Transition Teams General Info

Transition Teams are the backbone of the Transition movement. Here are some resources for you, whether you’re a newbie here, or you’re raring to go with a Team idea!

A quick and handy guide to creating and managing a team. (PDF).
Here you’ll get the skinny on all aspects of working with teams, in this Transition webinar.
Ideally, you have ideas you’re passionate about as the genesis of a team.  Perhaps you have too many passionate ideas and if so, this site may help you narrow your focus, or better articulate your vision.
As we all know, a great idea and a passionate owner of that idea, are not enough to get projects off the ground, or keep them successful once begun. Check out this governance toolkit to find resources to assist you in your success in creating, building and maintaining a team.

Why start a Transition Joshua Tree Team?

The tasks we face in transitioning our community to a sustainable way of life are enormous and cannot be done alone. Teams ensure an inclusive, empowered and dynamic process as we move through this change. Your TJT Team will have Transition Joshua Tree’s support via website and social media exposure, links to Transition US information and updates, networking, publicity and promotion for your projects and events.

Easy Guide to Forming  a TJT Team:

Step 1      

Congratulations, you have at least 4 members, and qualify to form a  TJT Team!

Step 2      

All your members have become familiar with Transition 101 on the Transition US website. 

Step 3     

Now that your group has met several times, and you’re ready to apply for TJT Team status, send the following info to the TJT Coordinating Council (the CC) via Use the subject heading “Proposed TJT Team.”

       a.  The name of your team

       b.  A brief description of your team’s goal as it relates to Transition TJT    

       c.  The names, phone numbers and emails of all members

       d.  The name of the designated contact person for the team

Step 4       

The CC will review your proposal to make sure:

  • it does not duplicate the efforts of an already existing team
  • your stated goal is consistent with the mission of Transition Joshua Tree
  • the proposed benefits to the community appear feasible 

If the CC has further questions, we may ask that your contact person come to a CC meeting to further discuss your proposal.

Step 5  

We have learned that team building is a must for the long term success of a TJT Team. Once your group has joined TJT, the Heart and Soul Team will conduct a team building workshop for your team. It is a requirement that all new Transition teams take this workshop within one month of joining Transition. Conflict is a healthy part of the group collaborative process. We also ask that Transition team members agree to enter into conflict resolution sessions with the Heart and Soul team if seemingly intractable conflicts arise.

Step 6

Feedback loops and elected representation are extremely important in the Transition model. Each team must commit to elect a representative to sit on the Coordinating Council no later than 12 months after you have become official.

Step 7 

Members are expected to follow Transition principles of open, inclusive membership. We want to expand community participation!

Step 8      

You’re now ready to alter the course of history.  Learn, take action and have fun!!