by IG consensus


New Biz:

Rain Return Party – November tentatively-discussion of IG vs. project group-IG swan song-plan to introduce the idea to Working groups

Jill-arrange with Cregan to do WordPress tutorial-not now

Jill-arrange for calendar access-accomplished during meeting

Stacy-discussion of printing error-she needs to be present when newsletters come off the press and back page was NOT supposed to be blank

WordPress access to Tim-yes

Jill-post protocol for TJT workshop to P.L.

Jill-protocol for vetting new speackers discussed so we know who’s coming & what is their agenda-wording when approaching possible speakers needs to contain phrases like “planning stages” or “possible resource”

Zeitgeist technology-March 16-Karen to ask Susan if she wants to talk to Palm Springs group about Starhawk Mandala technology

Janet-sunchokes available at Staters’-perfect high calorie food for the desert-needs to be kept in container-invasive


Meeting Evaluation:


IG Minutes 1/21/13

Date: 1/21/13
Place: Janet’s
Those Present: Jill, Janet, Stacy, Karen
Facilitator: Stacy
Minutes Taker: Karen
Treasurer: Janet
Time Keeper:
Treasurer’s Report: $407.74 current counting today
Approval of Last Minutes: Yes
Yes or No- clear to post
Comments: none
Action Items To Be Completed Before Next Meeting:
Jill-protocol for TJT workshop-online formatting?
Janet-follow up on Kitchen regulation of FM cooks
Stacy-get together with Deb Bollinger RE: Brad Lancaster
Janet-obtain pictures of Food Group scrapbook
Janet- look for speakers for a “Seeds in the Sand” type event (Charla of new Poultry Owners Associ. for example)
Janet-recruit Cam and Larissa to pull in speakers and help plan for Food G. event
Jill-send out gmail “Save the Date” Feb.26 movie night
Jill-create event flyer
Stacy-investigate side bar on web site for event listing
Stacy-connect w/MBCA RE: PermaCulture lecture between 3/10-4/12
Stacy-create list of places to leave our new Newsletter
Janet-pick up and pay from “kitty” for Newsletter

Decisions Made:
1. IG will vote on best tagline and figure out how to proceed at next meeting.
2. IG wishes to work more closely with MBCA-Stacy will ask about collabing on Jill’s permaculture lecture.

Working Groups’ and Project Groups’ Reports:
Water Group- Jill- they did not provide enough time ahead for flyer to go out on Rainwater Harvesting Workshop-they are also considering issues like what if the grid goes down and content of their web page on
Food Group-Janet-did not meet-not much recent news-another Seed Swap set for March-discussion of using this event to promote another Seeds in the Sand type event-JTElementary School is making a scrapbook of growing food for Michelle Obama- TAKE PHOTOS for web site
H&S-working on skills toward a presentation to WG event-currently on 4 Agreements
Permaculture Demo Group-working on AIM statement and a group name-determine categories of goals and wishes for final distillation of sites-visit sites that make the cut
JBWD-last Board meeting District celebrated 50th anniversary-Ramos was present to award plaque-Karen gave tours of District offices

Old Biz
Next event-Janet-per Joe J-Topia will have 40 chairs and 4 floor lamps-bring finger food-Stacy donates her popcorn machine to the event use-2-3days prior HAVE A REHERSAL- have timed itinerary/schedule for all event volunteers to know what happens and who is lead-Jill will send out ‘Save the Date’ now and begin work on flyer
Newsletter¬-complete and to printers-40 ordered-Stacy will develop distribution list
Name Change (revisited)-tagline only-IG will vote online on taglines already suggested

New Biz:
Posting event on HiDezStar calendar-Yes, we are already doing that-Sunrunner calendar is no longer working
Working w/MBCA-good group to ally with as Stacy now an advisor to them-ask specifically about PermaCulture lecture 3/10 -4/12

IG Minutes  12/18/12

Place: Janet’s

Those Present: Jill, Karen, Janet, Stacy

 Facilitator: Jill

Minutes Taker: Karen

Treasurer: Janet

Time Keeper:

 Treasurer’s Report: $12 today Total= $376.62

 Approval of Last Minutes:

Yes or No: Yes

Comments: Karen post all un-posted minutes, all have been approved to date

 Action Items To Be Completed Before Next Meeting:

Janet-post crop rotation to web

Stacy-get together with Deb about Brad Lancaster and rainwater harvesting

Janet-follow-up on kitchen regulation on FB cooks

Jill-re-work protocol for planning THT Workshop

Jill-assist Janet to learn group facilitation

Jill-get photo of Diana Durr’s rainwater catchment

Janet-check options between JTopia or Red Arrow

Janet – send another email to name change group including collected taglines

Karen — research existing Merchants agreements


Working Groups’ and Project Groups’ Reports:

Water-Jill-group went to lecture in Palm Springs on Climate Change and Dry Landscaping on the same day and time as planned meeting-regular meeting not held

Food-Janet-Food group will meet this Sunday for a Christmas party

H&S-Eva has sent around for comment the minutes from last meeting

Name Change Special Project-beginning formation – first emails have gone out

Permaculture Demo Site team—special project also beginning formation

JBWD-Mickey elected Prez. –report out also on Public Information Committee @ JBWD



Old Biz

Name Change-Janet-tagline discussion by group of already named members awaiting meeting place before Doodle scheduler goes out

Food Prep by cooks at FM – Tabled for later

Brad Lancaster lecture-Stacy to reach out to Deb prior to next meeting

Newsletter update-Jill will get new photo for piece on rainwater catchment

Next Public Event update-Janet and Karen decided on “I Am” movie night with pot luck–  Feb 13 Wed 6-8:00 subject to change-JTopia may have conflict- Janet check with Red Arrow and possibly Art Queen


New Biz:

2 MAC seats open-discussion of which community members might be good on MAC-no resolution-keep thinking about it

Rotation of Facilitator-Jill is finished-Stacy will facilitate for 2 mos.

Janet-overwhelmed-may need to move public event back-discussion of delegating and using event checklist

Merchant pledge-organization movement to get local merchants onboard with pledge to keep our economy and cash local-Karen will research existing agreements

IG Minutes  12/7/12

Date: 12/4/12
Place: Janet’s
Those Present: Janet, Jill, Stacy, Karen

Facilitator: Jill
Minutes Taker: Karen
Treasurer: Janet
Time Keeper: Stacy

Treasurer’s Report: $14 today Total=$344.62

Approval of Last Minutes:
Yes or No →Yes
Comments: post last 2 meeting minutes to web site

Action Items To Be Completed Before Next Meeting:
Karen-post 2 meeting minutes to web
Janet-take suggestion of another Seeds in the Sand to Food group now that Rhonda is OK
Janet-post crop rotation chart to web
Stacy-develop further w/Deb: Brad Lancaster
Janet=Will call Donna to ask for help contacting potential team members-7 or 8 members working on snappy tagline
Janet-ask at Farmers’ Market about what folks have experienced if they are selling home-made items-what has County said or done?
Jill-send contact info to Stacy RE: water harvesting besides Brad Lancaster
Stacy-connect again with Deb RE: water harvesting lecture
Jill-establish phone tree to included TJT members w/out computers
Jill will rework “Protocol for organizing a workshop”
Janet-ask Spyder about whether she is effectively responding to Food Group emails

Decisions Made:
Proceed with name change Timeline
Janet IG contact for name change.
WG criticism-Tabled until H&S meeting on managing a meeting this week
Karen and Janet “volunteered to own next event”-tabled until next meeting

Working Groups’ and Project Groups’ Reports:
Kids R It officially defunct-
Stacy checked with Steve F. N2 on indefinite hiatus
Water-Jill talked with Donna-Water does not want separate web site
H&S-Karen-going to Thursday meeting to discuss Starhawk manual for meetings-pass around copy of printed manuel
Permaculture Team-special project-Jill-beginning stages of formig
JBWD-Training and phone tree in case of emergency-part 2 of training upcoming w/Randy Little-Groundbreaking ceremony for pipeline upcoming soon, meantime Board voted to apply for another Bureau of Reclamation grant for $2 million-Ellis litigation-appellate hearig 12/13

Old Biz
Name Change update-discussion and decisions RE: best use of our time. Stacy produces timeline for project team. IG contact Janet-will bring in Donna to construct team

Food Handlers – new rules allow use of private kitchen-ask for further details at FM

Brad Lancaster update-2 other contacts to consider: Art Ludwig and Dan Dorsey
Jill and Stacy see Action Items

Newsletter update-Stacy-working on article about what WE advocate-has put in picture with required moving things around

WG criticism of IG-Eva suggests conflict resolution training which will bring up “stuff” that we need to work on. Tabled until H&S meeting on managing a meeting this week

Protocol for TJT workshops-wordsmithing-will remain in draft or in our files for now

New Biz:

Strategic Plan review-top 3(?) film night pot lucks plus education and workshops:
Relevant education-put it out there online
Workshop – permaculture and field trip to CalEarth
Karen and Janet “volunteered to own next event”-tabled until next meeting
Stacy-TJT FB trending discussion
Jill-establish phone tree to included TJT members w/out computers

IG Minutes  11/27/12 
Place: Janet’s
Those Present: Jill, Stacy, Janet, Karen

Facilitator: Jill
Minutes Taker: Karen
Treasurer: Janet
Time Keeper:

Treasurer’s Report: $13 today. Total=$330.62

Approval of Last Minutes:
Yes or No No. corrections needed
Jill posted corrections to our FB page. Janet to make corrections to minutes she took 10/30?

Action Items To Be Completed Before Next Meeting:

Jill-post this form to FB
Janet-make corrections to last minutes as suggested by Jill on FB
Karen-post last minutes (10/30?) to website
Janet-send list of voting members of Food group to Jill
Jill-get idea from Water group why they need their own web site
Janet-suggest to Food group another event like “Seeds in the Sand”
Stacy-drive Janet to next Food group meeting
Stacy-delete Kids group and N2 from website
Janet-post to web site crop rotation chart
Jill-agenda for next week-getting WG to feel more engaged and “out there”-media push
Jill-send out email to name change group suggesting timeline
Janet-look for email about radio blurb to follow up with person emailing about licenses
Stacy-get with Deb about Brad Lancaster workshop
Jill&Stacy-will talk offline about newsletter
Stacy-talk to Eva about polling WG members for feedback to criticism
Stacy will draft timeline for name change

Decisions Made:

Delete Kids R It and N2 from website-WGs now defunct
Post meeting: Jill will take over as contact person for Water group
Decision: per my notes-to include more pictures in web posts!
Name change will occur-timeline expands to include Spring 2012 event
Name change timeline DRAFT only-no decisions final yet
Intro to Permaculture will not happen in Dec. maybe March?
Bring Eva in as consultant to WG and their criticism
Adopt new Minutes Format

Working Groups’ and Project Groups’ Reports:

Kids R It and N2 no longer WG
Water Group-Karen-working on web site (5 top things to know about water in high desert) content and researching solar water pumping
H&S- Karen-regrouped following Starhawk conference call-next meeting Dec. 6
Food-Janet-missed last meeting-previous meeting discussion of memo in order to clear the air-next meeting Stacy to drive Janet and propose another event like “Seeds in the Sand” Rhonda is onboard with it already
JBWD-Karen-Victoria won with twice as many votes a nearest competitor-joint meeting of Board and CAC 11/28/12

Old Biz

Name Change Update-Name change group meeting was excellent! Project management and timeline projected out into Spring with some kind of community event-consensus that the new name will be Transition Together Joshua Tree with ongoing discussion of taglines-tagline needs to include the “who” e.g. “neighbors” –not a corporate entity-Jill will send out email to name change group suggesting timeline

Radio blurb generated an email which was forwarded to Janet-Janet did not receive but will look for it to address issue of whether or not new regs require us to know about food prep licenses.

Fall potluck follow up-event went very well considering 2 IG members not there. JTopia not really needed for an event like this. Someone’s home would be better. Deb’s for example would have chairs and lighting. Ran out of time.

Intro to Permaculture-Jill-not able to do this in Dec. move to maybe March

Brad Lancaster update-Stacy-will get with Deb to develop-hosting venue will be showcase for the work that the group get done e.g. rainwater catchment or swales at Sacred Sands

Newsletter update-Stacy will work with Jill offline

Permaculture Demo Site project team update-Jill-Tim is onboard so are the 2 teachers at Living School-Frank Haggard is onboard with getting County land at Sunburst Park for site

CalEarth field trip-Stacy-Hooman working with Stacy $5 charge to help out CalEarth-tabled till next year as Hooman will be away and he want to do the tour instead of an intern

New Biz:

Discussion of criticism of IG from WG members-Decision to bring in Eva as consultant to get specifics from WG members so WG get what they need from IG-maybe time for IG to go away and let WG take over?

New minutes format-adopted-we’re working with it….

Minutes of 10-29-12

Meeting of Initiating Group

Quorum established.
Treasurer’s Report: Cash was recounted and now totals: $317.62
Last Minutes were approved.

Agenda Review: Food Group Permaculture issue to be moved to No. 1.

Amended Minutes of 10-29-12 Meeting of Initiating Group

Quorum established.
Treasurer’s Report: Cash was recounted and now totals: $317.62
Last Minutes approved.

Agenda Review: Food Group Permaculture issue to be moved to No. 1.

Working Group Reports: Per Stacy, the Heart and Soul Group will meet on Thursday, and are thinking about how to sustain the group.

Action Items:
Does Garth welcome publicity? Jill will resend the request.

Stacy’s scheduling of movie in Yucca Valley moved to Parking Lot.

Old Business:

Buzzard’s Roost: The issues were discussed extensively. We agreed that we should return to the original idea that the acquisition and development of a permaculture site should be the responsibility of a distinct project group, to be recruited from various working groups and other qualified individuals. In addition, the requirements for such a site should be set up in advance by that project group.

Workshops: It was agreed that TJT workshops must be organized and hosted by working groups (not individuals) and that working groups should vet the experience and expertise of the instructors being considered, and that a formal policy should be set up in that regard.

Name Change: The Name Change section of the Potluck will consist of presentations by
Janet (issues regarding various names),
Jill (poll results), and
Donna (branding),
followed by a general discussion. The Working Groups will be given Working Group Gmail lists, asked to add any relevant names to them, and given a link to a poll, where the Working Group members can then vote.

Potluck: Jill stated she wanted to present something about the three issues of climate change, econ instability and peak oil. Jill will also review stated goals for 2012-2013 for the potluck (see action items). Jill will also talk about movie success. Should Transition buy media equipment together? Janet will talk about field trips suggestion box. (see action items). Janet will ask Eva to opening and closing invocation (action item).

Brad Lancaster Lecture Update: Jill will work with Stacy. They are aiming for spring. Jill would like lecture to be geared to the Mojave and local conditions. The lecture Request Form is very detailed in that regard. We would also like a hands on workshop with the lecture. Per Stacy, the location of the workshop could be determined by a raffle.

Rocket/Cob Stove Workshop: Jill and Sequoia would like to have a rocket cob stove and would host a two-day workshop at their house. Nicholas Holmes’ brother does workshops but would cost more due to travel. There is a local woman who also knows the subject and does workshops all over the world. The workshop should be no more than 6-8 people. Connect with Barnraisers? Could Calearth be a source?

Scholarship Fund: Suggested by Jill.

Action Items:

Jill: Re-request to Garth if he welcomes publicity.
Prepare presentation in Potluck re (a) poll results, (b) Working Group gmail lists, (c) link to poll, (d) 3 issues of climate change, economic instability and peak oil, (e) goals of 2012-2013, (f) success of movie, (g) buying movie equipment.

Janet: Retype Draft Potluck Agenda asap
Presentation to Potluck on (a) name change issues, (b) field trip? and suggestion box
Request Eva to do opening and closing invocation.
Make suggestion box
Make sign for potluck


TransitionIG10.10.12 Janet, Stacy, Jill, Karen

Treasurer’s Report: collected $10 today. Total $239

Approval of last minutes and current agenda with changes-in italics

Working Group Reports:

Kidz-Jill emailed them. They report they are setting up a meeting

Foodies-Janet-PermaCulture demo garden at Buzzard’s Roost has the “go-ahead”-Suzanne wants to work in the garden-Yea!-Jill’s design will be incorporated which may include medicine garden in front-Goodyear Garden enclosures are sitting out in back of Ricochet**pick up**


Neighborhood Network-Stacy reports that Steve Fuji is convening a meeting

Water-has ambition agenda-will meet tonight absent Donna and unknown about Tim-planning to come up with 5 TOP THINGS BASIN RESIDENTS NEED TO KNOW ABOUT WATER-also watch Cadillac Desert #3


Heart & Soul-most recent meeting listened to conference call on leadership from perspective of holding sacred space with TransitionUS and Starhawk-**repost the link** Working on full agenda for next meeting to determine where to go from here


Other groups’ reports

JBWD-election of one 2yr. Board member-Karen recommends voting for Victoria-only a personal recommendation not a TJT endorsement-discussion of other candidates

Cadiz-Stacy, Native Americans and many others talked at the San Bernardino County Board before they “voted” to proceed -law suits and MWD negotiations still ahead, Discussion of Howard Zinn motivational YouTube video **Stacy will extract for posting**

Dollar General-Jill steps down from core group-recruiting of local store owners priority-Kerri pursuing Kickstarter campaign-CUP re-instated from MUP-new 30 day comment period will begin when landowners are noticed again after several were overlooked

Action Items all completed except Janet securing password for home network-she will need help with this


Old Biz

Newsletter update-Stacy reads her draft-all approve especially pro vs. con Article outlines what we are for –what we are against **Jill still in pursuit of Publisher software**


Name Change-Janet in possession of final version of email query to gmail list **Janet send this document to Jill**Jill to re-format and add graphics to create poll using link to our web site**Stacy to study online polling software on our site**

**Jill to notify gmail list of Foodies activities at JTMF**


Website update-noted some folks not on FB so seems to them that nothing has been going on-how to address this? Suggestion adopted by all to contact entire membership more often with relevant notes on what has happened beginning with Spyder-**Janet will ask her to write a blurb on the elementary school-then follow that with blurbs every month or 6 weeks


Transition 2.0 movie event-Fliers ready to post-set-up the site tonight, Jill Janet (Stacy?) Jill will obtain additional chairs from Bobby or church

Fall Working Group Potluck update-Janet-Big hall at JTopia will be cleaned tomorrow-list for pot luck needs is complete*Jill will send out flyer for pot luck** question of leadership change will be addressed but not resolved at pot luck-advise working group leaders to discuss offline

Foodies Demo Site-Janet –planning this to be TJT crown jewel so no rushing into this as Jill will take her time to design it-Foodies anxious to proceed so they are encouraged to plant Goodyear Gardens as long as Jill gets final say in placement and aesthetics-plans for signage eventually giving TJT credit, not just Foodies


Draft Radio Blurb-Janet reads invitation to local growers to sell produce using TJT website **Stacy will help edit Janet’s blurb**


Parking Lot discussion tabled


New Biz

Jill will be presenting at MBCA Desert Wise Landscape event next Saturday including powerpoint media presentation **Karen will film**


Faculty research grant –Jill will write with another faculty member to get grants for research in to growing food in the desert


Brad Lancaster talk-**Jill will talk with him about using his name and securing a date in the spring to talk on drylands water harvesting-fundraising for this event may mean Jill auctions off a painting or **Stacy to investigate a Kickstarter campaign –ask other stakeholders to participate financially 29Palms? Other water districts –Greenpages in Palm Springs?


Jill sent Gene’s film to TransitionUS and **will show at event Thursday this week’s movie night

Action Items

Who will pick up tire gardens from in back of Ricochet?

Karen- re-post the link of recording of Starhawk conference call to Heart and Soul page

Stacy will extract from Howard Zinn YouTube video on motivation for posting

Janet securing password for home network-she will need help with this-Stacy to help?

P.L. Jill still in pursuit of Publisher software

Janet send document about name change to Jill

Jill to re-format name change doc and add graphics to create poll

Stacy to study online polling software on WordPress

Jill to notify gmail list of Foodies activities at JTMF

Janet will ask Spyder to write a blurb on the elementary school

Jill will send out flyer for fall working groups pot luck

Stacy will help edit Janet’s radio blurb soliciting local food growers

Karen will film Jill delivering PermaCulture talk to MBCA this Sat.

Jill will talk with Brad Lancaster about using his name and securing a date in the spring

Stacy to investigate a Kickstarter campaign to fund Brad Lancaster talk in spring ‘13

Jill/Stacy to show Gene’s film at movie night this week


Stacy, Janet, Karen


TR: $13 collected, total $214-Janet now acting Treasurer


Working Group Reports:

NN-Stacy contacted Steve, waiting to hear back

H&S-no report

Foodies-excitement over demo garden at Buzzards Roost-propose RhondaLynn help with preserving the land in perpetuity-who to contact her?-new member from Walpi vicinity is very welcome

KidsRIT-no report

Water Group-lots of emails about WG webpage content-lots of input and interest to build awareness and address water issues online-Tim and Donna both out of town so no direct work to apply yet


JBWD-Mickey, Mike and Frank do not have to run for office, they are unopposed-2 yr. seat on Board pretty much between Victoria Fuller and Steven Whitman-Karen recommends Victoria Fuller


Cadiz-Mojave Water Agency voted 3-3 on statement opposing Cadiz-so proposal fails- Oct. 1 SBCo will take up Groundwater Management Monitoring & MitigationPlan which Cadiz plan is waiting on-see Seth’s letter posted to FB

Travel to SBCo Board of Supes on Oct.1 begins early a.m. and back probably by early afternoon


Lacking an agenda we went directly down the Action Items and then Old Biz from IG meeting 9/12/12


Old Biz

Newsletter update-Stacy has been working on newsletter-has tracked several hours of work since last report-received Jill’s article about PermaCulture 3 ethics and 12 principles


Web site update-Stacy Group consensus that different formats give different feel to site-magazine feel may be appropriate for Foodies


Transition 2.0 film update-Jill not present

Fall Pot-Luck update-Janet owns-wants to move it to Dining Hall inside mail building as bigger hall will overwhelm the size of the gathering-checking with Ron and Joe about the change in venue


Action Items

**Karen to follow up with Don Krouse re his ideas.-will continue to reach out-only contact thru FB-most recent contact said he would be away for rest of summer

**Karen to clarify responsibility to Eva re decisions.-No, not done

**Janet-determine wireless password at her house-not done

**Janet and Jill to visit Dick the Butcher for mini-feature in website

**Stacy to define web responsibilities for working group contacts?

**Janet to explain issues raised RE: the demo permaculture garden to the Foodies?

**Jill and Janet to do Potluck flyer. No, not done

**Janet to make list of needed stuff for the potluck-checklist is on our FB page

**Janet to investigate means for stabilizing Walpi property. RhondaLynn may be able to help with this-who will contact her?


Next meeting Tues. 9/25 5p.m. at Janet’s

Add to agenda TJT Name change

Karen has potential conflict; beginning at 7 Citizens’ Advisory Committee at JBWD that evening



 9/11/12 MINUTES 
A quorum was established: Jill Geigerich, Stacy Doolittle and Janet Tucker
Treasury: $190 plus $11 = $201.
Working Group Reports:
Heart and Soul: No report. No one came to last meeting.
Kids Are It: No report.
Water: No report.
Food: No report.Old Business:Newsletter: Stacy shows rough draft of newsletter.Name Change: Janet and Donna are communicating by email. Janet sent a draft of proposed new names and current name with pro/cons to Donna. “Sustainable High Desert, Sustainable Mojave and Transition Joshua Tree.” In about 2 weeks we send out Gmail poll. The results will be presented to the Potluck meeting for the members’ consideration. Also to be considered is total effort involved in change.Website Update: Stacy discussed different WordPress formats. Food and Water Groups could use more magazine style formats, rather than present chrono format. Possible to integrate magazine pages into chrono format. Stacy to research. Goal is to have email template that can be automatically incorporated into website.In Transition 2.0 Screening: We are on track. Jill will get flyer out in next couple of days and press release.Fall Potluck: Chollito location is reserved for 11/4. Jill to help Janet with promo.Proposed Demo Permaculture Garden at Walpi: Jill discussed successful presentation of permaculture principles using overlay maps to Foodies on the previous Sunday, followed by walk-around the site. Jill expressed some hesitation about the project. The question of stability still stands. Janet to do more research on alternative strategies.No Dollar General: Jill met with Kerri, Thomas and Karen. Per Karen, there are two questions: (1) does TJT take a stand and (2) is it alright if the Initiating Committee uses some TJT vision language in the Kickstarter Statement? In discussion, determined that Jill will write a No Dollar General Letter, without mentioning Transition, but using some Transition words. Jill will be out of town from 9/15 to 9/21.Action Items:**Karen to follow up with Don Krouse re his ideas.
**Karen to clarify responsibility to Eva re decisions.
**Stacy to call Steve re the Neighborhood Network Group – is it still active?
**Stacy to define web responsibilities for working group contacts.
**Janet to post Jerusalem Artichoke sites to Facebook
**Janet and Donna to continue Name Change Project.
**Stacy to work on format of Website and email integration.
**Jill to do Flyer and Press Release for Screening.
**Jill and Janet to do Potluck flyer.
**Janet to investigate means for stabilizing Walpi property.


A quorum was determined. Present were Jill Giegerich, Stacy Doolittle, and Janet Tucker

The new Treasury Total (+$15): $190.00


Working Group Reports

Kids Are It – No Report

Neighborhood Network – No Report

Water Group– No Report

Food Group – The Group met Sept. 2, and decided to create a demonstration permaculture garden on a half-acre site with a small house that is owned by Buck Buckley’s mother and is used by Buck and Julia as a vacation rental. Advantages are that Buck is already a Foodie and “walks the walk.” Another advantage is that Buck is a local pioneer in water and energy conservation techniques that can be incorporated into the site. A disadvantage is the location, which is somewhat out of the way. Also, as Jill and Stacy pointed out, ownership and future allocation of the property are not totally stable. Janet pointed out that stability is almost impossible to get at this point. The property in question is the best deal going. Another key point is that Buck is the client who will be making the design decisions. Per Janet, she doesn’t see the Foodies objecting to any of those decisions.


The Cadiz Project – Stacy reported that NPCA and other environmental groups have just filed a lawsuit against the Cadiz company—good news.i


Action Item Reports

Jill changed title of article to correct for need for subtitle.

Jill contacted Suzanne


Old Business


Parking Lot—It is to be visited twice a month. Janet’s Action—create broadcast request for local food producers—to be placed in Parking Lot.

Newsletter Update – Stacy is waiting for content. She would like photos of different vege gardens in the desert.


Transition Screening Update

Jill and Janet met with Shari Elf at the Art Queen, and decided it was a good location. The date is October 11 (confirmed), 7:00 to gather and 7:30 for the film. No potluck. There are about 50 available chairs, and an indoor or outdoor location.



On discussion, it was decided that Janet’s garden is too risky for the location because of weather. A preferred location is the Rec Room Building at the former Nursing Home on Chollita Rd in Joshua Tree. It is free, and the main drawback is the fluorescent lighting, which can be modified with lamps brought in. Janet still owns.


New Business

Jill added Nos. 25 and 26 to the Decision List.


Action Items

**Stacy to call Steve re the Neighborhood Network Group – is it still active?

**Janet to determine wireless password at her house.

**Janet and Jill to visit Dick the Butcher for mini-feature in website.

**Janet to respond to Donna re the renaming project – done 9/5/12—for subsequent presentation to the Potluck. All options with pros and cons to be presented.

**Stacy to define web responsibilities for working group contacts.

**Janet to explain issues raised re the demo permaculture garden to the Foodies.

**Jill to SAVE THE DATE for (gmail and facebook, etc.) re the Screening

**Janet to make list of needed stuff for the Potluck – the checklist is available on the Facebook page.

**Jill to make flyer. Screening

**Janet to talk to Ron and Joe Matheny re use of the Rec Room for the potluck.

Parking Lot


Parking Lot

Janet’s project re broadcast request for local food producers info. – October 16 is the deadline.

Minutes 8/28/12

A quorum was determined. Present were Jill Giegerich, Stacy Doolittle and Janet Tucker

Treasury Report: With the addition of $21.00, the Treasury is at $175.00.

The previous Minutes were approved.


Group Reports:

Kids Are It: Jill and Stacy attended last meeting, which went well. The KAI Group has agreed to investigate the issue of a waiver for parents. There was a successful drum circle with about 8 kids, and they loved it. Q: Where is intersection of KRI and Food Group? Per Janet, the Foodies are aware of this issue but haven’t figured it out yet. Per Stacy, the Foodies are more established, therefore leaders in relation to KRI.

Neighborhood Network: No report.

Heart and Soul: No quorum.

Water Group: No report. However, per Jill, Water Group is making great strides.

Food Group: Per Janet, the Seed Swap was a success. Many people came because they heard about it on the radio! All of the Goodyear Garden diagrams (25) were given away, and to very interested parties who initiated the contacts. In addition, Planting Calendars based on altitude were also given away.



Janet’s Goodyear Garden article: Discussion of whether already published Jill’s diagram should be attached to new article. **Jill’s article should have subheading. Lance is submitting article on permaculture. Stacy wants to do article prioritizing issues facing the Morongo Basin. We are waiting on Gene Evaro to submit article on his generation’s take on Transition. Use of school garden pictures. Waiting on article from Buck’s mom Suzanne on How to Plant Trees in the Desert. **Jill to contact Suzanne by phone.

**Janet to investigate inviting local food producers to list their contact info on the website.

**Jill to check with UCR for publishing application.


Website Update

Janet’s ideas for Food Group Page: The Foodies have seen and approved the ideas. Because of the complexity it would be preferable for the Foodies to have their own website. Stacy to help Janet with that. The deadline for it is end of the year.



Date is still unknown. [per meeting 8/31 with Janet, Jill and Shari Elf, it is solidifying, and it looks like the Art Queen will be the location.]

Fall Potluck

Stacy spoke to Tim DeLorey of the Water Group about the IG staying on, and he agreed. No concerns re the IG holding on to power for the wrong reasons. Most of the Groups need more time to solidify. Per Jill, Buck feels that non-transition people can participate in a future leadership structure that includes a Core Group and an Admin Group.

Potluck date is Sunday, November 4. **Janet will own. It will be an afternoon outdoor barbecue. Planning begins on September 15.


New Business

**Janet to figure out the password to use wireless in her house.

Stacy was concerned that other members of IG might want to vet in advance her public comments regarding issues, such as Cadiz, etc. Both Jill and Janet expressed much confidence in Stacy.



Karen, Jill, Stacy.


Treasurer: collected $6; total: $154


Minutes 6/26/23 approved for posting.


Janet’s items re Food Group -charts tabled til next time.

Jill Action Item: Stacy and Jill to offer to meet with Kids Are It re event planning. Stacy: can offer better guidance on website re event management, engagement?


Water Group and Heart and Soul meeting tonight


No report on Neighborhood Network due to summer hiatus


*Action item: Karen to qualify RSVP info on FB re water irrigation workshop


Cadiz next steps: SBC board of supervisors are to review and approve final EIR.

*Karen to follow up with Don Krouse re his ideas.


Dates for upcoming events

movies: checking dates with Red Arrow

Fall potluck date set for Nov 4th — discussion of IG/SG elections


Strategic Planning Discussion

Discussion of conversations that IG has had with thought leaders regarding timeline for transition from IG model to Steering. Some talks still need to be had.


*Jill to discuss with Doug; Stacy to discuss with Tim


2013 Intro to Permaculture Date proposed: 14th January


Stacy to pay for website charges. IG to reimburse.

*Karen to clarify responsibility to Eva re decisions

Minutes 6.26.12

Karen, Stacy, Janet, Jill present

TR: $11 collected for a total of $232.27

Previous minutes approved for posting

Agenda Review: **add to parking lot Karen research and post to website content from original wire frames #2, #3, and #4**

WG Reports

Kids: next meeting scheduled, Jill in touch with MaryBeth RE: getting concerns and guidelines and parents involvement in focus prior to events

Water group now meeting on 2nd and 4th Tuesdays 6-9:00p.m.-IG meeting from 4-6:00p.m. will allow Karen to attend

Food Group-no report

NN-no report

H&S- Eva has not submitted minutes from last meeting yet

Old Biz

Kids R IT-further discussion- developing guidelines for KIDS events to insure parents or guardians are present and insuring that the guidelines are in place prior to events

Public screening of Transition 2.0 consensus on Red Arrow in August for air conditioning-prior to public screening IG and WG members invited to more private screening/preview


Visit Henry’s land-field trip for Thursday-meet at Jill’s studio-Laura and Anna will be joining us


Elections of WG members to Steering-tabled till luncheon on Friday

Web update- Jill amended the Constitution posting adding that we adapted the text from Keene, NH

New Biz


Donald Krouse-good addition to TJT but fitting in is still the question-encourage him to bring in people-does he want to do grant writing to bring in funds? Is he only interested in local funding? **Karen to follow up**


Donation to TransitionUS for webinar-consensus $20 per person for a $60 total. Jill to send and will get reimbursed from TJT kitty


DRECP-Lakey asking TJT for funds for transportation? No DRECP meeting coming up and TJT not positioned to donate to transporting those who would want to attend **Jill to follow up w/Lakey** Jill post to FB about DRECP mandate and public meetings**


IG dark in July **Stacy will post notice to web (?) or FB (?)


**Janet to notify Donna that email is incorrect**



Jill-add to parking lot Karen will research and post to website: content from original wire frames #2, #3, and #4

Karen to follow up with Don Krouse

Jill send $60 to TUS

Jill to follow up w/Lakey about bus to DRECP

Jill post to FB about DRECP mandate and public meetings

Stacy will post notice to web (?) or FB (?) that IG will not meet July

Janet to notify Donna that email is incorrect


TransitionIG6.19.12 Stacy, Jill, Janet, Karen present
Treasurer’s Report: $16 collected Total $221.27
Approval of last minutes & Agenda review

Working Groups Reports:

Kids is on the agenda later-combo report with NN
Water Group-review of last agenda most items tabled as they are tasking so many critical water issues-suggest a TJT Water Blog or web page arranged for content and interest , not just a page of links– Parking Lot
Foodies-Janet inspired by Strat Plan to develop program teaching Permaculture to Foodies group- beginning of Food blog?-Foodies getting ready for Seed Swap in Aug.
JBWD report-Karen-Re-elect Mickey committee met last Sunday, report on campaign, signage-of interest will be the intersection of JBWD and TJT Water Group-especially as it pertains to Doug and retailing or selling his work and interests while representing TJT
Cadiz-Stacy-no report-Seth has been away-bus trip next week to SMWD

Action Items:
Stacy draft MOU for use as Transition meeting place-Parking Lot?
Janet apply for Transition Network online
Stacy will fill in Barnett’s name and send Thank You plaque to Buck
Janet-re-write bio for website

Old Biz
Web site update-Stacy-post private URL of 3 garden photos-encourages us to take pictures in Joshua Tree for website-Stacy needs to be an Admin on Foodies page **Jill to facilitate and add to decision log** Stacy will be Admin on any FB or web pages-discussion of email etiquette

Kids R IT and NN-discussion of and emphasis at conclusion: parental attendance mandatory to assure safety and credibility of TJT

Screening of Transition 2.0-movie night-discussion of venues-Starlight courtyard? Jill has not received film yet-we will pre-screen and pick a date for TJT movie night

Constitution update-minor changes-will post to TJT with strat plan and ask for input**Stacy-post**

What Does TJT need to concentrate on from here to October? Tabled till lunch-separate meeting next week prior to Jill and Karen leaving town first week in July
**Jill send out Doodle to arrange lunch date at Park Rock Café**

New Biz

Send group email to all WG members so they have access to each other-consensus **Jill**
New logo-discussion of Scott Monteith’s art and Melissa as designer
Don Krouse-bring his energy onboard-tabled

Stacy draft MOU for use as Transition meeting place-Parking Lot?
Janet apply for Transition Network online
Stacy will fill in Barnett’s name and send Thank You plaque to Buck
Janet-re-write bio for website
Jill to add to decision log: Stacy will be Admin on any FB or web pages
Stacy-post Constitution & Strat Plan
Jill send out Doodle to arrange lunch date at Park Rock Café
Jill Send group email to all WG members so they have access to each other

Working Group Pot Luck 6.3.12
Present at Jill’s in Landers: Jill, Buck, Stacy, Julia, Donna, Matt, Tim, Janet, Mary Beth, Kathy, Eva, Steve, Cam, Larissa

Jill gives Welcome
Janet gives enthusiastic intro to PermaCulture-the intelligent beauty-designing habitats for living well-imagineering our lives-the internal creates the external
Garden is the core of PermaCulture

Stacy-presented IG report with emphasis on Strategic Plan or ‘Battle Plan’-she thanked all those who contributed (names) dynamic document for Steering group to begin analysis-with consideration especially for those events where we created the most interest from the public and impact in the community-importance stressed that each WG develop their own goals or refine those in the existing doc.
5 topics for assuring that activities get to goals as listed in the Strat Plan doc 

1. Outreach
2. Events-Vibrant & Consistent
3. Permaculture demo sites
4. Permaculture research
5. Internal Transition-personal and Community change/connection

FOODIES-Janet-great response to JTMF sun oven, composting, water catchment and goodyear gardens-Janet related request from Buck to create a plaque for Barnett thanking him-8 regular members-getting new members difficult-related story of Onaga Elementary School, Lynn Thelan and kids harvesting and feasting w/principal who is now onboard-August 18 next Seed Exchange

Heart&Soul-Eva-20 names on list maybe 9 regulars-Garth’s Drum Circle right out of the gate a huge success-still defining how we can serve Transition-what is our role? So far, we have been balancing biz meeting w/internal work. 90 min. of personal work each meeting-goal generally to transform and thrive just like PermaCulture-2 paths for connecting suggested: Joanna Macy ACTIVE HOPE, study guide and connecting with various religious groups to let them know about Transition-connection to group in 29 made on the spot-they get together weekly to make music-Bernard to lead body mapping exercise upcoming

KIDS R IT-Mary Beth-all ages are welcome in their mission/vision-they aim to distill PermaCulture into kids vocabulary-5 regular members-Tawnja brings in folks-meeting every other week at BC’s since March-coordinating with N2 to use the space at Harmony House-performance/community space-also behind Ricochet Vintage a “joyful noise” planned-save the date not yet sent out for kids drum circle to be held there-kid2kid barter system also in the works-KIDS also connecting with Foodies for growing activities

NEIGHBORHOOD NETWORK or N2-Kathy (&Steve) also Tim and Bernard 4 regulars-Steve’s house=Harmony Haven needs TLC but can become community resource-connecting groups by identifying neighbors, creating maps, find clusters, sectors, mapping activities, Friday’s event will have a questionnaire to locate these-creating Resiliency Circles-from Transition model-has worked well in other areas-7 training sessions-N2 working with KIDS –consider also the Arts and CERT training for emergencies. 

WATER-Tim, Buck, 5-6 regulars 17 on email list-Hopi elder advice-always know where your water comes from-for us out here in the desert it’s game over without water-first short term goal achieved-all group members have 55 gallons of water on hand-Buck buys from low desert-can be used as fundraiser to get more folks to have water on hand-win-win-goal to bring programs & education to the Transition community and then to the larger community-goal to influence water policy and the District level and then to the water-using public level. Donna is archivist for Water Group

General Discussion
Name change group-Donna and Janet will discuss branding to find a name or tag line that gets consensus and a big YES

Hobby size Permaculture-Janet’s idea-demonstration of the concepts using hobby miniatures

Brainstorming ideas-Donna: knowledge gained from Music Fest-lots of response but all the problems overwhelm folks into paralysis-Roots Festival another opportunity to set up a table and do demos-maybe have water drums for sale-Arbor Day 2013 an opportunity to celebrate by planting mesquite trees

How to Fundraise in general-Mary Beth-there are guidelines and instructions for becoming a non-profit-ask for donations at the door of events-for example Desert Community Church on Saturdays-jam session-may be a good opportunity for H&S to connect with a new group


TransitionIG 5.29.12
Janet, Karen, Stacy-Jill arrives after meeting concludes
Treasurer’s Report: $8 collected Total $185.27

WG Reports:
Water-plans include 50-gallon drums available for all as fund raiser-Doug facilitating purchase and re-sale-larger plans to promote rainwater catchment-have materials showing Kathy and Eva’s
Food-article about elementary schools will be published in Star-Jimmy Biggerstaff requested photos **Stacy will send**
H&S-meets this week-will have report
NN-party this Friday for north Josh neighbors to meet at Steve’s Harmony Haven-Mary Beth painting the bath in prep.
JT Beautification still meets unofficially
JBWD no update
Cadiz-conference call scheduled early June-trip to SMWD June 27-bus or vans with supporters to their Board meeting

Minutes approved for posting

THEIR Plans-Stacy to deliver final talk of the evening about envisioning the future. Turn the spotlight on Transition and the hopeful elements of the future

Strat plan-updates made to document and posted to TJT website-notice sent to TJT gmail that comments are welcome

Planning WG potluck-timeline Jill?
Greening the Desert-Karen intro then 
Stacy talks on IG Strat plan
Janet previews PermaCulture talk-validates all life-inspiring!
Janet introduces name change idea to group
Bring laptop, projector, tables, potluck dish, chairs, eating service 

All action items are now past their dates of action

4/30/12 Minutes

Transition Initiating Group 4/30/12- Jill, Stacy, Janet, Karen present

 Treasurer’s Report: $17 from 4 members-$21 from March 20 donations- from total $36- **Jill will donate $15 to Lynn & Church- **

Total -$159.27

 WG Reports-

 Karen-H&S meets tomorrow- agenda has been circulated in a timely fashion. Meeting will be in home of Laura Hamilton-report to follow

 Jill-Neighborhood Network is studying for implementation the Resiliance Circles and mapping exercises

 Stacy & Janet- Food group meeting 5/6- business 4:00-5:00 p.m. food and meet and greet to follow-Foodies and Friends of Foodies invited

 Foodies to recruit for composting at JTMF-volunteers (plural) rather than Doug solo

 Jill-Kids R IT have been asked to designate a contact person-they are consulting and will get back to us

 Off topic report from Janet about JTRC meeting with Victoria

JTRC would like to be center of Community resilience-would like to host a Community Garden. Document on file in our FB docs about starting a community garden. JTRC has well and offers free water for gardening and emergencies

 JBWD report-flushing of rebuilt well continues-water wasted-Karen reports on meeting of Mickey’s re-election campaign committee Sunday April 29

 Minutes approved, corrected and posted already

 Action Items-Stacy will construct a document distilling previous work on Strat plans. All other action items complete.

 Old Biz

 Doug will not break down composter at Church. **Jill will call Tim maybe Ernesto to take pallets**

 Stacy-update on website-added tagline and links also FB page-converted to Timeline-Stacy added Timeline pic.-Stacy also created FB Foodies page and private Foodies FB page

**Janet schedule to learn WordPress from Jill**

 TransitionUS debt paid off $300 sent-Done

 Newsletter update-next issue late July or early Aug? **Jill to write on PermaCulture** text of Janet’s presentation at 3/20 event to be included-be thinking of articles to write or include or authors to ask for copy **Stacy will write about ‘What are we about?’**

 Mixer of active WG-June 3 date decided-cross pollination of WG experience-Jill to host at her Landers house **Jill to send out Save-The-Date notice**

 Update on Cadiz-Stacy will attend tomorrow and speak to SBCo Board

 Strategic Planning scheduled for May 8 pot luck lunch **Stacy will have distillation doc. ready by Friday 5/4**

 New Biz

 Name change as suggestion by Donna-Sustainable Joshua Tree-discussion also considered Morongo Basin and High Desert instead of Joshua Tree- tabled again as future elected members should decide on a measure that will involve so much time and effort**report to WG meeting on June 3 -what they need to be thinking about** also present to Donna since she brought it up-**ask her for impact analysis on how to get this done-all the places that will need to be changed including TransitionUS**

 Return to old FB –not an option

 Discussion of use of pictures and updating TransitionUS-use all pictures everywhere **Stacy-send pix to TransitionUS**

**Karen ask for pix of Drum Circle again for web article**

TransitionUS conducting May Challenge-invitation to post inspired actions-**discussion of what we can contribute**

 Action Items

Jill-will donate $15 to Lynn & Church

Jill-will call Tim maybe Ernesto to take pallets from Church yard

Janet-schedule to learn WordPress from Jill

Jill- write article for next newsletter on PermaCulture

Stacy-will write article for next newsletter ‘What are we about?’**

Stacy-will have distillation doc. on previous strat. planning ready by Friday 5/4

Stacy-send pix to TransitionUS

Karen ask for pix of Drum Circle again for web article

Who owns? Report during WG meeting on June 3-heads up they need to be thinking about possible name change

Who owns? asking Donna for impact analysis-all the places that will need to changing and how much time

Who owns? what we can contribute to TransitionUS May Challenge

4/17/12 Minutes

Initiating Group  Jill, Stacy, Karen, Janet (newest member-elected by Food Group)

Treasurer’s Report: $111.27 total-dues collected $4, closed checking account $2.03, withdraw $8.27 for archival materials-$36 from March 20 event still in limbo

Food Group Report-Stacy as new Food Group contact person with Janet present-newest member of IG elected by Foodies-Food Group considering Mixers, events inviting all contacts including ‘Friends of Foodies’ a designation yet to be defined-attendance and enthusiasm are up, membership has stabilized, membership overlaps NoJoPermies a lot so they will be encouraged to show up at NoJo events including Apr. 29 event to build GoodYearGardens for Sylvia-continued building of Foodie identity: **Stacy will construct FB page for Foodies** Joshua Tree Music Festival composting issue seems to be not completely thought out yet-needs work

Heart&Soul Group Report-Karen-Full Moon Drum Circle was mellow and well attended-donations all went to Garth-many reports from folks who had a wonderful time-minutes and announcements have been posted to web page including next meeting at Laura Hamilton’s house May 1-awaiting pictures of Drum Circle before posting about it

Neighborhood Network Group-Jill-regular meetings will be on 2nd Tuesdays -1st project neighborhood mapping

JBWD report-Karen T. reported on latest news/agenda items from JBWD

Previous minutes not approved-**Stacy to correct before posting to FB and web site**

**Action Items-all completed except for Jill talking with Lynn about the composter at the church and money donated at the last event held there**

Old Biz

**Church composter-Jill will talk w/Lynn**

Website update-Stacy stressed that in between events there is time to add to and keep the home page fresh-now it features a look at the Mission and Vision statements **Stacy to create link promoting MBCA Garden Tour this Sunday**-Survey of Food Group members discussed

IG –> WG Contact Responsibilities-doc re-write reviewed and updated

WG Info Attachment-rewrite in FB docs.-this doc. goes out to new WG as they are approved

Strategic Planning-invite Kathy-pot luck luncheon to be held Apr. 26 (location?) to re-visit the previous work and refresh it **Stacy will construct an overview document of previous work**

New Biz

Next event: possible mid-summer meeting of all the WG?**Jill-agenda item for next meeting**

Kids are IT application to be newest WG-goal needs focus**Karen will write email asking them for clarification and rededication to Transition model**

Seth & NPCA-discussion about this issue/politics and appropriate responses-decided that this is one issue we can stand publicly with NPCA **Stacy will contact Seth**

Phased demise of IG-2 more groups electing members by July-then we will be 6 members-tentative plan on one of original IG members phase out in October

Kitty contribution- upped by consensus to $3-$5 per meeting (we now meet twice per month)

Workshop on Communications/Community Connectivity-Stacy capable of conducting such a workshop but venue and circumstances tabled for now

Stacy-will construct FB page for Foodies
Stacy-to correct minutes from 4/3 before posting to FB and web site
Jill talk with Lynn about the composter at the church and money donated at the last event held there
Stacy-create link promoting MBCA Garden Tour
Stacy-construct an overview document of previous strat planning
Karen-write email to Kids are IT asking them for clarification and rededication to Transition model
Stacy-contact Seth about Cadiz and trip to SBCo for meeting

4/3/12 Initiating Group Minutes

Stacy, Jill, Karen
(Ted Milson resigned from Transition IG today)

Treasurer’s Report: Today’s addition $7 plus $36 from WG workshop plus 209.27 from Thrivers Total=$352.31

Motion later to send $200 to Scott McKeown New Total $152.31

New assignment: **Karen to take on posting minutes to FB and website**

Thriving Post-mortem-Karen read aloud the notes from Eva taken at meeting at her home following the Thriving event
**Karen to create new doc assigning bullet point ‘lessons learned for archive and posting**

WG Workshop Post-mortem-March 20 at Methodist Church
Consensus: Great Event!
Stacy liked being a presenter-compliments from audience members-discussion on re-doing the same event to bring all WG into the same room and giving info on WG and conducting meetings-also discussion of **creating webinar of this material especially Stacy’s PP.**Parking Lot?
Discussion and tabled: Composter at the church and disposition of $36 collected at the March 20 event there. **Jill to discuss with Lynn how to use the money and what to do about the non-functioning compost**

Discussion of responding to NPCA request RE: Cadiz Consensus that we need to steer clear of political issues even if they are water issues. We can all attend any events but not get up to speak.**Jill will contact Seth to respond to his email**
**Stacy also (?) to contact Seth RE: email about Cadiz?**

Waiting to hear from Water Group and Bicycle Group and Kidz in Transition Group RE: applying to be formal WG.

Web Site Discussion-Stacy will be webmaster as finding the person needed in our ranks is unlikely. New web design more functional-considerable discussion of new features in WordPress Bueno format. New assignment of IG contact person to WG as Ted is gone: Stacy contact person for Foodies and Jill contact person for Neighborhood Networkers. **Jill and Stacy will notify foodies and Steve Fuji**
**Jill take Ted off FG FB page as admin**
WG website page content: must have mission statement, contact info-may have slideshow or pictures. IG contact person can also post group minutes, upcoming meeting information and upcoming agendas.
**Jill writes IG →WG doc.**
**Jill writes IG advance notices timeline for WG events**

Google calendar discussion-for use by WG and IG only **Stacy to check with FG for calendar update infor**

WG Info Attached doc. Discussion tabled-calendar addition?

New Biz

$ to TUS (Scott McKeown) We will send $200 from Thriving event to TUS and following encouragement from Scott-will negotiate with him to send and additional $100 and then “work off” the rest of the debt ($300) by delivering testimonials endorsing the Training program… for total of $600 past due.

Transition Albany (CA) spoke with Jill. She came away with the idea of a monthly pot luck-IG tabled this idea

IG Consensus to meet every other week from now on

I G Consensus to decline invite from Democratic Club for table at their event in the interest of remaining apolitical

Food Group requests help in area of communications **Stacy owns**

Stacy talking on TJT at next meeting of MBCA 4/12/12

**Karen now Recording Secretary, Treasurer and Archivist. Will purchase and get reimbursed for box/lid (banker’s box) to collect flyers and other docs.**

Action Items:
Karen to take on posting minutes to FB and website
Karen to create new doc assigning bullet point ‘lessons learned for archive and posting
Create webinar of Stacy’s PP. Parking Lot?
Jill to discuss with Lynn how to use the money and what to do about the non-functioning compost
Jill and/or Stacy will contact Seth to respond to his email
Jill and Stacy will notify foodies and Steve Fuji of new IG contact person
Jill take Ted off FG FB page as admin
Jill writes IG →WG doc.
Jill writes IG advance notices timeline for WG events
Stacy to check with FG for calendar update information
Stacy owns Food Group requests help in area of communications
Karen now Recording Secretary, Treasurer and Archivist. Will purchase and get reimbursed for box/lid (banker’s box) to collect flyers and other docs.

Transition IG 3/8/12 Stacy, Jill, Karen, Ted

guest Janet Tucker from Food Group

 Treasurer’s Report: $50 paid out to printing newsletter, current total $97?

 Minutes approved for 2/28 **Ted to post**

 Old Action Items outstanding:

**Jill and Karen learn WordPress from Ted for work on website

**Karen create content for items 2, 3, 4 of wire frame for website

 March 20 event

**Jill owns-will create agenda  with timeline 6pm potluck 6:30 hello to stranger and “why are you here?”-review of Transition for newbies-evolution of TJT and accomplishments

**Stacy has and will expand PP-Food group has 10 min. slot for event agenda content

Topic for FG may include: their experience, what created traction and what created wheel spinning (both) nuts and bolts of being a WG-how to make decisions as a group-how to resolve conflicts-lessons learned-how to deal with money-Q&A period

6:45 **Karen review of Thrive-photos of event with 1 pg. doc. of groups thinking of forming, description and contact person, knowing ahead if that contact person will be present and if they can deliver 20 word description of their group so far.

End of event Q&A

 New Biz

Dana’s proposal – bottom line, do they need us? are they a project group with a set end date? would they be better as a separate business?**Jill will email Rhonda and Dana with wording to clarify.

 BVEG Debriefing Meeting-somewhat shifting consensus about attending. Topic re-opened for discussion following meeting….


Re-visit calendar for page 1 – maybe just a list of events. Ted introduces calendar work so far. Looks good, needs live links


All paper (posters, flyers, handouts) to be collected and stored at Stacy’s-Karen to archivist? (read: file clerk)


Jill and Karen learn WordPress from Ted for work on website

Karen create content for items 2, 3, 4 of wire frame for website

Jill owns next event-Mar. 20-create agenda, arrange for venue

Stacy-create PP for Mar. 20 and deliver answer to question, “What have we been doing?”

Karen prepares presentation covering Thrive event, photos and list of groups with description

Jill-email Rhonda/Dana

Transition IG 2/28/12 Jill, Ted, Stacy, Karen

guest from BVEG Kathy

 Treasurer’s Report: total not available, $50 paid out to Karen to get newsletters printed

 All old Action Items completed



Report on meeting with Craig, Jill, Stacy clarified expectations. Set tone for Event.

Catering update-Rosa no longer doing our catering-BVEG looking for caterer

Printing more newsletters-$50 paid out from our kitty to get newsletters printed with ONE PAGE of color-delivered to BVEG-our full color copies with correction to dates will be divvied up and placed around the Basin-sign up sheet for places with IG initials 

Jill read through deferred to end of meeting

Stacy read through deferred

Typing up breakout sessions deferred to BVEG

Follow-up “After Action” report session-Debriefing to be on Mar.14 Eva and Kathy’s to discern value/lessons-both groups included-pot luck-Kathy facilitates 🙂

Jill takes flyers to Basin Wide 3/1/12 to make announcement

 Website-discussion of calendar of events

Newsletter will be published on website

Food Group page update and ready by Thriving-page only needs seed swap info 

Accomplishments page-needs designing and captioning, also the photo of handwritten accomplishments needs to be lightened in photoshop-Karen to send jpg to Jill

Jill on deck to learn WordPress in partnership with Ted to ease bottleneck

All on deck to learn Publisher for future newsletters to ease Stacy’s workload

 WG Workshop-deferred to Friday and also future agenda item before the workshop occurs

 Water update-none


 Ojai water web site advocating formation of group to move control of water to different district-tabled-not to be posted now

 Jill read thru-nailed it the second time thru


Stacy-Treasurer’s Report update

All-place newsletters around Basin in designated locations

All-bring lessons, actions, values to After Action Debriefing 3/14

Ted-calendar on website

Ted-newsletter on website

Karen-send ‘Accomplishments’ jpg to Jill

Karen and Jill-learn Publisher

Jill-learn WordPress

Stacy-WG Launch Kit

Minutes for mtg. 2/3/12:

Transition Initiating Group 2/3/12 Jill, Stacy, Ted, Karen
Advisors: Kathy, Eva, Donna

Treasurer’s Report: Kitty not in house so collected $4. Will be applied to Treasury

Last minutes approved. Can be posted to TJT online sites. **Ted**

Old Biz: BVEG support
Launch kit for Working Groups-word smithing continues on WG document.
Will re-organize to “5 Easy Steps” or something very similar with a Page 2 
Page 2 will contain helpful hints, links to online documents and help
Page 2 will also contain link to distillation of Governance tool kit
**Stacy with assist from Donna**
Ready on 2/15 for presenting to BVEG

Web assist from Paula Wentworth **Jill send contact info to Stacy**

BVEG will be able to use IG promotional formats already established
**Stacy send Treasury template to Eva**

WG workshop follow up? unresolved, will be determined by what occurs

New Biz: all tabled for next meeting scheduled for Tues. 2/7/12 time?

Action Items:
unfinished (tabled) from last meeting:
Jill-get Seed Exchange info from Food Group
Ted&Stacy-look into Charter (Constitution) online availability-edit/login options
Jill-work on Constitution to clear up wording-”working” vs. “project” groups
from meeting today:
Ted: post minutes for ⅓
Stacy/Donna-Distill down Governance tool kit and word smith WG document for “Launch Kit”
Jill-send contact info for Paula Wentworth to Stacy for web help
Stacy-send Treasury Template to Eva






Initiating Group 1/3/12

Stacy, Jill, Ted, Karen

Minutes from 12/27/11 not approved
**Stacy will edit last minutes and then post**

Treasurer’s Report: $152.40

Newsletter Update-No changes made since Stacy posted email. Stacy received update requests from Karen and Jill and will incorporate. Jill investigated printing in color. Too expensive to print 100 copies. Discuss circulating online only. **Jill will work on getting pix for biographies** Date for new content to be ready will push back publish date from 1/10/12 maybe 1 week.

Strategic Planning update-Eva and Kathy to lead-Thurs beginning at noon. Light meal planned. **Karen-ask Tim to bring dessert** 10 or 11 people expected. To define “Does this new proposal (whatever that is) meet our mission?”

Website Update-Ted-h/o example of wire frame-suggestions/alterations made-main menu and drop-down navigation topics now need to be vetted for content **Ted will re-create wire frame on paper for next meeting** online changes to font have not been made yet

PermaCulture Workshop update-none Daniel Frances has been away

Initiating Group Advisor protocol update-Stacy created document for IG members advising other groups. IG needs doc. created for advisors to us, e.g. Tim DeLorey **Stacy to re-work and create 2 different documents for next meeting**

Charter (Constitution) posted on Google groups- **Stacy & Ted to check online edit/login options** Use of “working group” vs. “Project Group” will cause confusion and needs to be clarified. **Jill to access and clear up confusion: “working” vs. “project” group wording.

TJT Working Group document-revamped-re-worked to indicate definition of established working group

New Biz

Olivia’s bid to become new working group-proposal does not meet requirments **Jill to notify Olivia her proposal does not qualify**

Change meeting night to Thursday-consensus

Ted-place photo of Janet with produce on main web page
Stacy-newsletter content of Food Group Seed Exchange
Jill-get Seed Exchnage info from Food Group
Stacy-newsletter ready by 1/19 after new content review on 1/12
Ted-add newest approved minutes to TJT website and FB
All (Stacy) rework IG protocol document
Ted-add photo credit (Doug Beal) to FB page
Jill-re-visit W.G. doc and insert “screening for consistent Transition goals”
Jill-take budget discussion to BVEG
Jill-contact Daniel for PermaCulture workshop date
Stacy-edit minutes from 12/27/11 prior to posting
Jill-with Photoshop, work on bio pictures for newsletter
Karen-ask Tim to bring dessert to Strat Plan mtg.
Ted-re-work wire frame on paper for next meeting
Stacy-create 2 docs for advisors-advisors to us and us as advisors
Ted and Stacy-look into Charter (Constitution) online availability (edit/login options)
Jill-work on Constitution to clear up “working” vs. “project” group wording
Jill-notify Olivia that her proposal does not meet requirements