CC Minutes
CC Meeting 3.1.2017 cancelled. No quorum.
CC Minutes 2.1.2017
Present: Norman, Susan, Joe, Deb, Jen Visitors: Alli, Martin
Facilitator: Susan. Minutes: Joe. Treasurer: Deb
Centering exercise: Check in: Agenda Review: Approved
Treasury Report: $349
New Business:
Martin Webpage Review: Review existing site. Picking a new theme- current page no longer supported software. Action Item: Martin Email links to liked themes & follow up with developers on liked themes.
Water Group: Water Ed Day collaboration with Permaculture Team and Others (March 26th) Action Item: All Propose to team, call for volunteers and collaboration. Tuesday “Stand with Standing Rock” NoDAPL, NoKXXL actions at 4pm-sunset at corner of Park and Hwy 62 in JT. Next meeting Feb 2nd Gregory’s home: Goal Setting 2017, Rain Reports and more.
Permaculture: Loomio approach, last meeting was in Dec. Action Item: All CC Support for team support, enlist the help of H&S, reorganize. Meeting Next Wed, with requested facilitation and presentation help.
E-Team: JTLFP: Squash Sunday, Feb 26th 5pm. Discussion on further development of “Foodie Group”. Action Item: All Notify teams of “call for volunteers” for food demonstrations and demo garden. Reskilling Events: Felting Soap? Discussion: Action Item: Jen may be able to secure Carded Wool for project. Food Co-op: Action Item: Joe Bring Survey to next CC meeting. Time Bank:
Heart and Soul: General Quarterly Membership Meeting Feb 12th: Team Building. Indivisible
Old Business:
Action Item: Jen Remind Greg for Bio
Action Item: Joe Add Parking Lot items to Loomio
Next Meeting: 2/22/17 Deb’s House, Deb: Facilitator Action Item: Deb Remind Alli of next meeting
CC Minutes 1.11.2017
Norman, Susan, Joe, Deb, Greg: Facilitator: Susan. Minutes: Joe. Treasurer: Deb
Centering exercise: Check in: Agenda Review: Approved
Treasury Report: Computer issues, current donation +$18 from Heart and Soul, + $7 CC =$25
Action Item: Treasury Report & Annual Fee Review
Water Group: Holiday Party Review
Permaculture: Loomio approach, last meeting was in Dec.
E-Team: Holiday Party, Meeting this week
JTLFP: Jen & Susan thinning the garden, Sun 22nd food giveaway
Heart and Soul: Nonviolent communication, prep for 1/4ly meeting: team building program, quorum determination, Action Item: Susan: Qtrly meeting Agenda. Agreement Made: Jen/Susan CC report for qtrly meeting. Action Item: add two minutes to Qtrly Meeting agenda for Loomio pitch.
New Business:
Joe found Transition Banner
Greg: New Heart and Soul Rep to CC: Welcome. Action Item: Greg Bio and Pic for webpage. Action Item: Greg email contact info. Action Item: All update CC binders & bring to next meeting.
The Bhumi Devi Brigade: Susan Action Item: Joe follow up/research. Action Item: Heart and Soul, Offer to “reach out” committee.
Old Business:
Policy on out of area causes: discussion
Link Loomio to TJT Webpage discussions
List venues for reskilling events: discussion
Create checklist for reskilling events: discussion
Action Item: All Join Loomio. Action Item: Joe Invite Greg to Loomio
Courageous Resistance: Joe
Indivisible: Susan
CC minutes up to date: Missing 8/26 Action Item: All look for 8/26 minutes
Website Update: Action Item: Susan Subcommittee creation as Communication Dir. Action Item: All Invite team members to participate in website update.
Next Meeting: 3/1/17 Susan’s House, Deb: Facilitator with Susan’s help
CC Minutes 12.03.2016
Norman, Susan, Jennifer, Joe, Tracy, Mitti, Deb: Facilitator: Susan. Minutes: Joe
Check in:
Treasury Report: $759 + ?????
Action Item: Deb, donate to Standing Rock
Action Item: Susan, Send out Standing Rock Letter
New Business:
Presentation: Mittie and Tracy: Elevator Speech development session
Action Item: Susan to collect elevator speeches
Action Item: Joe- Set Presentation for Water Group Holiday Potluck: Elevator Speeches
Quarterly Meeting Review: Discussion
Team Reports:
- Water Group –
- Potluck Meeting with Elevator Speech Development Session Dec 15th 6pm Joes house; 62040 Grand View Circle in JT
- E- Team-
- Death Sisters: working on it
- Sunday Meeting at 10am at Joe’s (address above)
- H & S –
- Elevator Speeches
- Non Violent Communication
- 14 potluck
- General Membership Meeting Scheduled Feb 12th
- Permaculture:
- Site visit: Damien Lester
Old business:
- Loomio discussion: Joe
- Action Items: everyone
- Sign up
- Import agenda items to start discussion
- Commit to 10 min/week
- Draft Policy: discussion about consensus as basis for draft
- Action Item: add to Loomio discussion. (Joe)
- Next meeting:
- January
- Deb’s House
- Action Item: time/date tbd on Loomio
- Action Items: everyone
CC Minutes 10.11.2016
Norman, Susan, Jennifer, Joe: Facilitator: Susan. Minutes: Joe
Announcement: Norm, Ancient Future
Team Reports:
- Water Group –
- General Membership Meeting Planning: Save the Date- November 6th, evening Action Item: Joe add “story of Transition” to agenda
- E- Team-
- JTLFP Oct Food Program Potluck & Garden
- Time Bank- Organizing promotion/Potluck
- Food Co-op discovery committee: open invitation to join our steering committee.
- P- Team –
- Web page changes
- $75 to Standing Rock
- Loomio
- Workshop: wicking bed
- H & S –
- Web page review
- Next meeting off regular calendar
- $100 to standing rock (???)
Old business:
- Loomio discussion
- 7 signed up
- Proposals listed
- Mesa Fest
- Standing Rock
New Business
- Joe Gibson
- Remove from email list
- Action Item: Water Group replace CC Rep
- Next meeting:
- Nov 3rd 4:00 -6 pm
- ??? House
- Susan Facilitate
CC Minutes 9.22.2016 & Standing Rock Resolution
Deb, Norman, Susan, Jennifer, Joe, Jill: Facilitator: Susan. Minutes: Joe
Aims Read: Susan. Norms Read: Deb
Agenda Review:
- Add MBCA event: Joe F
- Add Membership Qualification: Norman
Treasurer: Deb. Report attached
- JT Chamber of Commerce: Renewal notice was a mistake. Item Dismissed
New Business
- TJT Support of Standing Rock: Jill G. Note: Water Group has donated $61 for the cause. Agreement Made: Passed, motion: Approve letter to Standing Rock (with edits to be approved via email) and send out to TJT membership, with disclosure reference to policy and precedent for this exclusive action. Agreement Made: Passed motion: to direct funding to “Go Fund Me” account with understanding that direct action support is preferred. Agreement Made: CC will support this action by matching donations from membership or teams, up to $200.00.
- Support for JTLFP: Jen, Garden expenses Agreement Made: $40 to JTLFP from Treasury
- Loomio from Sharable: Norman, application software to aid in decision making and deliberation to maximize efficiency of group interactions. Action Item: Norman, investigate further, test with Permaculture Group and report.
- MBCA event: Joe, Saturday 9/24: Agreement Made: Joe F to represent TJT
Team Reports:
- Water Group –
- Morongo Basin Urban Water Management Plan Reviews: JBWD, HDWD, TPWD, MWA
- General Membership Meeting Planning: Save the Date- November 6th, evening
- E- Team-
- JTLFP Sept 25th Food Program Potluck & Garden
- Time Bank- Organizing promotion/Potluck
- Food Co-op discovery committee: open invitation to join our steering committee.
- P- Team –
- H & S –
- Elevator Speeches
- Death Sisters Reborn: SPG proposal to E-team collaboration, end of life planning, wills, etc. Action Item: E-team & H&S Rep to propose to teams.
- Environmental SPG:
Old business:
- TUS webinar on Grant writing: Susan, out.: not enough time
- Doodle Calendar: Susan Action Item: All, please respond to doodle calendar for planning purposes.
- Mesa Fest, call for volunteers: Susan, Deb answering the call.
- Membership: Norm, discussion about importance of membership status and ease of signing up. Action Item: Susan, add to future agendas. Action Item: All, research existing protocols and develop strategy and continue discussion.
- Action Item: Joe F. send Soil Stomp interest list to Susan
- Next meeting:
- October 11th 4:00 -6 pm
- Deb’s House
- Susan Facilitate
Transition Joshua Tree Stands
with the Standing Rock Sioux
Transition Joshua Tree formally declares that we stand and support the Standing Rock Sioux of North Dakota and the over 250 tribes that have joined them in their protest to stop the Enbridge North Dakota Access Pipeline. Transition Joshua Tree is a grassroots movement that focuses on building sustainable community resilience. Towards this end we organize educational community events that deal with the urgent subject of transitioning to a sustainable local infrastructure. This includes healthy food production, water conservation and water harvesting techniques, alternative building methods, transportation with a low carbon footprint and clean energy production. We support the Standing Rock Sioux in the protection of their land and water.
The 1,100-mile North Dakota Access Pipeline would carry oil from the Bakken Shale fields in North Dakota to a terminal in Illinois, where it would hook up to an existing pipeline and route crude directly to refineries in the U.S. Gulf Coast. The proposed route of the pipeline approaches the Standing Rock Sioux reservation. The tribe has stated that the pipeline would disturb sacred and historical sites and could contaminate drinking water. The permit issued by the Army Corp of Engineers for this project fails to require Dakota Access to complete an environmental impact and archaeological study. The Sioux tribe was not consulted about the project. Over the course of its route, the pipeline will pass through productive farmland, ecologically sensitive areas and cross the Big Sioux, Missouri and Mississippi rivers numerous times. The Missouri river is the only source of drinking water for the tribe.
This is not just about this one pipeline. We all continue to watch as, around the world, oil spills from leaking pipelines have devastated rivers, bioregions and the lives of all who live in proximity. We must demand that our governments immediately commit to the research and implementation of clean alternative energy sources so that our dependence on oil may be phased out as quickly as possible. It is a fundamental principle of the Transition Movement to develop an energy descent plan, which is why Transition Joshua Tree supports this action.
The Sioux say they are Protectors not protesters. We are grateful to these courageous Protectors for setting an example for the world to see. They are doing it for all of us and for our future generations. Transition Joshua Tree has made a donation to the Standing Rock No Dakota Access Pipeline Fund. Go to for more information and to make donations. Transition Joshua Tree is sending support to for food, meds, shelter, clothing and the organization of the camp.
Water is Life!
CC Minutes 8.5.2016
Deb, Norman, Susan, Joe, Janet: Facilitator: Susan Minutes: Joe
Treasurer: Current balance: $_______ Contributions from: Enterprise Team- $41, Heart and Soul – $32, Water Group – $75 Action Item: Deb to provide Treasury Balance.
Team Reports:
Water Group –
o Morongo Basin Urban Water Management Plan Reviews: JBWD, HDWD, TPWD, MWA
o Salton Sea Field Trip planning for October
o General Membership Meeting Planning: Save the Date- November 6th, evening
E- Team-
o JTLFP August 28th Food Program Potluck
o Time Bank- Organizing promotion/Potluck
o Food Co-op discovery committee: open invitation to join our steering committee.
P- Team –
o Field Trip- Please provide details
o Quarterly Meeting Review
H & S –
o Movie/Potluck: August 22nd, 5:30 Mittie’s House, movie: Dharma Brothers
Outreach Team –
o Story of how they formed out of Open Space Event, and intent.
Old business:
Membership Welcome Committee
o Tabled. Action Item: Norm and Susan to collaborate.
Update CC Member Binder
o Action Item: Jen & Susan to prepare report for next CC meeting
New Business:
Team Application: Outreach Team:
o Tabled
Yucca Mesa Community Center Sept 24th Fundraiser
o Call for Volunteers
o Action Item: Susan to provide more detail
Donate to Transition US
o Action Item: All- research membership and promotional options
o Action Item: Susan- reach out to Beth for details
Luna Arcana: New Magazine, Martin asked for support
o Action Item: Susan to reply: need to develop protocol for PR.
Morongo Basin Conservation Association- Next Era/JT airport solar protest August 9th
o Agreement Made, with Action Item: Susan to send out to TJT mailing list with reasoning.
Website Improvements: Who decides?
o open discussion on protocols and best practices
Tool Library
o Open discussion on Enterprise Teams committee and Sharable template.
General Meeting Cost Sharing for expenses at YMCC
o Open discussion
Criteria and Protocol for notifying TJT membership of non- TJT activities
o Open discussion
Alternative Housing Interest Group
o Open discussion
Movie Nights (Joe)- Tabled
Reskilling Events
o Kombucha Brewing: Jen’s house August 14th 1pm
o Whose Next- please contact Joe for interest. Action Item: All- proposal for teams
to volunteer skills for next reskilling event.
Environmental Update Committeeo
NPS Boundary Study
o Eagle Mountain Pump Storage Project
o Paradise Valley City project
o Alta Mira housing project
o Spark Forum: County of SB Renewable Element in Code
o Next Era Solar Project: (see MBCA August 9th protest letter)
o Soda Mountain Solar Project: Joe to meet with Seth Schteir of NPCA
o Dark Skies Committee- County Supervisor Ramos appointed Joe to committee.
Next meeting:
o August 26th 5:30
o Deb’s House
o Susan Facilitate
CC Minutes 6.17.16
Present: Jennifer, Susan, Joe F, Deb
Facilitator: Joe/ Minutes: Susan
Treasurer’s report: $150 to JTLFP via Susan. $8 dues collected. New total: $592.15
Team reports:
- Water Group – Cadiz event contentious. WG has put up event reports on website. Pumped dry event successful
- Enterprise Team – Time bank ongoing; June 26th JTLFP theme is summer squash; garden on hiatus for the summer
- Permaculture Team – A-frame mini-workshop;
- H & S – next meeting is an Open Space debrief; OM Circle May 20th at YMCC
Action items
- Joe – Send Susan ½ page summer squash flyer for distribution at Om Circle
- Joe – call Norman about General Meeting
- Susan – post Norman’s photo on website
Next meeting: July 8th at Susan’s, Joe facilitating.
CC Minutes 5.20.16
Deb, Norman, Susan, Joe, Jen: Facilitator: Joe/ minutes: Susan
Centering exercise: courtesy Boseman Transition
Treasurer: Current balance: $732.15 –see Decision Made below for expenditures.
Previous minutes approved.
Team Reports:
- Water Group – movie @ Furstworld/ Pumped Dry documentary
- E- Team- repaired demonstration garden/hosting Transition 101 Time Bank/ JTLFP hosting pesto dinner and food giveaway/ 4-H group on summer hiatus
- P- Team – regrouping and planning for future/ hosting next General Meeting in July
- H & S – Om Circle on track for may 20th/ Open Space in process – requesting CC help to set up on Friday, June 10th. Time to be determined.
Old business:
- Quarterly Meeting – P-Team working on it, Joe assisting
- Movie screenings – who is next? – tabled
- Core resourcing – tabled
- Website link proposal – tabled
- Update on Membership Welcome Committee – have it in place before OS
Decisions made:
- CC co-sponsor WG movie night – $25 – given to Joe
- CC –donate to JTLFP $150 for providing food for the OS
- Joe to intro TJT & Teams at OS
New business:
- JT Film Festival will let TJT host an environmental movie. Joe/chamber monitoring the organization of the festival.
Action Items:
- All – update your portion of the website before Open Space if possible
- All- get movie recommendations for Film Festival
- All- write elevator speech about your Team & get it to Joe
- Susan – check gmail account for which events drew which people in to TJT
- Susan – Send Norman & Deb Communication Director protocol list
- Norman – produce the Membership Welcome Letter
- Norman – photo and blurb for CC bio page
- Eva M – update Guide to Forming TJT Teams for OS
- Joe – send information to all Teams regarding the Urban Water Plan Study Session
- Joe – will take on CC & WG information table for the OS
Next meeting: help set up for OS on Friday the 10th. Next @ Joe’s, 6.17.16. Joe facilitate.
Coordinating Council Minutes
April 29 2016
As keepers of the vision, to build a sustainable resilient community in the Morongo Basin by supporting and coordinating TJT members and Teams through developing clear internal communications, strategic planning, organizational development and promoting the mission by sharing and engaging with the larger community.
Facilitator: Joe F. Minutes: Jennifer J Treasurer: Deb
Present: Norman, Joe G, Joe F., Deb, Jennifer
Check In:
Agenda review:
Treasurer’s Report:
- Currently have $160 for TOPS event Action Item: Deb get TOPS money to Susan
- Currently have $860 (-50 to JTLFP, + 8 CC Mtg, +74 permaculture, +14 enterprise)
Action Item: Deb to deliver $50 to JTLFP (Joe F) [per agreement April 8th]
Approve minutes: Meeting minutes from April 8th 2016 – approved by all in attendance
- Eagle Mountain Mtg 6-8 @ Community Center for public input
Team Reports
- Water Group
- WG 101 reviews – 3 new grp memembers/working on response mtg for Cadiz
- Film Screening: Pumped Dry (est. Thurs June 16th at Furstworld)
- Enterprise Team
- E-team 101: Time Bank: Sunday, May 22nd Noon-2pm Healthy Generations
- TJT Time Bank: Sunday May 22nd 5-6pm CUMC
- JTLFP- Spring Greens reviews
- 4h-
- Permaculture Team- mtg 2 hours (1/2 educational)
- Heart and Soul-
- Ohm Circle May 20th YMCC
- Open Space: June 11Healthy Generations
- Need coordinator for Information Table for all groups
Old Business:
- Qtrly Meeting Reiviews à Permaculture is the next group
- Create qtrly meeting checklist and post op?
- Action Item: Joe & Norman work on logistics for up coming QTRLY Mtg
- Action Item: Joe QTRLY Mtg check list
- Movie Screening Documentaries
- WG Pumped Dry
- JTLFP Provide snacks for movie night??
- Who’s next? Action Item: All members go back and ask groups for ideas
- TJT Environmental Network: (Ron Bollinger, Laura Emeric., Crystal Wysong, Joe Fairbanks, Norman) Plan next steps.
- Website Link Proposal: Action Item: all members look at health links and/or find others that would better serve our community
- TJT Website Bio Report: Tabled until next meeting
- Core Resourcing: Discussion Review Core Resourcing Guidebook.
- Project drives funding – what is our project/area of focus?
- Action Item: All brainstorming & continue reading Core Resources Manual
- Plan to update the website: (Susan) Tabled until next meeting
- Membership Welcome Committee: (Susan and Norm) Discussion about forming subcommittee and ideas. Continue Development.
- Welcome letter via e-mail
- Need to create a more comprehensive e-mail database
- back ground info to help when doing out reach
- support letting new members know where to go
- follow-up
New Business
- Plan next meeting
- Date: May 20th @ 5:30
- Location: Joe’s House
- Facilitator: Joe?
Reflections on the meeting.
Coordinating Council of Transition Joshua Tree
Coordinating Council Minutes
Minutes: April 8th Regular Meeting
Present: Joe G, Jen, Joe F., Susan, Norm
Aims Read:
Agenda Review
Treasury Report: Tabled
Old business: None
Team Reports:
-Water Group: (Joe G.) 101 planning for Wed. 13th
-Enterprise Team: Time Banks
-JTLFP: Spring Greens 3/24
-4 H
-Demo Garden: Request for Funds to offset cost of irrigation repairs. Proposal made, Passed: Agreement: $50 from Treasury to JTLFP Demo Garden. Action Item: Deb: Give $50 from the Treasury to Joe F. to present to the E-team’s JTLFP Demo Garden.
-Permaculture Team: (Norman)
-SPG Environmental Networking Committee: Norm to represent Permaculture Team
-Agenda Protocol Review
-Heart and Soul
-Summer Solstice Ohm Circle 6/20 Yucca Mesa Community Center
-Open Space SPG: 6/11-12 Jill G joined SPG
New Business:
-Quarterly Meeting:
-CC Report: Jen
-Permaculture Report: Norman
-Water Group Report: Joe G
-Enterprise Team: Susan
-Movie Night Proposal: Discussion, proposal, Passed. Agreement: Approved for creation of subcommittee. Action Item: Joe: Present at Quarterly Meeting in CC report.
-Website Link Proposal: Discussion, Tabled. Action Item: All, investigate links proposed.
-TJT Website Bio Report: (Susan) Jen’s bio is up, no pic. Joe G’s pic, no bio. Eva S. Removed.
-Core Resourcing: Discussion Action Item: All: Review Core Resourcing Guidebook.
-Plan to update the website: (Susan) Discussion. Action Item: All: Report and direct your teams to appoint reporters and generate content after events to place on webpage. Action Item: Joe F. to email Norman, Set, Define, Record, Share protocol. Action Item: Susan, add Enterprise Team Minutes to webpage. Action Item: Joe: Direct Martin to add Tab on Enterprise Team for JTLFP.
-Membership Welcome Committee: (Susan and Norm) Discussion about forming subcommittee and ideas. Continue Development.
-Next Meeting: April 29th Joe F’s House 62040 Grand View Circle, JT 5:30pm. Joe F to facilitate.
March 18th 2016
As keepers of the vision, to build a sustainable resilient community in the Morongo Basin by supporting and coordinating TJT members and Teams through developing clear internal communications, strategic planning, organizational development and promoting the mission by sharing and engaging with the larger community.
Location: Susan’s House Present: Susan, Joe G., Joe F., Deb H, Norman, Jennifer
Facilitator: Susan Jordan Minutes: Jennifer
Check in:
Treasurer’s Report: 786.15 – Received 3/18 $16 from H & S and $12 Mtg Collection
Balance on 2/26 $784.15 Received $12 CC mtg Collection (2/26) & $62 from TJT101 à Balance $858.15 minus JT Chamber dues $75 and TJT101 room rental $25.00 à Balance $758.15
Old Business
- TJT 101
- Recap of CC presentation Action Item: Joe email signature/sign-in list from TJT101 meeting to Susan
- Recommendations: Written agenda, Pay for room in advance, Collect sign-in sheets
- Need for TJT Member to attend JT Chamber Board meetings Action Item: Joe Fairbanks will be the rep – every 2nd Wednesday of moth at 8 am.
- Permaculature response Action Item: Deb & Norm
- Response to General meeting agenda
- Special Project Group – Environmental Concerns – still trying to pull it together – need committed members
Team Reports
- Water
- Unleashing Event Action Item: All – look at Thriving/Unleadhing Event on Transistions Website
- TJT 101 Wed. April 13th – Sportman’s Club
- E-Team – QTRLY Mtg agenda / 4H program / Benefit of Beets recap
- P-Team – Warren Bush Presentation/T-shirts/ Proxy e-mail voting
- H&S – regrouping à Sub groups who report back / Next mtg 4/4 @ 6:30pm at Susan’s house
New Business
- Earth Day – P-Team having a booth
- Water Education Day – P-Team & Water – Sunday April 3rd at JTWB
- Reskilling program – creating Sub Committee & E-Team will move forward with those interested Action Item: Joe re-email proposal on reskilling workshops
- TJT Time Bank – How to get more trades going on
- Core Resourcing – What is going to be outsourced/ fundraising level/ Selling knowledge or services Action Item: Joe email Core Resourcing Guide to CC memebers & All members read over
- Open Space –Motion:H&S will run – approved by all present/ 2nd wknd in June 11th & 12th/ will be asking various people to volunteer
- Social Media – Stacy Doolittle
- Flyer Translation – Jen Jungwirth
- Event coordinator – Joe Fairbanks
- Membership Committee – Action Item: Susan and Norman draft proposal for Membership Committee
Plan next meeting
- Friday April 8th @ Joe’s house 62040 Grandview Circle 5:30 pm
Parking Lot: organizational docs updated; CC directive to CD clarification, Guide for Policy Development;revise New Member Notebook update; historical decision document;
Coordinating Council Minutes
February 26th 2016
As keepers of the vision, to build a sustainable resilient community in the Morongo Basin by supporting and coordinating TJT members and Teams through developing clear internal communications, strategic planning, organizational development and promoting the mission by sharing and engaging with the larger community.
Location: Deb H.’s home Present: Susan, Joe F., Eva S., Deb H, Norm
Facilitator: Susan Jordan Minutes: Joe F Read Aims: Check in: Read Norms:
Treasurer’s Report: Current Balance $784.15
Old Business
- Historical ‘agreements made’ collected Action Item Move to Parking Lot
- Heart & Soul: Agreed to not host Open Space Event.
- TJT101: Into to TJT: March 3rd.Promo and Print: Agreement: $20/petty cash for Joe F for printing expenses
- TJT101: Intro to Water: April 13th Action Item: Norm/Deb: take TJT101 proposal to Permaculture Group. Action Item: Joe F. to email TJT 101 Proposal to Norm/Deb.
Team Reports
- Water- TJT 101 Intro to WG Planning, and Cadiz discussions.
- E-Team- Food Group: Benefit of Beets and Timebank set up.
- H & S – Eva M on Sabbatical.
- Permaculture Team -New norms, sub-groups: work parties, field trips, farmers almanac. Harrison House invitation to collaborate with Permaculture Group: Passed. Proposed to make decisions by email, not passed by Permaculture Group. Proposal/Passed: Agreement Made: CC to Co-sponsor Harrison House Permaculture event for shared promotion.
New Business
- NPCA Desert Lands Letter: Agreement Made: Passed via email: TJT signed on to letter.
- Proposal for Reskilling Workshops: Agreement Made: Proposal Accepted:
Draft Proposal
Reskilling Workshops
Proposal Summary: Transition Enterprise Team would like to sponsor a sub committee “TJT Reskilling Initiative” to review and collaborate, with the intent of planning, coordinating and hosting SKILL SHARING EVENTS & WORKSHOPS, on a regular basis, on behalf of TJT, its members and teams.
Purpose: To bring about the change in our community that will promote outreach and the mission of the Enterprise Team and TJT with the possibility of fundraising for the E-team, TJT, the participating group or individual(s) sharing skills.
People care, fair share, earth care.
Next Steps:
- Send out draft proposal to Enterprise Team for approval at 2/21 meeting. Approved
- Send out Draft proposal to CC for review, collaboration and approval at 2/26 meeting. Approved
- With E-Team and CC approval, distribute proposal to teams and public for subcommittee recruitment.
- Subcommittee: TJT Reskilling Initiative will self organize, plan and hold regular meetings and report to the E-team and CC on progress, actions and events.
- Transition Enterprise Draft Agenda for Quarterly Meeting: Action Item: All: take Agenda to Teams for review. :
Draft Agenda
Transition Joshua Tree General Membership Meeting and Potluck
Hosting Team: Enterprise Team
Date: April 10th Time: 5:00 pm – 8:00pm
Location: Healthy Generations 57121 Sunnyslope Dr, Yucca Valley, CA 92284
4:00 Set up: Sharing table, announcements table, food service, presentation and meeting.
Start 5pm: Potluck with Introduction/Welcome and Food Demonstration by the JT Local Food Program.
5:30 Centering Exercise
5:35 – 5:59
- Quorum Call
- Agenda Review
- Minutes Review
- New Business
- Team Reports and presentations (10 min each)
- Transition Enterprise Team
- Heart and Soul
- Permaculture Team
- Water Group
- Coordinating Council
- break
7:00-8:00 Presentation by the Enterprise Team: Welcome to the Transition Joshua Tree Time Bank: training and workshop.
- Posting Minutes to website: discussion
- Desert Peace Symposium: this Sunday
- Updating Website: Each team should have reporters. Action Item: All: Get content from upcoming events for website. Agreement Made: Remove inactive forum from website.
Core Resourcing: by Joe F: Action Item: Joe F. to email links on Core Resourcing. Action Item: All: Research and add to next agenda.
Contact: Norm: 503 358 3129
Plan next meeting
- Friday March 18th – 5:30 pm @ Susan’s house Facilitator: ? Continue Core Resourcing Discussion
Coordinating Council Minutes
February 5th 2016
As keepers of the vision, to build a sustainable resilient community in the Morongo Basin by supporting and coordinating TJT members and Teams through developing clear internal communications, strategic planning, organizational development and promoting the mission by sharing and engaging with the larger community.
Location: Deb H.’s home Present: Susan, Joe F., Eva S., Deb H, Jennifer
Facilitator: Susan Jordan Minutes: Jennifer
Check in:
Treasurer’s Report: Current Balance $614.15
Received $55 from E-Team & $50 from H&S
TOPS $191 – ear maked for next TOPS event
Approve minutes: Action Item: Jen email updated Jan 15th minutes to Susan to post on Website
- January 15th Approved
Agreement: Approve meeting minutes via email before next meeting unless an issue arises for discussion
Old Business
- CC Notebooks Action Item: Eva S add minutes tab to back of extra binders
- CC meeting Minutes Action Item: Joe F & Eva S look for 2nd set of September meeting minutes for 2015 and send to Susan to post on website
- Historical ‘agreements made’ collected Action Item Joe F. finish historical Agreements Log
- Enterprise Info to Eva S. for binder update Action Item: Joe F get Enterprise Write up for Eva S to add to Binders
Team Reports
- Water- new treasurer/Water ethics vs. Science focus
- H & S – focused on Quarterly Mtg. presentation
- E-Team- Mtg. Sunday February 7th 10 am – focus on Time Banks & Software/ JTLFP – Squash Sunday great success
- Permaculture Team – sponsoring Rain Cachment at Jill & Tim’s, focus on small special projects
- Special Projects – Seth S from NPCA presentation at end of February
- Debrief Quarterly General Meeting- Loved time line activity/ visitors expressed concerns about how to get into organization à need to advertise different groups to community Action Item: Susan verify quorum and share that information with Joe F.
New Business
- Decision making between meetings Agreement: ATTENTION will be written in the Subject line and members will have 24 hours to respond. If there is a quorum the information will be decided on, if one member would like to discuss it will be placed on the next agenda.
- Open Space – Action Item: Susan will ask H & S group, if not CC will need to take the lead.
- Handbook revision – added to parking lot – Jennifer & Susan may take on this summer
- 101 Meeting – CC will host first informational meeting for community – Intro to TJT and Special Projects group Action Item: Joe F write up a proposal for members to present to their teams, schedule date with Chamber and create flyer to Susan to publicize.
Plan next meeting
- Friday February 26th – 5 pm @ Deb H’s house Jen will be absent Facilitator: Susan Jordan Action Item: Susan create agenda and email to CC
Parking Lot: CC directive to CD clarification; Guide for Policy Development; re-organize notebooks; using TJT gmail list to send environmental action items;
Coordinating Council Minutes
January 15th 2016
As keepers of the vision, to build a sustainable resilient community in the Morongo Basin by supporting and coordinating TJT members and Teams through developing clear internal communications, strategic planning, organizational development and promoting the mission by sharing and engaging with the larger community.
Location: Deb H.’s home Present: Susan, Joe G., Joe F., Eva S., Deb H, Jennifer
Facilitator: Susan Jordan Minutes: Jennifer
Check in:
Treasurer’s Report: $660.90 Receive $95 from Permaculture Action Item: Deb renew Domain
Approve minutes:
- December 11th Approved
- October 29th Approved
Old Business
- CC Notebooks Action Item: Susan write up table of contents & Eva S add minutes tab to back of extra binders Agreement: Add syncing CC Notebooks to Agenda
- Minutes to webpage Action Item: Joe resend meeting minutes to Susan & Susan post minutes to webpage
- Bios & photos for new CC members Action Item: Susan call Joe G to interview for Bio & post picture. Jennifer finish Bio and send picture to Susan to post
- Historical ‘agreements made’ collected Action Item Joe F. finish historical Agreements Log
- Enterprise Info to Eva S. for binder update Action Item: Joe F get Enterprise Write up for Eva S to add to Binders
- Business cards Action Item: Susan contact Oasis & order Business Cards
- Post Agenda & Quorum Policies Action Item: Joe F. finish and email to Susan to post
Team Reports
- Water- no report
- H & S & Quarterly Meeting – date changed to saturday January 30th @ noon Action Item: Joe F prepare the CC presentation for Qrtly Mtg
- E-Team- Squash Sunday January 24th 5 to 7pm @ Methodist chuch in JT
- Permaculture Team – sponsoring Rain Cachment at Jill & Tim’s, Ecobrick Bench Project
- Eagle Mtn Sub- Group Action Item: Joe F. will talk w/ Crystal about leading group
- Dates for next several meetings Action Item: Everyone mark calendars for upcoming meetings
- Feb 5th @ Deb’s House @ 5pm
- 26th @ Deb’s House @ 5 pm – Jennifer will be absent
- March 18th
- April 8th
New Business
- Kathy Jennings next team building – Action Item: Susan will email to inform Kathy, not necessary until new team members join possibly April
- Minutes & facilitating Action Item: Susan will email format for agenda out to CC group
- Transfer of treasury Agreement: Transfered treasury duties to Deb H.
- Environmental issues communication Action Item: Susan will write up email to send to TJT email list concerning WEMO
Plan next meeting
- Friday February 5th – 5 pm @ Deb H’s house Facilitator: Susan Jordan Action Item: Susan create agenda and email to CC
Parking Lot: organizational docs updated; replying to emails in a timely manner; minutes protocol; CC directive to CD clarification; Guide for Policy Development; notebook update; business cards; using TJT gmail list to send environmental action items;
Coordinating Council Minutes
January 15th 2016
As keepers of the vision, to build a sustainable resilient community in the Morongo Basin by supporting and coordinating TJT members and Teams through developing clear internal communications, strategic planning, organizational development and promoting the mission by sharing and engaging with the larger community.
Location: Deb H.’s home Present: Susan, Joe G., Joe F., Eva S., Deb H, Jennifer
Facilitator: Susan Jordan Minutes: Jennifer
Check in:
Treasurer’s Report: $660.90 Receive $95 from Permaculture Action Item: Deb renew Domain
Approve minutes:
- December 11th Approved
- October 29th Approved
Old Business
- CC Notebooks Action Item: Susan write up table of contents & Eva S add minutes tab to back of extra binders Agreement: Add syncing CC Notebooks to Agenda
- Minutes to webpage Action Item: Joe resend meeting minutes to Susan & Susan post minutes to webpage
- Bios & photos for new CC members Action Item: Susan call Joe G to interview for Bio & post picture. Jennifer finish Bio and send picture to Susan to post
- Historical ‘agreements made’ collected Action Item Joe F. finish historical Agreements Log
- Enterprise Info to Eva S. for binder update Action Item: Joe F get Enterprise Write up for Eva S to add to Binders
- Business cards Action Item: Susan contact Oasis & order Business Cards
- Post Agenda & Quorum Policies Action Item: Joe F. finish and email to Susan to post
Team Reports
- Water- no report
- H & S & Quarterly Meeting – date changed to saturday January 30th @ noon Action Item: Joe F prepare the CC presentation for Qrtly Mtg
- E-Team- Squash Sunday January 24th 5 to 7pm @ Methodist chuch in JT
- Permaculture Team – sponsoring Rain Cachment at Jill & Tim’s, Ecobrick Bench Project
- Eagle Mtn Sub- Group Action Item: Joe F. will talk w/ Crystal about leading group
- Dates for next several meetings Action Item: Everyone mark calendars for upcoming meetings
- Feb 5th @ Deb’s House @ 5pm
- 26th @ Deb’s House @ 5 pm – Jennifer will be absent
- March 18th
- April 8th
New Business
- Kathy Jennings next team building – Action Item: Susan will email to inform Kathy, not necessary until new team members join possibly April
- Minutes & facilitating Action Item: Susan will email format for agenda out to CC group
- Transfer of treasury Agreement: Transfered treasury duties to Deb H.
- Environmental issues communication Action Item: Susan will write up email to send to TJT email list concerning WEMO
Plan next meeting
- Friday February 5th – 5 pm @ Deb H’s house Facilitator: Susan Jordan Action Item: Susan create agenda and email to CC
Parking Lot: organizational docs updated; replying to emails in a timely manner; minutes protocol; CC directive to CD clarification; Guide for Policy Development; notebook update; business cards; using TJT gmail list to send environmental action items;
Coordinating Council Minutes
December 11th, 2015
“As keepers of the vision,” to build a sustainable resilient community in the Morongo Basin by supporting and coordinating TJT members and teams through developing clear internal communications, strategic planning, organizational development and promoting the mission by sharing and engaging with a larger community.”
Location: Joe F.’s home Present: (7) Susan, Joe G., Joe F., Cathy J., Jennifer, Debbie, Eva S.
Facilitator: Susan Minutes: Joe F.
Check in:
Treasury Report: $553 balance. Paid $150 in gift certificates. Notebooks Completed $100/est.
Action Item: Report actual Notebook Cost in Minutes.
Previous Minutes: CC Minutes 11 12 2015 Approved. CC Minutes 10 29 2015: Minutes Review. ONS Guidelines, read Heart and Soul Minutes form. Action Item: Susan: email revised minutes for 10/29/2015
Aims Read:
Program: Team Building with Cathy J.: Pace Pallet/Puzzle
CC Notebooks: Eva S. Distribute and fill in Contact List Action Item: everyone: Add Minutes Tab to CC Notebook. Action Item: Add to future agenda’s: CC Notebook Sync. To review changes and keep up to date.
Minutes to Webpage Action Item: Susan to email Joe
Bios and Photos: Action Item: New members and Joe G, update with photos.
Agreements Log: Action Item: Jen to manage new Agreements Log. Action Item: Joe F. to log historical Agreements Log.
Water Group Report:
Special Project Group: Networking Local Response: Action Item: Eva S. to invite Permaculture Team Members.
Permaculture: Site Visits, Bottle Stuffing/Earth Bench, On Contour: water harvesting presentation, New Policy: Critic design projects every 6 weeks, Hanna report on International Gathering.
Heart and Soul Report: Holiday Potluck: Mon 6pm Susan’s House
Transition Enterprise Report: Alternative Currency: time banks Next meeting Sun 20th at Jen’s house
New Business:
Next Meeting: Jan 2nd
o Debbie’s House
Reflections on Meeting: Action Item: Add to future agenda: Next Team Building.
Coordinating Council Minutes
December 11th, 2015
“As keepers of the vision,” to build a sustainable resilient community in the Morongo Basin by supporting and coordinating TJT members and teams through developing clear internal communications, strategic planning, organizational development and promoting the mission by sharing and engaging with a larger community.
Location: Joe F.’s home Present: (7) Susan, Joe G., Joe F., Cathy J., Jennifer, Debbie, Eva S.
Facilitator: Susan Minutes: Joe F.
Check in:
Treasury Report: $553 balance. Paid $150 in gift certificates. Notebooks Completed $100/est.
Action Item: Report actual Notebook Cost in Minutes.
Previous Minutes: CC Minutes 11 12 2015 Approved. CC Minutes 10 29 2015: Minutes Review. ONS Guidelines, read Heart and Soul Minutes form. Action Item: Susan: email revised minutes for 10/29/2015
Aims Read:
Program: Team Building with Cathy J.: Pace Pallet/Puzzle
CC Notebooks: Eva S. Distribute and fill in Contact List Action Item: everyone: Add Minutes Tab to CC Notebook. Action Item: Add to future agenda’s: CC Notebook Sync. To review changes and keep up to date.
Minutes to Webpage Action Item: Susan to email Joe
Bios and Photos: Action Item: New members and Joe G, update with photos.
Agreements Log: Action Item: Jen to manage new Agreements Log. Action Item: Joe F. to log historical Agreements Log.
Water Group Report:
Special Project Group: Networking Local Response: Action Item: Eva S. to invite Permaculture Team Members.
Permaculture: Site Visits, Bottle Stuffing/Earth Bench, On Contour: water harvesting presentation, New Policy: Critic design projects every 6 weeks, Hanna report on International Gathering.
Heart and Soul Report: Holiday Potluck: Mon 6pm Susan’s House
Transition Enterprise Report: Alternative Currency: time banks Next meeting Sun 20th at Jen’s house
New Business:
Next Meeting: Jan 2nd
o Debbie’s House
Reflections on Meeting: Action Item: Add to future agenda: Next Team Building.
TJT CC Meeting
October 29th, 2015
Place: Eva’s S home
Jennifer, Eva S, Eva M, Kathy J, Joe F, Joe G, Susan, Debbie H.
Facilitator: Eva M/ Minutes: Eva S,
(Minutes were revised at Nov. 12th CC meeting, re-transcribed by Susan to follow standard minutes protocol on 12.28.2015)
Minutes: approved
Treasurer’s report: Eva S/$764
Team Reports:
- Enterprise Team: Joshua Tree Local Food Program going well providing fresh vegan food and fresh food giveaway. Jennifer will report for E-Team at the General Meeting.
- H & S: Currently working with the concept of ‘trust’. Mittie will report at the General Meeting & will lead a session in Laughter Yoga
- Tops: Eva M will report at General Meeting
- Water Team: Joe G reported on old jeeps and dogs running around. Hosted a social at Pappy & Harriet’s recently Joe F will facilitate the General Meeting for the Water Team & give the CC report.
- Permaculture Team: Requesting clarification from the CC about what went on with Louis’ participation in the CC.
Old Business:
- Eva S gave presentation of the CC New Member Handbook.
- Susan requested that we reassess the CC dues coming in from each Team. E-Team supports JTLFP financially and needs to figure out what to donate to CC. H & S Team also has questions and is requesting a report from the CC about financial needs.
New Business:
- Permaculture Team has requested a special meeting with the CC to discuss air out the resignation of their former rep from the CC. See Agreements Made below.
Agreements Made:
- Agenda items are due the Monday before the next CC meeting.
- CC decided that Eva M, as the recent facilitator of the CC and Eva S, the P-Team’s representative, will go to the special meeting requested by the P- Team to answer questions about Louis’ resignation from the CC.
Action Items:
- Joe to send Enterprise Committee mission statement to Eva S for inclusion in the CC New Member Handbook
- Joe to look through his minutes for Kathy’s development notes to add to the CC Handbook
- Eva S: Send CC response to Permaculture Team’s request for attendance at a special meeting.
- Eva S: Tabulate what the CC normal expenses are for the year.
- Eva S: check with Oasis about the TJT business cards.
- Eva S: will get $150 in gift certificates from local businesses for Administration Team
- Eva S: communicate to P-Team facilitator Janet how to prepare quorum info.
- Susan: send Conflict of Interest and updated Communications Director guidelines to Eva for inclusion in CC Notebook.
- Susan will post minutes to the website for CC
- Susan will send Joe dates of last CC minutes on the website so we can post all CC minutes on the website.
- Jennifer will procure used binders for the CC Notebook project.
Next Meeting: Thursday, November 12 from 5 PM to 7 PM at Joe’s house. Eva M & Kathy to facilitate.
Coordinating Council Minutes
October 14, 2015
Location: Eva S
Present: (8) Eva M., Eva S., Louis, David, Susan, Joe G., Joe F., Kathy J.
Facilitator: Eva M.
Minutes: Joe F.
9am Read Aims
Check in:
Treasury Report: $754
Previous Minutes: Reviewed and Approved
Agenda Review: -Add Healthy Generations and YMCC facility discussion to Old Business.
-Louis’ resignation from CC effective 10.14.15.
- Joe’s over commitment: (Eva S.) Open discussion about roles and responsibilities.
- Next Meeting: Joe F. Request to change future meeting times to accommodate work schedule. Kathy J to send out Doodle Calendar to coordinate next meeting time. Kathy S. to facilitate and Team Building Exercise
Adjourn: 11:12am
Action Items:
Kathy J to send out Doodle Calendar to coordinate next meeting time.
CC Minutes 9.23.15
Present: Joe F, Joe G, Eva M, Eva S, Paula, Louis, Susan
Facilitator: Eva M; Minutes: Susan
Agenda review: added reviewing the decision making process
Certify previous minutes:
8.12.15/Joe -approved
8.26.25/ Louis
Susan requested change in wording from ‘could not reach consensus’ to ‘action was blocked’. Group decided to leave it as is.
‘Write up for Policy Generation was not covered due to time constraints’ is changed to ‘Policies for Quarterly Meetings: Agenda, Quorum and Policy Generations were briefly introduced.’
Changes under Agreements Made:
Web hosting and domain name hand off is now under the name and credit card of Eva S.
Allocation of money for swag boxes for the AT needs to be more in alignment with TJT standards, no packaged items, for example and they should not be given out at general meetings.
Team Reports:
Heart & Soul: Sad that Beth has left and Penelope is now a supporting member. Gearing up to be of assistance to new groups after the open space.
Water Team reported that 3 of the 4 speakers at the MBCA’s Water in Dry Times event were Transition Joshua Tree members. Joshua Basis Water District made the reduction goal of 28%. The Million Gallon Challenge program for tracking how much catchment water is being saved is still going on, see website for information. Water Team is preparing for the General Membership meeting.
Permaculture Team: Hannah Apricot is back from two events in England and the Team is setting up an event for her to speak on the topics.
Enterprise Team is structuring and organizing and developing display tables for E-Ideas. The E-Team cooperative JT Local Food Program hosted a successful dinner and food giveaway which included a food preparation demonstration which focused on fresh food.
TOPS: Beth was the CC Treasurer rep to TOPS. TOPS has $105, with Matt Smith as treasurer and Louis holding recent dues due to Matt being out of town. Eva S volunteered to be the replacement CC Treasurer rep to TOPS. CC agreed to Eva S taking over for Beth.
Old Business:
Reviewing the decision making process for the CC was added to the agenda. Complete consensus was the original method used when there were only three people on the CC. After discussion, the new policy is:
The CC amends its decision making process from full consensus to striving for full consensus with a fall back to an 80% vote if consensus cannot be reached.
How to determine quorum was added to the agenda.
We agreed that a quorum is 51% of members of the CC present.
General Membership Meeting Quorum Policy – This was taken to the teams for feedback for Joe F.
- E-Team and Water Team accepted the document as is.
- H & S strongly wants to eliminate part 3 a. as they feel a quorum should always be established first at meetings. Susan pointed out that the new constitution no longer uses the term ‘voting member’ and that should be changed to ‘participating member’. H & S team is in favor of this document.
- Permaculture Team did not finish their discussion on this topic.
Joe reminded us that he is trying to make for an efficient General Membership Meeting and would like the Teams to consider these documents as thoroughly as they did when the Constitution verification was in progress.
Policy for General Meeting Agendas was overviewed by Joe F. Teams are to take this document back to their teams for feedback.
Guide for Policy Development was tabled to the next CC meeting.
Instagram: Joe F reported that Martin said that CC members should set up personal accounts and use the system so they can understand how it works. Joe F and Eva S have Instagram accounts and are willing to learn to use them and will give feedback to the CC.
Notebook update was tabled to the next meeting. Eva S wanted permission to reorganize and rewrite some things. Permission was gratefully granted.
Palen Solar letter was tabled to the next meeting.
New Business:
Special project group: Joe F asked for permission to establish a SPG to explore setting up a team to track which organizations around town are taking the lead on which environmental issues. It would be a networking group designed to efficiently disseminate information on topics important to our area, specifically the JT National Park and environs.
Discussed and agreed to remove Parking Lot item ‘wisdom of one person facilitating..’ item.
Action Items:
- Eva S to send Joe F information about water conference by the Long Beach Water District
- Eva S to make changes and revisions to the CC Orientation Notebook.
- Eva S & Joe F to start using their instagram accounts so that educated decisions can be made about setting up a TJT instagram account.
- Susan to revise and bring updated CD Policy to the next meeting
- Susan to get webhosting information from Beth for Eva S
- Susan to make corrections to past minutes.
- Louis send information about Hannah’s talk to Susan for dissemination
- ALL take the Policy for General Meeting Agenda back to Teams for discussion
- All talk to teams about being mindful about bringing visitors into private homes, especially around photos and blogs
Agreements Made:
The CC amends its decision making process from full consensus to striving for full consensus with a fall back to an 80%vote if consensus cannot be reached.’
A quorum for the CC is 51% of members present.
Next meeting: October 14th, 9 AM, Susan’s house. Either Eva M or Kathy to facilitate.
Reflections: Gratitude for Eva’s facilitation and that we got through the entire agenda.
Parking Lot: organizational docs need to be updated; secretary position; replying to emails in a timely manner; TJT Communications Policy; minutes protocol, CC directive to CD clarification; Palen Solar letter; minutes book at the meetings; Guide for Policy Development; notebook update; communication by email;
Minutes for the CC Meeting 9/9/15
Present: Joe F., Joe G., Eva M., Eva S., Beth, Susan, Louis
Minutes from the 9/26 meeting not yet available.
Meeting facilitated by Eva M.
Minutes: Susan
Treasurer’s report: $156 donated to the CC by the Permaculture Team, thank you. $5 collected in dues today. Total $718.
Reports & Discussions:
- Orientation Notebooks completed – Beth
- Swag boxes are a little out of synch with the needs of the AT – Susan
- Instagram account is still a possibility. Details need to be sorted out. Discussion tabled to the next meeting. -All
- The TJT Communications Director’s Event Checklist discussion continued.- Louis
- Rogue emails: discussion of civility in emails, making emails transparent to all CC members. See Agreements Made (AM).
- Quorum Determination Policy. – Joe See AM.
- Goodbye & thank you to Beth for a job well done. -All
Agreements Made:
- Eva S. is the temporary treasurer to be replaced by a permanent treasurer in January 2016.
- Web hosting and domain name hand off went to Eva S.
- Ask Martin to come to the next meeting for an instagram conversation- Joe F.
- Emails between CC members need to be transparent and respectful.
- CC Reps will take the Policy Recommendation Establishing Quorum at a TJT General Meeting back to their Teams for pre- general membership meeting discussion. Joe has provided an elevator speech and a conceptual framework (cheat sheet) for use in explaining the policy. Louis has provided an elevator speech as well. Ask teams to think about whether we need item a. option or if quorum should always be set at the beginning of the meeting.
- Swag boxes for the AT need to be adjusted to be more in alignment with TJT standards (local items) and they should not be given out at the general membership meetings.
- Orientation notebooks should be dated so we can keep track of revisions as things change.
- CC will keep tabs of participating members from Special Project Groups.
Action Items:
- Louis will send out the draft minutes from the 9/26 meeting by the 16th
- Beth will email an electronic file of the Orientation Notebook documents to CC members
- Beth will work with Susan to clean up the Orientation Cheat Sheet (OCS).
- Beth will email the OCS to Susan
- Susan will get Eva S the final version of the OCS.
- Susan will remember to date the OCS.
- CC reps will take Policy Recommendation Establishing Quorum at a TJT General Meeting back to their teams to explain the policy and get feedback.
- Eva S will handle the printing of the CC Orientation Handbook with money from CC treasury.
Next meeting: September 23rd at 9 AM at Eva S’ home. Eva M to facilitate.
Parking Lot items: quorum policy; agenda for general membership meetings policy; guide for policy development; secretary position; replying to emails in a timely manner; wisdom of one person facilitating two teams and two working groups at the same time; TJT Communications Policy; letter signing policy ; minutes protocol; organizational docs need to be updated.
CC Minutes for 8/26/2015
Joe’s house- 62087 Sunburst Cir. JT
Present: Janet, Susan, Beth, Louis, Joseph Fairbanks, Eva Soltes
Facilitator: Beth
Minutes: Louis
Beth opened the Check-In referring to Kathy’s first question– ~Regarding why we’d joined TJT~
Susan Jordan now representing Heart & Soul, to replace Beth who is leaving
Janet Tucker attended for a “look-see”
Treasurers’ Report Beth: $554
Water Team–
Permaculture Team–Only meeting twice over the summer; “Video Club” meeting weekly to view YouTube videos & select the best for inclusion on their team page.
Heart & Soul– on summer hiatus, however they are planning an event with Bernard’s body mapping; And preparing for team development following the open space event.
TOPS–Transition OPen Space event
Beth described seeing the “Thrive” poster, which was the theme chosen for the last open space event. And was her introduction to TJT
Transition Enterprise Committee (and JTLFP)–has a new member with 13 total; Susan facilitated developing the aim statement, and is now facilitating the norms development. [not sure on the details here]
Old Business
Protest Letter: (A discussion item not on the agenda. Typically decisions or actions are never taken on items not actually on the agenda.) Seth Shteir of the NPCA had asked Joe F. for TJT to sign a protest letter to the CEC and Karen Douglass regarding an extension for the permitting of the Palen solar project by Abengoa. CC members could not reach consensus because of the late notice and lack of consent by the teams. By Thursday night the Permaculture and Heart & Soul Teams both had been informed and agreed to sign the letter. By Friday morning with full CC agreement, Seth was informed that TJT would be a signatory on the letter.
Instagram discussed, tabled pending more input
SPG Eagle Mountain: Joe asked for an “Eagle Crest Scoping Committee.” Mentioned Crystal too, but no action taken.
Policies for Quarterly Meetings: Agenda and Quorum write-ups by Joe were read through. Write-up for Policy Generation not covered due to time constraints.
TJT Communication Policy: Louis presented a re-write, including issues not on the current PR Checklist. Some changes were agreed to, but time constraints prevented concluding.
Action Items & Decisions Made:
Eva Soltes to speak to Aili about Instagram and get back to Susan
Beth is putting together a New Orientation Package in the next few days; CC will pay for all copying and notebooks for all CC members
Decision Log–Was started in the CC folder on Google Drive. Now to be put in a notebook & website by Susan
New CC cards–Beth coordinating with Martin and Oasis printing
Transition Enterprise Team application approved. Team has met regularly for 4 times. Has at least two members who can facilitate. Has until 8/26/2016 to choose two reps to the CC.
CC Minutes 8.12.15
Beth’s house, Joshua Tree Present: Joe F, Beth, Louis, Eva S.
Facilitator: Joe F Minute Taker: Beth
Check in:
Minutes and Agenda Review: Add SPG to Agenda, Add Qtrly Meeting to Agenda
Treasurer’s Report: Beth: $541
Aims and Norms: Tabled Announcements: Tabled
Reports: Joe F., Water Group: tabled
Louis, Permaculture: Video Viewing Club meeting on every other Thursdays between their regular meetings dates. They are screening permaculture videos to post on TJT website.
Beth: Heart and Soul: teleseminar on Core structuring, Sound Circle.
Joe F., TOPS:
Joe F.: Transition Enterprise: Fundraiser report
Old Business: Louis sent his recommendations for the PR Checklist and role of Communications Director to the CC Team. He is asking that we each give him feedback.
Agreement Made: Invite CD to CC meeting for collaboration.
Beth is producing a CC orientation binder for new representatives to the CC. She walked through her checklist of what to include with the team. Joe Draft Policies: Quorum Policy, Policy Guide, and Agenda Policy: Review and ask teams for input or collaboration.
New Business:
Instagram Account: Agreement Made: Close Instagram Account “put on hold”
Agreement Made: Place on next agenda
Next Meeting:
Wed, August 26th at Joe F’s house, 9 – 12AM
Coordinating Council Minutes
CC Minutes for July 22, 2015
Beth’s house, Joshua Tree
Present: Joe Fairbanks, Joe Gibson, Beth, Louis
Facilitator: Joe F
Minute Taker: Beth
Treasurer’s Report: Beth: beginning balance of $539
+$16 CC dues, + $58 Water Team
-$20 to Beth for printing materials
-$40 for Pizza/Party at Landers Brew
Ending balance of $543.00
Minutes Approved as amended: It is Beth, not Joe F, who is putting together a CC orientation binder
-Heart and Soul: Sound Healing Circle, Fri, July 31st 8-10PM @YMCC
-JTLFP Fundraiser Aug 9th 5-8PM at United Methodist Church, JT
-TJT Member Party July 25th 6-8 Landers Brew Co
-Permaculture tour of Damien Lester’s property, July 23
-Enterprise Committee meeting Sun, July 26 10AM at Joe F’s
Joe F., Water Group:
JBWD: Landscape Water Saver Workshop, Aug 15th 9 -11AM JT Community Center
“The ABC’s of Water” Apple Valley, July 28th
Unique Garden has a petition to change the code regarding the removal of Joshua Trees. As it stand, Joshua Trees are being scraped and graded over at new development sites.
The Water Team is not holding their usual first Thursday meeting in August, but instead are getting together for a pool party on August 13th.
Continuing to sell bumper stickers, and have recouped about half their cost.
Facebook page up and getting comments.
Louis, Permaculture: Video Viewing Club meeting on Thursdays between their regular meetings dates. They are screening permaculture videos to post on TJT website.
Beth, Heart & Soul:
Sound Healing Circle July 31: posters up, posted on website.
Mattie hosted an informal gathering for the team on Monday.
She is also hosting the audio presentation by Transition US of Chris Corrigan’s ‘Building a Core Team,” July
Joe F.:
TOPS: There is now an issue with having the Open Space meeting at MDLT. The MDLT is having their open house a week later, and they feel they need a full week to prepare for that. Contacting other possible sites: Retreat Center, Black Rock . . . Meanwhile, the team continues to educate themselves on the open space technology.
Joe F.:
Enterprise Committee:
Meeting Sunday July 26 10am at Joe’s.
Local Foods Fundraiser Aug. 9—Flyer posted on website.
Old Business:
Louis sent his recommendations for the PR Checklist and role of Communications Director to the CC Team. He is asking that we each give him feedback.
Beth is halfway through producing a CC orientation binder for new representatives to the CC. She walked through her checklist of what to include with the team.
New Biz:
Joe will write up a draft quorum reporting policy for Quarterly Meetings, and a draft policy for whom/how agenda issues get on the QM Agenda.
Beth will contact Oasis Printing for new TJT cards
Next Meeting:
Tuesday, August 11th at Beth’s house, 9 – 11AM
Joe F: facilitator
Beth: minutes taker
CC Minutes for July 7, 2015
Beth’s house, Joshua Tree
Present: Joe Fairbanks, Joe Gibson, Beth, Louis
Facilitator: Beth
Minute Taker: Louis
Treasurer’s Report: Beth
Ending balance of $539
Minutes Approved as amended.
CC will need a new Treasurer. Beth is making plans to leave JT.
CC needs an “Archivist” aka Secretary
CC needs at least one new Rep from H&S
Joe F., Water Group: Has $94 in acc’t.
Committee promoting rainwater catchment.
Eagle Mtn pumping project to use 9 billion gallons from water table.
Maintaining their FB page.
Louis, Permaculture: Video Viewing Club meeting Thursdays though the summer, except on Team meeting nights. Inviting the Water Group to our next Team Meeting, July 23 for our QM Debriefing.
Working for more team responsibility sharing.
Beth, Heart & Soul: Still no one to represent H&S. New members info packet being developed.
Karen Soriano hosting “Sound Healing Circle” July 31, 8-10pm at Yucca Mesa Community Center.
Joe F., TOPS: Securing MDLT location.
Joe F., Enterprise Committee:
Meeting Sunday July 12 10am at Joe’s.
Local Foods Fundraiser Aug. 9–“Healthy Soil” presentation by Rhonda Hayes
Old Business:
Louis making recommendations for the PR Checklist and role of Communications Director.
Joe is writing up an orientation package for new representatives to the CC of the “Top 3.” [Old Aim, New Aim, Norms]
New Business:
Joe is writing up a quorum reporting policy for Quarterly Meetings.
Also writing up a policy for putting items on the QM Agenda.
These policies will be taken to the teams for approval or feedback.
QM Debriefing:
Things that didn’t happen at the MDLT June 28.
1) Agenda not followed. Timing of the raffle not thought out well. [Addressing serious issues in a large public meeting is very problematic. May need to consider a special meeting for those times, now that TJT is getting larger and more public.]
2) Previous QM Minutes not approved.
3) No Time Keeper.
4) No one assigned to post to website.
Things that did happen.
1) Beautiful set-up, nice ambiance with guitar. The effort towards making a successful raffle very evident.
2) Planting beds tour good
3) Joe Gibson took photos, posted to FB.
Decisions Made:
Action Items:
Beth to check with Landers Brew; Wine and Roses in YV for informal members party.
Order more TJT cards and leave a blank area on back for writing. Leave off “Twitter” info.
Joe F.–new Rep info packet & policies write-ups
Louis–PR & CD recommendations
Next meeting Wednesday July 22 at Beth’s house
Facilitator: Joe F.
Minutes Taker: Beth
CC Minutes for June 24, 2015
Eva’s house, Panorama Heights
Present: Joe Fairbanks, Joe Gibson, Eva, Beth, Louis
Facilitator: Beth
Minute Taker: Louis
Treasurer’s Report: Beth
Ending balance of $529
Minutes Approved.
Eva spoke of meeting Janice M. Schneider, who serves as Assistant Secretary for Land and Minerals Management of the U.S. Department of the Interior. She took the opportunity to express her concerns about the Soda Mtn solar energy development.
Joe F., Water Group:
Louis, Permaculture: Last minute preparations for Quarterly Meeting.
Beth, Heart & Soul: Held 3 Death Cafes total [made $30] & are done for now. H&S on hiatus until Sept.
Joe F., Enterprise Committee: Planning for summer potlucks.
Old Business:
Quarterly Meeting Preparation:
Susan Jordan’s quorum issue placed on agenda.
Open Space preparation:
Set for Nov. 7 & 8. Mittie will announce at the QM.
Communications & Checklist:
Discussion of the scope and role of Communications Director. Discussion of the merits and limitations of the “Checklist.”
New Business:
Decisions Made:
Party Committee: Joe, Joe, Beth.
Orientation Notebook for CC “The Archive” project .. a living document
Action Items:
CC Minutes for June 10, 2015
Joe’s house, Joshua Tree
Present: Joe Fairbanks, Joe Gibson, Eva, Beth, Louis
Facilitator: Beth
Minute Taker: Louis
Treasurer’s Report:
$532 in fund
Minutes Approved.
Open Space “TOPS” meeting June 23 at Mitti’s
Joe F., Water Group: Working on One Million Gallon Challenge & web interface. Admin roles for Facebook. Planning field trip to Gubler’s, to see their underground-based heat pump for cooling. Also to Landers Brew and Integratron.
Louis, Permaculture: The many events held through the spring heavily stressed those most involved. Processing and recuperating takes time, but the experience gained and lessons learned were invaluable.
Beth, Heart & Soul: Held another Death Café last Sunday. Formed a project group to create a “New Members Packet.” Are also working on their “Elevator Speech.” Next “Om Circle” set for July 31, still looking for a location. Will involve sound therapy. Joe Fairbanks recommended the Sound Stage at Pioneer Town.
Joe F., Enterprise Committee: Will hold potlucks over summer to raise community awareness. “Local Food” raised $220 even with late notice, and happy with results.
Old Business:
Quarterly Meeting Preparation:
The Quarterly Meeting Committee of the P-Team is meeting, organizing underway. Janet will facilitate at MDLT. Ernesto Ali will play guitar.
It was re-affirmed that Susan Jordan is not responsible for determining the quorum, which is 1/3 of voting members. Each team will report if they have quorum at beginning of QM.
Karaoke sound system suggested as economical alternative PA system for the courtyard at the MDLT.
Robert Sherrard is preparing a permanent sign to be placed near front door of MDLT recognizing the Permaculture Team’s participation in re-planting the beds. [Text is not finalized yet.]
CC Presentations at Quarterly Meeting:
Beth, Eva, Louis together will cover the following items:
Overview of Transition
CC perspective for team support & outreach; Broadening & Reaching Deeper; Accomplishments; IT & Communications Director
Recognize Tim for his service
Joe will introduce new rep Joe Gibson
Joe will report on the Enterprise Committee’s activities
Joe will explain how Open Space “TOPS” was another responsibility of the CC, and then turn it over to their spokesperson.
Open Space preparation:
Joe Gibson, Joe Fairbanks, and Louis attended second meeting. The following committees were formed, of which Beth was added to Finance to represent the CC.
Location & Date
New Business:
Communications & Susan’s questions:
Discussion of how to handle quorum at QM: It was re-affirmed that Susan Jordan is not responsible for determining the quorum. Each team reports if they have quorum at beginning of QM.
Summer Schedule: See below
Decisions Made:
CC paid $8 for printing QM Flyers
CC okayed up to $42 additional towards QM expenses.
Donations collected by P-Team at QM will be shared equally with CC.
Beth will be the CC contact with the Communications Director
CD was asked not to give blanket “noes” to requests to use Gmail list. But rather, to refer to the appropriate facilitator.
Summer Schedule: CC to meet 2nd & 4th Wednesdays thru the summer.
Action Items:
Beth to write email to Susan with regard to her questions for CC
Beth to contact Paula about setting up for Open Space
Next meeting:
June 25, 9am
Eva’s house
Facilitator: Beth
Minutes: Louis
CC Minutes
Date: May 26th 2015
Place: Joe’s place
Those Present: Eva S, Joe G, Joe F, Louis, Beth
Facilitator: Louis
Minutes Taker: Joe
Treasurer: Beth
Treasurer’s Report: $460
Approve previous minutes: Contingent upon addition of one sentence summary, concerning Kathy’s presentation.
Agenda: approved with addition of Announcements.
Fundraiser for TJT’s JT Local Food Program (5/26/15)-Joe F
Water Group Fundraisers, bumper stickers-Joe F
Decision Made: CC Rep for Open Space Group (TOPS: Transition OPen Space) to be the Treasurer-Beth.
CC Groups’ Reports:
Water Group: Joe F- Drought discussions, new CC Rep from WG: Joe Gibson.
Permaculture: Permablitz Report
Heart & Soul: Beth: Death Cafe coming up. Business meeting: discussed five new members, Aims, Goals, Mission and Fundraising.
Enterprise Committee: (Joe) Fundraiser on Tues May 26th 6pm Gala, dinner by Food not Bombs and music by Mojave Sky. Tickets are $20. Please help support the JT Local Food Program
Decision Made: TOPS: (Transition OPen Space) Add to Agenda
Discussion Items:
Communication Protocol Review-30 day review process
Decision Made: Beth to contact Susan, invite and add to next agenda
Fundraising for CC: Tabled
Decision Made: Schedule for June: CC meeting on 10th and 24th of June 9am.
Joe Gibson contact phone (760) 821-5721 (email contact via Joe F.)
Quarterly Meeting Reporter
Decision Made: Eva to coordinate Team Reports for qtrly meeting. Eva to manage CC roles for qtrly meeting report.
CC Representative: Can a team select an “Alternate,” a third person as their representative?
Decision Made: Decided to let the Teams discuss “CC Alternate”
TJT Party: Beth
Decision Made: TJT Party committee formed- (Joe F., Joe G. & Beth)
Development Session: Joe G orientation Discussion and new aims review
Meeting Reflections:
New Business
Next Meeting: June 10th Beth’s house.
Facilitator: Beth
Minute Taker: Louis
CC Meeting
Date: May 13th 2015
Place: Joe’s place
Those Present: Eva S, Tim, Joe, Louis, Beth,
Facilitator: Louis
Minutes Taker: Joe
Treasurer: Beth
Presentation: Cathy- team building, aims, and exercises.
[Cathy guided the council through another pass at norms, but this time at a more substantive level.]
Treasurer’s Report: $460
Approve previous minutes
Permaculture Quarterly meeting: Tentatively scheduled for June 28th
TJT Party (Beth): discussed disconnecting from Quarterly meeting.
CC Groups’ Reports:
Water Group: Tabled due to no meeting
Heart & Soul: (Beth) Death Cafe coming up. Discussed meeting norms for H&S; Team now alternates business meeting and developmental meetings.
Enterprise Committee: (Joe) Fundraiser on Tues May 26th 6pm Gala, dinner by Food Not Bombs and music by Mojave Sky. Tickets are $20. Please help support the JT Local Food Program
Louis/Permaculture: Formed special “Permablitz Project Team.”
Discussion Item:
Quarterly meeting norms.
Tim stepping down from CC
Decisions Made:
Add to next agenda: fundraising for CC
Facilitator of subsequent Quarterly meeting to be invited to the facilitator of the recent Quarterly meeting project group. Groups to be informed of this decision.
Add communication norms to next agenda (?)
Solicit new CC reps to fill vacant positions.
New Business
Next Meeting: May 26th Joe’s house.
Facilitator: Louis
Minute Taker: Joe
CC minutes April 21, 2015
Present- Louis, Tim, Beth (Eva called in from India)
Treasurers report- The Permaculture Team gave the CC $7. The CC account now has $453 in it.
Open space special project- The first meeting of this group will be held on Thursday May 30th at Eva and Kathy’s place.
-Permaculture- Some confusion has developed over the Permablitz.
-Booth at Earthday in YV was very successful. Had desktop models on display
-Intend to have a booth at Earth Day JT on April 25
-Water -Rainwater assessment of Methodist church was done.
-Planning a trip to Cadiz
-H&S -Not much new to report. Matt Perry was present. An other ‘non-transition’ group held their Death Cafe. There was a discussion about involving a wider audience (including non-Transition individuals) in H & S group workshops.
Old business
-The email blast that went out to the Transition JT email list in regards to the movie Inhabit went to several other groups (ie Chamber of Commerce) and not just individuals. This caused some upset with Nicholas Holmes and Bobby Furst as it got put on the Chambers newsletter and it was supposed to have been kept limited. Situation was rapidly corrected. The CC is now more aware the TJT mailing list includes non-individuals for future reference.
-Isaiah, Gregory Glen and Louis have volunteered to be be on the website special project to help create content that conveys the message more efficiently and clearer.
New business
-Beth proposed having a party this summer at her place. The purpose is to gather the working [participating] members of Transition JT, so we can get to know each other better and to honor those putting in the effort to make JT more sustainable.
-Meetings have been changed back to being on Wednesday mornings at 9AM, but will now be on the 2nd and 4th Weds.
-The next two meetings will be Weds May 13 and May 27. Kathy Jennings will be invited to be at the May 13th meeting. Louis will be the facilitator, Joe the minutes taker. Place to be determined.
CC minutes for 4-7-2015
Tim DeLorey, Joe Fairbanks, Eva Soltes and Louis Kannenberg
April 22 Screening of the Movie “Inhabit” 8PM Bobby Furst. Co sponsored by Holmes Health and Transition JT.
Water group -Assessment of rain gutter for catchment was performed at the United Methodist Church in JT, estimated cost $1400.
Permaculture group -Participating in the April 18 Earth Day in Yucca Valley
-Working on identifying the 6 perennial plants that everyone should consider having in their yards for food security.
H & S group -A Death Cafe is being also sponsored by another group.
-TransitionUS webinar “Building Stronger Core team facilitator workshop this fall”
-Discussed creating a Decision log
Local food, Local place special project -Reported on biochar experiment being performed by Deb Bollinger.
-Will participate with Earth Day JT on April 25 co-sponsored with Food not Bombs who will be showing a movie at the United Methodist Church. Joe put up a call for the Permaculture group to bring their models to Earth Day JT. Joe invited other groups to bring things to sell eggs, bread, etc.. Anyone wanting to throw in a donation for LFLP will be appreciated.
Old business
-Each group needs to get their reporters on board to regularly sending a picture with a one line caption to Martin of any events that TJT members are participating in.
-Solicit working group members to join project team to address webpage issues. (Gregory from the water group has expressed an interest in being part.)
-Solicit project team members for updating the mission statement and vision statement.
-Having become a Transiton working group has been tabled indefinitely.
-Discussed having Martin come up with a template for people to fill out their bio’s.
-Projector for Transition events- Joe reported that the top of the line projectors, by Sharp go for about $670. Joe is looking into reconditioned projectors or used ones.
New Business
Next meeting at Beth’s on April 21st Kathy Jennings is scheduled to be present. (Note Eva is going to gone until May 10.)
CC – Meeting March 25, 2015, 9am
Beth’s House, Joshua Tree
Present: Beth, Tim, Louis, Joseph, Eva
Facilitator: Tim
Minute Taker: Eva
Check in:
Joe: helped an old buddy move
Louis: moved back to Lucerne Valley
Eva: Looking forward to Casitas Valley Farm visit/Tom Buckner residency and trip to India
Beth: going to San Diego to visit brother, feeling free and happy,
Tim: working on permaculture projects with Jill, including Bonita Domes; also making travel plans for the summer.
Treasurer’s Report:
$446 in fund
Water Awareness Day coming up March 29 meeting April 1
Agave Harvest April 4
Drylands Permaculture talk April 6, 15 Agave Roast April 11
April 11, Earth Day,
April 9 – Phenology workshop; 9am – 4pm Blackrock series
Joe, Water Group, making bumper stickers “Water is Life,” $100 for 200 stickers
Asking CC to chip in $100 to get 500 printed for a little more $. They will be made of biodegradable vinyl.
Tim, Water group will be providing rain gauges to measure water collection data and will print results on TJT website.
April 25 – Non-Commercial Earth Day. JT Local Food – Food Not Bombs fundraiser 5-8pm. Looking for vendors, gave info to Susan.
Louis, Permaculture: Last meeting was about 20 people. A lot of new people coming in spring. The team held a contest for the best 6 plants for high caloric value to grow in our desert. The discussion so long it had to be held over to the next meeting as well.
Beth, Heart & Soul: Their team met the day before and re-capped the Quarterly Meeting. They felt that the team reports were not strong enough because this is supposed to be an event to attract new members. They need new members on their team because it’s the same 8-9 people and the group hasn’t grown. The Death Café was a success. About 25 people attended. The next meeting they are planning a development program. They have changed their meetings to the 2nd and 4th Thursdays form 6:15 – 8:15pm.
Old Business:
Reflection on the Quarterly Meeting:
Beth felt she didn’t do enough to fill the swag boxes. Others didn’t agree! Beth feels the request for swag should go to the larger group.
We discussed the CC role in the Quarterly meeting. In the future the CC should have one point person to work with the facilitator of the meeting. Each representative to the CC should check in with their teams to be sure the report is adequate and to check in with what’s needed.
There is some group responsibility to help the facilitator if the meeting gets off track or if there is a person that is creating a disturbance as in one of the representatives of coming late and making comments that were out of place.
CC should give a better overview of Transition. Presenters should stand up
Website committee: It is possible to post bios on the website. Each team has to decide if they want to do this.
Tim is organizing the Open Space Event. Six people signed up to help. Recap of what the last Open Space Event was.
Local Food Program: Joe is working on an announcement for Earth Day event.
Tim is trying to patch up the TJT relationship with Kyle at the Yucca Valley Aquaponics store because they have a very productive system that should be part of TJT.
Joe approached Mojave Desert Land Trust with a formal proposal to do demonstrations.
Tim and Jill did a consultation for MDLT about how to incorporate the community in their space.
Thursday, April 2 the Water Group will do a site evaluation for rainwater management at United Methodist Church.
New Business:
Discussion of how to handle the member voting roster:
Louis understood that each team keeps its own list.
Joe says water group has 12 members and one rep from each group should determine quorum. Wants to maintain a 30% quorum for voting at meetings. Individual groups should stay in control of that. Louis thinks the groups should remain independent in terms of determining their membership and quorum. It was agreed that Susan is not responsible for determining the quorum, but each team needs to have a representative that can inform the CC point person whether or not they have a quorum at a general meeting.
Projector: There was a discussion about whether we should purchase a projector for TJT use. We determined we should put the word out for a used projector before considering the purchase of a new one.
Tim brought up the question of whether TJT should sponsor “the new permaculture film along with Holmes Health in order to be able to access the TJT mailing list to inform people. We determined that we would put our name on the publicity but not share in the financial liability. It is to show April 22 at Bobby Furst’s.
Action Items:
Beth will give Joe the tri-fold on how to start a new team
Joe will work with to try and help them.
April 1 as many people as possible should go to meeting
Eva will determine facilitator for next meeting. (Joe beat her to it!)
Next meeting:
April 7, 9am
Joe’s place
Facilitator: Joe
Minutes: Tim
CC – Meeting March 11, 2015, 9am
Joe Fairbanks House, Joshua Tree
Present: Beth, Tim, Louis, Joseph, Kathy, Eva
Facilitator: Tim
Minute Taker: Eva
Check in:
Tim attended Permaculture Voices II and was inspired by Paul Stamets work with mycology and how the bees are taking advantage of mushrooms.
Eva was inspired by what she learned about the uses of native plants from the recent Robin Kobaly workshop at Harrison House.
Louis has been building up steam for upcoming projects.
Beth is overly busy between the very fun Heart and Soul musical rehearsal, the pet sitting co-op she’s involved with setting up and spring gardening, etc.
Joe was busy with the very successful Food program fundraiser, water group meetings and working for Deb and Ron to do reports for the water district.
Kathy has had a busy month, her rain barrels filled up 1 ½ times, and she’s beginning to collect rain barrel data.
Treasurer’s Report:
With $18 from the Heart & Soul Team, $50 from water group, current total $354.
There will be a dry lands permaculture talk with Tim and Jill at Bobby Fursts April 6th.
Kathy suggested that promoting a new topic on the poster might attract
folks who went to the previous talks. Joe offered his back lot for people to car pool.
Joe, Water Group: Deb Bollinger did a run down on how to calculate plant water use based on CMC data collection.
Louis, Permaculture: Water Awareness Day Committee met to make a banner for the event March 29th 1-4pm. There are issues the P Team still needs to vote on before the quarterly meeting, need a 1/3 quorum to vote. Louis said P team has 23 voting members, but we need to discuss how to define what qualifies someone to be a voting member.
Beth, Heart & Soul: Sunday, March 15, 6-8pm there will be a Death Café at JT Retreat Center. A flyer was sent out to announce Heart & Soul the Musical for the upcoming quarterly meeting.
Old Business:
Local Food Fundraiser raised $635! 50% was spent already. They’re looking to put rain gutters on the roof of the church to add to the food production program. The next fundraiser is scheduled for April 8th.
Eva presented the idea of publishing bios or skills of each member on the TJT website.
Kathy suggested this should be brought up at the Quarterly Meeting.
Web group will meet again and bring a summary of suggestions to the next meeting.
Quarterly meeting: Eva will introduce CC report and Beth will talk about the finances, Joe will present our accomplishments (Louis will send him a list he’s been keeping) and Tim will talk about the Open Space Event. It was mentioned that the CC should be boosting the spirit of the organization.
Joe: Spoke about becoming a Transition Team. It was determined that this Climate Change group needs to submit a letter that is a proposal. We were discussing what their requirement are and Louis pointed out they are explicit in the constitution that is on the website. We had a discussion about how important it is to give them a clear message and that, perhaps it’s been a bit confusing for them up until now. Joe is going to let them know we’re in the process of forming our policies and he will try to communicate clearly with them about what they need to do.
Discussion of how we handle the process of filling volunteer administrative positions and that in the future openings should be broadcast to all members to make a more transparent process.
New Business:
Tim asked for a date change for business purposes for CC meetings from Wednesdays to Tuesday mornings. Everyone agreed.
After a 5 minute break Kathy continued a team building exercise that she started 3 meetings earlier.
We were asked to contemplate and comment on the questions
What is our purpose and who does it serve?
After much discussion and suggestions, wherein everyone present was engaged and participating we came up with the following draft:
“As keepers of the vision,” to build a sustainable resilient community in the Morongo Basin by supporting and coordinating TJT members and teams through developing clear internal communications, strategic planning, organizational development and promoting the mission by sharing and engaging with a larger community.
Action Items:
Beth: Re-do organizational chart for website.
Eva: Contact Penelope to be sure CC report is is last on the agenda for Quarterly meeting.
Bring suggestions for website changes to next CC meeting
Joe: contact them to give a brief presentation at Quarterly meeting. Also Joe will attend the next meeting.
Louis: Update calendar on website for Tuesday CC meetings (change of day).
February 25, 2015
CC Meeting Minutes
Place: Beth’s
Present: Beth, Eva, Joe, Tim, Louis
Facilitator: Eva
Treasurer: Beth
Treasurer’s report: $9.00 CC fees taken in, total of $467.00
-$100.00 to Permaculture for Water Awareness Day
-$ 81.00 reimbursed to Beth for Canvas Host yearly web
hosting subscription.
New balance = $286.00
Minutes approved
Group reports:
Tim /Water Team: Permaculture Team requested a donation of a water barrel to raffle off at Water Awareness Day. Water Team agreed to donate one. No other support requested from Permaculture Team.
There are a number of subcommittees. There were discussions around which ones to table and which ones to direct more energy towards.
Deb Bolinger is experimenting with biochar.
Louis/Permaculture Team: Presentation on carob. Janet made carob tortillas.
Charla Shamhart is teaching a Herbology class at Rainbow Stew, Yucca Valley, on March 24 from 2 to 4 PM. She is also at Rainbow Stew again on March 28 from 10AM to 12 noon presenting,” Home Natural Medicine Chest.” Charla is also the president of the High Desert Homegrown Poultry Association, and has started the Southern California Fermenters’ Association.
Yucca Valley Community Center has started a community garden.
Water Awareness Day Committee is doing great. They have submitted a request for $50.00 from the CC. Inadvertently, the CC thought the request was for $100, and $100 was approved.
Beth/Heart&Soul: February 23rd meeting canceled. On February 17th, they had a rough dress rehearsal for the Heart and Soul musical presentation planned for the General Membership Meeting.
Joe/Local Food Local Places: A lot of press for this weekend’s event. The second generation of flyers did include the TJT “no waste” policy.
Old Business:
- We revisited conversations with Susan, Communication Director, from last CC meeting. It concluded with a general agreement to be clearer in our communications with each other and with Susan.
- Beth contacted Martin about a special project group assigned to look over and make suggested changes to webpage. Martin responded, and he is open to a meeting when the committee is ready. Eva will now be the contact person for Martin on this project.
- General Membership Meeting: We decided on who will provide certain content for the CC report, and Joe will present the CC report.
- Louis and Eva/ Website Committee: The committee, which also includes Susan Jordan, looked over the whole site critically. They have a lot of suggestions to make the TJT website clearer and better. Eva would like a membership bio page to identify the skills and resources within our entire membership.
New Business:
- The CC needs to clarify what is the selection process for the Communication Director and IT positions. Tim will ask Jill what she knows about the process.
Action Items:
- Tim will talk to Jill about the CD selection process.
- The content for the CC General Membership Meeting divided as:
- Joe: on what the CC has been doing the last quarter via minutes
- Beth: treasurer report, and information on the Transition Network
- Tim: What is an ‘Open Space Event” and its value & a call for volunteer’s to be on the Open Space special project committee.
- Eva: the responsibilities of the CC as the keepers of the bigger vision
- Louis to deliver $100.00 from the CC to the Permaculture Team.
- Eva will be the website’s special project contact for Martin.
Next Meeting:
At Joe’s
March 11th @ 9AM
Facilitator: Tim
Kathy Jennings: Team Building.
Question #1, “What is this group’s purpose and whom does it serve? And our homework for the next meeting is to answer question #2: “What capacities as a group do we need to develop to best support this purpose?”
Minutes taker: Eva
CC Meeting
Date: February 11, 2015
Place: Joe’s place
Those Present: Eva S, Tim, Joe, Louis, Beth, Susan Jordan
Facilitator: Eva S
Minutes Taker: Beth
Treasurer: Beth
Treasurer’s Report: $5.00 from CC dues: total of $463.00
Motion to approve previous minutes: Joe, second Louis: Approved
CC Groups’ Reports:
Tim/Water Group: Living Green Lectures: February 17th, Palm Desert Center “Buy, Live, Eat Locally.”
February 28th, “Local Foods Local Places” pot luck fundraiser event at the United Methodist Church.
Conversation in team meeting around TJT calendar: they would like it to be easier to find.
Martin will post Water Team dates on calendar.
United Methodist Church is starting to break ground on a demonstration garden this weekend.
April 19 is the Yucca Valley Earth Day event at the YV Community Center. The Water Team had a table there last year and plans on having a table this year. The question was asked if TJT Teams want to participate with their own tables, or possibly a combine TJT table.
There was a general discussion on problems with people bringing in plants from out of the area. It was stated that one can check with the Nation Park botanist about bringing in plants from out of the area before planting.
The Water Team is not going to have their own table at the Water Awareness Day event because 1) the Permaculture Team’s presentation has a lot of cross over materials & presentations, and 2) to avoid any distracting messages. The Water Team will take a supportive role for the Permaculture Team.
Beth/Heart & Soul: The H&S Team is tightening-up their plans/details as the facilitator for the next General Membership Meeting, March 22, at the Yucca Mesa Community Center.
March 29, they will host their first open-to-the-community Death Café meeting.
The Team is also continuing to plan their development sessions.
Beth did make the comment that it is a good time for a new H&S volunteer to join the CC because Kathy Jennings is facilitating team building activities for the CC.
Louis/Permaculture: The Permaculture Team has sponsored two recent workshops: making seed balls, and a tree grafting workshop in Riverside.
Their part in the Water Awareness Day event is well organized and moving forward.
Team members were encouraged to check the TJT calendar regularly.
Guest Presenter: Susan Jordan, Communication Director (CD)
There were discussions to clarify the roles between the CD and the CC.
Susan will not normally be the point person for TJT Team events. Usually, each Team will have their own point person for their events. There will be unusual circumstances when it will be appropriate to ask that Susan be the point person on behalf of a Team or Teams. When Susan is the appointed point person, she will need a timely response to her requests or questions. When a CC point person is needed, who that will be will be decided then. Joe will be the point person between the JT Chamber of Commerce and Susan.
Susan redistributed the “TJT Communication Director’s Event Checklist.” It is important to give her a month out to PR events. She asked that Team flyers be proofed within Teams first before sent to her.
There is a link on how to write a press release under number 4 on the event checklist.
Susan pointed out changes that need to be made in the roles and responsibilities of the CD and the IT positions as listed in the TJT Organizational Chart:
CD is identified as maintain the gmail calendar where each Team is now responsible for posting their schedules/events on the Gmail calendar.
IT does not post content for the Teams or the CC as stated on the Organizational Chart.
Together the CC and Susan looked at the TJT website: what is there & how it functions.
Listed below are some of the issues that need addressing:
Under “Food” link there should be something about the “Local Foods Local Places” program.
Under the “News” link, the Permaculture link shows just news; not specific to the Permaculture Team news.
Under “Network” link TransitionUS to show their newsletter.
Change the “Event” tab to read “Calendar.”
Under “Blog” to join email list: what is this/do?
Under “Get Involved” and then “Volunteer” remove High Desert Exchange (& more?)
All links the same color blue: “look” on Volunteer link for example.
“About TJT” should have the CC w/ bios
“General Information,” General Membership Meetings should automatically show, be moved over from side bar, and Minutes can be kept as a sub link.
Are all Team information linked back to Team page?
Susan, Eva S, and Louis will get together as a special project group to continue looking over the webpage to generate a list of such issues to present at a meeting with Martin.
Old Biz:
General Membership Meeting: At this next GM meeting, the CC will share about the resources available on the Transition Network site, researched information on time banking, and will ask for volunteers to be on an Open Space special project committee. Beth will ask the H&S to add these items to the GM’s Meeting agenda.
Meeting times were moved back a hour to 9AM for the next 4 meetings
Facilitator and Minute Taker schedules reworked:
Feb: Eva S
March: Tim
April: Joe
May: Louis
CC February 11, 2015 minutes
Minute Takers:
Feb: Beth
March: Eva
April: Tim
May: Joe
Action Items to Be Completed Before Next Meeting:
Beth will contact Martin to ask him when we can meet with him, and at his house.
Tim will ask the Permaculture Team at their meeting tomorrow (12th) what they would like from the Water Team for their Water Awareness Day event, and will let Susan know what decision were made the following day, Friday.
Each rep will make sure they take the Event’s Checklist back to their Team
Next Meeting: February 25th, 9AM at Beth’s.
Facilitator: Eva
Minute Taker: Beth
CC Meeting
Date: January 28th 2015
Place: Beth’s house
Those Present: Eva S, Tim, Joe, Louis, Beth, Kathy J
Facilitator: Beth/Kathy J.
Minutes Taker: Beth
Treasurer: Beth
Treasurer’s Report: $24.00 from H&S, $9.00 from CC dues: total of $458.00
Motion to approve previous minutes: Tim, second Eva: Approved
CC Groups’ Reports:
Tim/Water Group: The Water Group had a table/display at the Black Rock Lecture, which was a well-attended and successful event. The Water Team raffled off a water barrel.
Beth/Heart & Soul: Last meeting was a development session as a Death Café meeting. There were 5 new folks in attendance. The mission of a Death Café is to fold into normal conversation the realities of death, not as a grieving group or therapy group, and how conversations around death supports the appreciation for our finite lives, now. A special project group was formed to organize a Death Café meeting that will be open to the community.
Louis/Permaculture: Tim and Damian developed a friendly competition where each member will research and be prepared to defend their best ‘top 6 perennials plants list’ for desert planting to the Team.
The Permaculture Team will have a booth at the Water Awareness Day event
Jill had a presentation around the fourth principle of permaculture.
Information on clay found at the Old Woman’s Spring Ranch is on the Google drive.
Janet will hold 2 field trips: April 4th, Agave Harvesting, and April 11th, Agave Roasting.
Old Biz:
Tim: Tim and Joe are working together on how best to approach Francis about the viability of Life Dollars: in process.
Joe: He will follow through on TJT’s application to join Joshua Tree’s Chamber of Commerce. He received an extra $20 for an additional fee we were unaware of.
Tabled discussion on our report for the General Membership Meeting , and an Open Space event for next meeting.
Meeting times were moved back a hour to 9AM for the next 5 meetings
New Biz:
Louis will post CC minutes.
Facilitator and Minute Taker schedules reworked:
Feb: Eva S
March: Tim
April: Joe
May: Louis
CC January 28th minutes
Minute Takers:
Feb: Beth
March: Eva
April: Tim
May: Joe
Action Items to Be Completed Before Next Meeting:
Eva will email ? on the JBWD re: her request for a TJT point person. Our Communications Director, Susan Jordan, will be her point person.
Beth will contact Martin about having a link to on TJT website’s front page.
Eva (next meeting’s facilitator) will contact Susan Jordan to ask if she will attend next CC meeting for a discussion of the Communication Director’s roles and responsibilities.
Summary of Team Building session with Kathy Jennings:
Ms. Jennings had us answer three “Reflection Questions,” first individually, and then in 2 groups.
There was then a discussion with the whole group around everyone’s answers to the first question: “What is this group’s purpose and whom does it serve.” Our next Team Building session with Ms. Jennings will be a discussion around our answers to the second question: “What capacities as a group do we need to develop to best support this purpose.”
Our next Team Building session with Ms. Jennings will be March 11th.
Next Meeting: February 11th, 9AM at Joe’s.
Facilitator: Eva
Minute Taker: Beth
CC Minutes 1.14.15 Beth, Joe, Tim & Louis
Previous minutes approved.
Agenda approved.
Treasurer’s report: (Beth) $450
Discussion Items
- Facilitator Rotation
- CC Reporter
- Joining the JT chamber
- And, possibly 29 Palms Chamber of Commerce
- Local Food: (Joe)
- Kathy Jennings at next meeting: 2 hours
- status (Joe)
- Alternative Currency (Tim)
- Post meetings to website (Louis)
CC Reports:
- Tim (No WG meeting)
- Joe (No WG meeting)
- Beth- Qtrly meeting tentative for March. Set Schedule for Year. CC outreach *Special Project Group
- Louis- Permaculture: Display at music fest? Events, workshops, seed exchanges.
Action Items:
- Joe to work on marketing of Local Foods/ fresh produce basket and how to put it on our website. Will report next meeting.
- Seed exchange at next General Meeting. Take idea back to Teams. All
- Kathy Jennings at the January 28th meeting for team building. 2 hours required.
- Special Project Group- Outreach/open space event. Call for volunteers.
- Tim to speak to Francis to get final answer about Lifedollars.
Decisions made:
- Facilitator Rotation: 1 month norm for facilitator. Schedule meetings for Wed 10 am.
- Jan: Beth
- Feb: Joe
- March: Tim
- April: Louis
- Minutes taker to follow month of Facilitator
- Feb: Beth
- March: Joe
- April: Tim
- May: Louis
- Facilitator to get Min and Agenda to Communication Director
- $80 given to Joe to join JT Chamber of Commerce
- 29 Palms Chamber: Tabled (wait and see)
- Special Project Group initiated to develop Open Space event (outreach)
- Next meeting: January 28th, at Beth’s 10 AM
CC Minutes 12.17.14 Susan, Beth, Jill, Joe, Tim & Martin in attendance.
Previous minutes approved. Susan to post.
Treasurer’s report: took in money from H & S, plus today’s dues: $20 for Chamber from H& S. Bought Admin breakfast, $8 new total: $554
- Feedback from H & S regarding the General Meeting name change to General Business Meeting: no consensus on this change. Information about the nature of the meeting to be posted on calendar. Agenda for the meeting to be posted as well. . Tim suggested that we have a designated person to get any new people oriented if they show up at the General Meeting. Suggested Heart & Soul might provide that person.
- Walking Waters is a great idea, but Water Team says it’s not in our area and we’re spread too thin to get involved at this time.
- Local Food/Local Places: Joe working on marketing of this idea and will get back to us. Methodist Church has paypal set up for donations. Question is about how to direct donations from TJT webpage. Sage farms, goal of $120 per month to fund fresh food boxes for hungry people.
- Communications Director reported that events are much more successful if the guidelines are followed. The timeline/guidelines were worked out for a reason based on successful events. Please assist in getting this message through.
- Permaculture proposed a seed exchange at General Meetings. Bring to Teams.
- Martin said no real problems with the website and carry on.
- Warm blurb for website worked on and passed.
Action Items:
- High School Volunteer: Beth to contact. Beth & Joe to put her to work for her 10 hours.
- Susan contact Walking Waters and suggest they contact one of the LA Transition groups.
- Joe to work on marketing of Local Foods/ fresh produce basket and how to put it on our website. Will report next meeting.
- Seed exchange at next General Meeting. Take idea back to Teams. All
- Susan will make final corrections on warm blurb, will send it around and work with Martin to put it up on website.
- Susan will write blurb for DRECP and get the link to Stephanie’s information page to Martin for posting.
- Kathy Jennings at the January 28th meeting for team building. 2 hours required.
Decisions made:
No name change for General Meeting due to lack of consensus.
Local Food Programming fundraising to proceed with website posting & paypal link to the Community United Methodist Church. We will look for non-secular funding and that marketing will be previewed by the CC prior to posting. Disclaimer about us having no ties to the church included.
All teams in for joining the JT Chamber. Funds allotted from Teams. CC will pay to join out of our funds and get reimbursed from Teams. Lead on this?
Susan moving off CC and into Communications Director position. Will work with Jill during transition.
Next meeting: January 14th, at Joe’s 10 AM.
Coordinating Council Minutes 12.3.14
Present: Joe, Susan, Beth, Tim, Louis and Eva S.
Treasurer’s report: Added $10 today. Total coming via email soon.
Watched The Story of Stuff
- Gave water barrel to Martin.
- Enterprise Team meeting this week, will have more news after that.
- DRECP deadline extended & Eva will host an info night when she returns from her trip after the first of the year.
- Recommends that calendar include as many details as possible about meetings and events.
- Suggested that we consider joining the Chamber of Commerce.
- Will post bios and photos.
- Warm landing blurb still under construction
- Kathy J. to be invited to join us approximately every 3rd meeting
- Will talk to Wolf about classifieds.
Decisions made:
- Kathy J. invited to work with our team every 3rd meeting.
- All teams will be invited to weigh in on joining the Chamber, and will be asked to contribute to the cost. CC members bring this to their Teams & report back.
- Change the name of the General Meetings to General Business Meetings for clarity for prospective members.
- Meetings changed from 1st & 3rd Wednesday to 2nd & 4th for the new year.
Action Items:
- Warm landing blurb rewrite. CC members to tweak language and offer complete changes via email. 2nd graph seems good, small changes to first & 3rd graph welcome.
- Bring Chamber issue to Team meetings & report back
- Send out the survey from Jill Kiepura of U of Michigan to all Teams
- Formulate and bring ideas for new member event to next meeting(s). Note that this is more about what new types of teams we need rather than for building the size of the existing groups. All ideas welcome.
Next meeting: Holiday Breakfast at the Saloon, 9 AM, December 17th.
Following meetings January 14th & 28th, 10 AM. Facilitator & location to be announced.
CC Minutes 11.5.14
Present: Eva S, Louis, Susan, Beth, Tim
Previous minutes approved.
Treasurer’s report: H & S money & dues added for a current total of $512.
New members welcomed. CC aim, norms, operating principles distributed and each experienced member gave a brief description of the duties and responsibilities of the Coordinating Council.
Transition CC movie, Moving Beyond the Automobile is available for lending
Action items:
- Ask Stephanie if she could be a reporter for the DRECP so that we could have an ongoing presence on this topic on our website. – Susan
- Send the Communication Director’s event protocol to Eva. – Susan
- Present soft blurb for website at next meeting – Susan
- Facilitate next meeting – Susan
- Report on the thing Russell (TransitionUS) is doing to see if CC needs to support it. – Beth
- Check with Wolf about ‘classified’ ads on website – Tim
- Continue to pursue Life Dollars information- Tim
- Send bio to Susan for posting –Eva & Louis
- Send photo to Susan for posting – Eva
- Black Rock Lecture Series link on TJT website – Joe
Decisions made:
- Facilitation will be rotated, roughly monthly, starting in January
- DRECP talk at the Harrison House to move forward, Eva lead
- Ad Team members bios and photos to be added to website
Next meeting: Tuesday, November 18th, 9 AM, Beth’s house
CC Minutes
Date: October 22, 2014
Place: Joe’s
Present: Joe, Tim, Beth
Minutes Taker: Beth
Treasurer’s Report: Beth – $489.00
Joe: Agenda and presentation ready for Solar Oven and New Economy event on November 8th.
The Enterprise Committee is hoping to get people engaged at an entry level to the ideas of sharing economies and promoting a low carbon footprint. The idea is to identify community interests and to generate project ideas from people’s input.
Anyone interested in making an informal presentation/reskilling demonstration during the 11:00-12:00 hour contact Joe. It is an opportunity for Transition Teams to recruit new members. It is a pot luck event.
Radio Joshua Tree doubled booked on November 16th, so looking for another place to hold the General Membership Meeting.
Water Team’s feedback on the draft constitution and cheat sheet was good. One ‘hang-up” identified is no average attendance number to make a decision on a number for quorum.
A straw vote was taken at the last Water Team meeting, and other than the quorum issue identified, the draft constitution would be approved.
Tim: The LA currency group different than Life Dollars because they deal in micro-loans that can be paid back with money or in the form of a time bank, and only within the LA area.
Life Bucks throughout the Northwest, primarily, but has some other satellite areas including New York.
Life Bucks require a $25.00 a year membership fee. One account can have up to 12 members, and the cost for each additional member is $5.00. One account with multiple members can be a problem because everyone will have access to all the Life Bucks in that account.
Tim suggested the possibilities of kick starting TJT member accounts by paying up to half the membership fee.
Tim talked to Woolf about the webpage forum. Woolf suggested one person from each Transition Team to take the responsibility for checking on their teams’ forum threads and to generate questions to keep the forum active.
Beth: The draft constitution and cheat sheet send out. The CSPC will meet the week before the General Membership Meeting for their dress rehearsal.
Action Items:
Joe: Will contact Paula about holding the General Membership Meeting at Paula’s Dome.
Beth: Present draft constitution to the Heart & Soul at their next meeting, and to take a straw vote.
Contact Louis to ask him to present draft constitution at next Permaculture meeting, and take a straw vote.
Contact Joe on straw voting results so that the Water Team can have a better idea of how much time to give to the draft constitution and to their teams’ presentation.
Talk to Jill to get an accurate number of voting Participating Members.
Next meeting will be on November 5th, 9 AM, at Beth’s house.
CC Minutes 10.8.14
Beth, Susan, Joe, Tim
Previous minutes approved.
Treasurer reported $35 in from H & S. New total $485.
Beth – draft constitution and a summary sheet will be ready for distribution today. Teams are requested to put time into the issues at team meetings so that people are familiar with the issues and ready to vote at the General Meeting. Any unresolved issues with the draft constitution should be sent into the CC with the Team’s representative.
Joe = put together an information package about Transition and ReEconomy for The Trading Post, where he hopes to set up a Transition Enterprises open space event. Ongoing project.
Joe – General Meeting date set for November 16th. Location TBA.
Tim – gathering information on LA alternative currency. Ongoing project.
Action Items:
- Beth – get constitution out to membership
- Beth – present constitution & issues at H & S meeting Oct. 23rd
- Beth – give CC report to H & S at the Oct. 9th meeting
- Joe – talk to chamber about Transition sign
- Joe- bring back the movie
- Joe – get link about the history of the Transition movement to us for website
- Susan-write up Bozeman style blurb for website & send to CC
- Susan-talk to Wolf about classified ads
Next meeting: Wednesday October22nd. Susan’s house, 9 AM.
CC Minutes 9.24.14
Beth, Susan, Joe, Tim
Minutes from last meeting: approved.
Treasurer’s report:
- $65 in from the water group
- $11 dues collected
- Current total: $436
Tim gave a short report on the Transition and permaculture tour he took this summer. He will put together a presentation for TJT.
Tim brought information on the Life Dollar, and alternative currency that works on the value of a unit = an hour of your time. Also brought the concept of a seed library at the actual local library.
Beth brought an update on the draft constitution process. Will have it out to us so that we can go through it at our team meetings before the General Meeting. Joe sent in corrections and Beth’s team will look through those at her next meeting on 10.1.14. More feedback is welcome.
Beth did get the Transition US movie, lent to Joe. Might be good to take to Team meetings for discussion.
Joe is working with the water team to set up the next General Meeting.
Joe is working on open space meeting to get the TJT Enterprise team off the ground. Talking about using the Trading Post. Traffic concerns were brought up and the space behind Coyote Corners was suggested. Ongoing.
Joe keeping together the Local Food, Local Places coalition. The Methodist Church can be a non-profit for us if we need it.
Susan got feedback on the Bozeman website friendly front page. Still collecting comments, we may want to do a combination of theirs and ours. It was pointed out that the Bozeman page was word heavy; our current page is action heavy.
Susan working on learning how to post on website as the current communications director hopes to retire in January.
Susan reminder that communication director needs a month lead time to do publicity for events.
Action Items:
- Look into LA’s alternative currency system – Tim
- Talk to chamber of commerce about a Transition sign at the edge of town –Joe
- Work on open space event – Joe
- Get draft agenda to teams asap – Beth
- Email event publicity policy to CC members – Susan
- Continue to collect comments on Bozeman’s webpage -Susan
- Talk to Wolf about classified ads – Susan
- Talk to Lori Herbel if the open space is at the Trading Post across from farmer’s market
- Attend Mojave Sky concert at the JT Saloon on October 25th – All
Fall Meetings:
- Wednesday, October 8th, 9 AM –Susan’s
- Wednesday, October 22nd – 9 AM
- Wednesday, November 5th – 9AM
- Wednesday, November 19th – 9 AM
CC Minutes 8.27.14
Present: Joe, Susan, Beth
Minutes of previous meeting approved.
Treasurer’s report:
- Paid domain name for website through Canvas Host. DN is in Beth St. John’s name.
- Gift certificate to Natural Sisters for Martin’s assistance in DN – $25
- Took in $10 in dues, new balance $425.
- Dealt with domain name switch to Canvas Host
- Draft constitution subgroup – almost done, working on presentation for the next general meeting.
- Action items: call CH as website should be up by now. Call Transition US for our video from our donation to Transition Streets.
- Stay in touch with Wolf’s needs for forum
- Action item: develop a front page for website modeled on Bozeman, MT’s warm landing page.
- Continue working on Transition Enterprises
- Action items: bring in money from water group. Forward the address for the u-tub video about the history of Transition.
Next meetings:
- September 10th, 9 AM, Beth’s
- September 24th, 9 AM Beth’s
CC Minutes 8.6.14
Beth, Joe, Susan
Previous minutes approved. Susan will post on website.
Treasurer’s report: Paid for forum plug-in, 39$ and sent 30$ to support TransitionUS Streets program. Current balance, including $10 taken in today: $415.
Beth: Draft constitution revision is slow due to summer travel. Beth met with Louis in person and group has been emailing. Next meeting is at the end of August, all will be present. Subgroup will decide if they are going to take on updating the Easy Guide & Launch Kit or pass that on to another subgroup.
Susan: Working with Wolf on forum. Wolf needs a disclaimer for classifieds. Joe & Susan to meet with Wolf to see what he needs. Most action items completed. Joe’s photo and blurb are posted on website and minutes are being posted regularly.
Joe: Worked with Debbie, Gregory & Patricia on the ‘local food, local places’ proposal. This is a USDA (and other) government project. The Transition Enterprises group (forming) pulled together a coalition of strategic partners to back the proposal that included the Joshua Tree Chamber of Commerce, The Transition Joshua Trree Enterprise Committee, the Hi-Desert Bakyard Growers Association, the Morongo Unified School District, Sage Mountain Farms CSA, JT Health Foods, Grateful Desert, Holmes Health, the Way Station, the Joshua Tree Senior Center and County Supervisor James Ramos. Proposal acknowledged by the government agency (Ed Fendley.) A Transition sub group was created by Joe to keep the momentum built with this proposal.
Action Items:
- Look at front page of Transition Town Bozeman (Montana) for consideration for our own webpage.
- Will check with Jill about where historical archives are kept.
- Set up meeting with Wolf & Joe & Susan about forum.
- Check on TransitionUS movie that was to be sent with our donation.
- Go on vacation.
- Forward address for u-tube video about the history of Transition to Beth & Susan for possible posting on our website.
- Bring the water group donation to the next meeting.
- Continue working on Transition Enterprise building, looking towards an open space event as this is a wide ranging Transition category.
CC Minutes 7.2.14
Susan, Tim, Joe, Beth
Previous minutes approved.
Treasurer’s report:
- CC has moved beyond the notes on napkins and money in a jar system to a basic in/out bookkeeping system. Shiny.
- Balance $452 plus today’s dues for a current total of $474.
- Tim – Water Team wanted to pay for the website plug in that the forum needs, but felt held up because it is not clear who is in charge of the website decisions. CC approved the needed plug in, and if the Water Team is still buying it, thank you. Otherwise we will. Who is in charge of website decisions needs further discussion and is tabled for a future meeting. See Action Items.
- Beth – Most teams are taking the next two months off, so the website just has old news on the home page. Beth suggested we put a notice there explaining that we’re not meeting during the hot months. See Action Items.
- Forum: CC suggests that someone from each group be in a support group for Wolf in forum decision making. Susan is in for H & S, Joe for Water or TE (Transition Enterprises). See Action Items.
- Draft constitution report:
- Beth has a team (Eva & Louis). CC welcome to send suggested changes to Beth for inclusion.
- Updating the Easy Guide to Forming TT and the Launch Kit were added to this task so that all materials are coherent and use the same language.
- The current draft constitution needs to be archived or needs to become an addendum so that we don’t lose the original. See Action Items.
- Communication: Susan asked for better communication system between CC members between meetings. It was agreed on to put ‘urgent’ in subject line so that everyone catches the important messages. ‘Call for Consensus’ can also be used for an email or texting vote. Tim requests a text telling him to look for a CC email if possible. See Decisions.
- Transition Streets: Beth – This is a fully set up Transition US program to pull neighbors into a group for the purpose of reducing energy use. Discussed. Probably cannot do it at this time, but we will order materials for possible use another time. See AI/Decisions.
- Re-conomy/Transition Enterprises: Joe – has Bernard on the team and is in the investigative phase. Looked into types of co-ops. Suggested that all teams start a sharing co-op by bringing things you’re willing to share to regular Team meetings.
- Local Foods/USDA program: -Deb’s suggestion. Looks like good information, if not now, then for how we position ourselves for the future. If Deb has help, she will work on 2 page paper that leads to an application. Joe taking this to TE to see if they can make the first step happen.
- Tim’s summer vacation: Tim will be travelling and studying permaculture for the next two months. Text him and he’ll respond as needed. If he has hook up to skype into meetings, he’ll let us know.
- Summer meetings are: Wednesdays, July 16th, August 6th and August 27th.
- Next meeting is at Beth’s, 9 AM July 16th
Action Items:
- Ask Jill about Summer Hiatus note on website
- Write up draft constitution notes for Beth
- Ask Jill where historical archives are.
- Contact Wolf and get him the forum help he needs. Let Joe know.
- Add Easy Guide & Launch Kit to draft constitution update workload.
- Buy Transition Streets at $30 so that we get movie and workbooks for future use.
- Ask Water Team to update calendar
- Take ‘local food’ to TE and see if it is possible to work with Deb to get the 2 page paper out by the July deadline.
- Find out if Water Team is still willing to buy plug in. Let CC know because we can buy it if not.
- To ensure better communication, use ‘urgent’ and ‘call for consensus’ in subject line if action is required between meetings.
- Plug in okayed for website.
- $30 donation to Transition US for Transition Streets info
- Bring ‘sharing co-op idea to your Team
- Tim allowed to take a vacation
CC Minutes 6.16.14
Beth. Susan. Tim. Joe. Penelope (virtually)
Minutes: Susan
This meeting was for the purpose of getting the Conflict of Interest documents in order to present at the General Meeting on June 22nd. With phone/email assistance from Penelope, we went through the documents and tailored language to fit Transition Joshua Tree.
We have several specific questions for Penelope which will affect the final wording of the documents. Final docs will be filed with these minutes.
Action Items:
- Type corrections on Conflict of Interest document and Summary document and send to all, including Penelope.
- Send final version of docs to Jill to send to membership
- Add to General Meeting CC Report that a committee interested in starting a Transition Enterprise or Commerce Group should contact Joe.
- Bring established voting procedure minutes to General Meeting
- Bring Voting Member minutes to General Meeting
- Send exact wording of the Transition Enterprise statement to Susan to include in CC Report
- Look for minutes from the general meeting on December 8th and send to Susan.
- Will continue to review revisions and answer questions
CC Minutes 6.11.14
Present: Joe, Susan, Beth, Tim, (Penelope @ 10:30)
Minutes taker: Susan
Agenda: Beth
Previous minutes approved.
Treasurer’s report: Beth demonstrated the jug of money & receipts that she was given from the IG treasurer. She plans to update the system from a jug to a ledger. Reimbursed Eva for paper $60. Added $62 from Permaculture Team & $11 CC dues. Gave Susan $100 for Admin Team gift certificates. New balance $431.
- Beth: Will keep looking. Too expensive at this time.
- Tim: Market report. Not enough interest to generate a meeting. Will try again in the fall. There are a lot of questions to be addressed.
- Tim: Website forum, improvements made. Wolf involved. Teams need to come up with topics for discussion
- Transition US webinars: Susan emailed the link. Telenars/webinars are archived and still available at no cost. Recommended that TJT send a donation.
- Tim/Joe: Did not address the ad issue at the Water Team meeting due to Joe’s absence. Will discuss at the next meeting.
- Penelope’s Conflict of Interest Q & A. Penelope explained that a conflict of interest document doesn’t limit the ability to have a business in TJT. It sets a guideline so that the person with a business must recluse him/herself while decisions about that topic are being decided upon. Penelope updated and simplified the documents.
Decisions made:
- The CC will bring the Conflict of Interest document to the next General Meeting for a vote.
- Will meet again on Monday the 16th, Susan’s, 9 AM, to finalize the Conflict of Interest document. Susan to send to Jill for immediate distribution to the voting members
Action Items:
- Will continue to look into bumpersticker viability, including the possibility of a site where we can order them individually.
- Will donate $50 to Transition US from TJ
- Will send Susan a bio and a photo for the website.
- Will lead the presentation of the Conflict of Interest document & vote at the General Meeting on the 22nd.
- Purchase gift cards for Admin Team at Grateful Desert – Done
- Give general CC report at the General Meeting
- Send the conflict of interest summary to Jill for distribution to working teams. – done.
Tim & Joe:
- Discuss ad problem/process at the next Water Team meeting.
- Resend all updated docs – Done
All CC Members:
- Read Deb’s Local Food, Local Places info before next meeting.
- Ask Transition Teams to sign up for Transition US newsletter and make an individual donation if they can.
- Ask Transition Teams to come up with subtopics for the forum. Topic sentences need to be clear and understandable.
CC Minutes: 5.7. 14
Susan, Beth Tim @ Susan’s house.
Action Items:
- Look into cost of bumper stickers. We’ll start with the TJT logo (with modifications.)
- Send treasury report. Was 521. Spent 100 for gift certificates for Admin Team members. Done
- Get refund to Eva for poster pad.
- Send us Transition economic links and the Conflict of Interest docs. Done
- Looking to connect with other drylands permaculture groups. Found 3 – help?
- Bring mic to facilitation workshop – thanks/done
- Bring donation from the water group
- Continue working on forum, coordinating Martin & Wolf.
- Continue working on Farmer’s Market.
- Produce minutes
- Continue to work on non-profit status.
- Contact Sunburst Park for information on using the park/Sharing Day
- Do Transition US webinars if possible.
Minutes from CC Meeting 4.16.14
Treasury Report $521
Action Item:
- Beth: Transfer Domain name to private domain name registry Canvas Host – $12
- Susan: get $50 gift certificate to Admin Team. Handed to Jill, mailed to Martin.
- Tim: pick up banner and cards for Earth Day- Done
- Beth: forward link to US Webinars to Susan & Tim -Done
- Tim: Get reporter form in PDF to Susan for H & S group –Done
- Susan: talk to Jill about reporter training
- Susan: Global Sharing Day (too late this year) talk to Sunburst Park about park usage
- Time: look for ‘sharable web site’
- Tami Wood info to Tim – Done
- All: read rough draft of conflict of interest paper
- Beth: find info about other Transition Towns having Commerce Group
- Tim: contact other desert communities about what they’re doing.
- Susan: offer to buy paper pads for Eva & Kathy – done
- Beth: meet with Penelope to write simple conflict of interest guidelines.
- All: sign up and participate in Transition US webinars
- Beth – brought rough draft background on conflict of interest and reported on vetting process. Once conflict of interest paper is written, ask for interested parties to take over and produce vetting process.
- Tim – has 9 people interested in market booth and 9 interested in reskilling
Next meeting: May 7th, 9 AM, Susan’s house.
Minutes. CC. February 26, 2014
Susan, Beth, Kathy J, Buck, Tim
Minutes approved with two changes:
- Paid Martin for template, new balance 545$
- Susan to look into non-profit status
Kathy in for Core Team Development:
- Demonstrated the stages of group development
- Individuals must sacrifice for the group, ‘What is the challenge for each of us? What are we willing to sacrifice for the group?’
- Led discussions, group norms, decision making process development
Group Norms: The CC will add to this list as needed.
- Start on time, end on time.
- Don’t talk over each other.
- Listen carefully.
- Equal air time – everyone must be heard.
- Don’t take anything personally.
- Don’t make assumptions.
- Do what you’ll say you’ll do.
- Let people know what you need.
Decision Making Process:
- Discussed need for clear/consistent approach to CC decision making
- Consensus is the decision process for any substantive issue and when in doubt that the entire CC is able to support a decision.
- Test decisions against CC, TJT and Transition aims – are we in alignment?
- Reflect on how the decision looks outside the CC. Is this something that someone not in this group would take issue with?
Meeting on March 9th
- Coordinating Council minutes 2.12.14
- Tim. Buck. Susan
Treasurer’s Report – Beth
Beginning balance: $554.36
- Canvas Host webhosting package @ $81.90
- Transition Companion Handbook @ $35.95
- Total reimbursement to Beth for above: 118.00
- $10 in/CC dues
- $20 in Permaculture project group
- $48 in from Water Team
- $64 in from Permaculture Talk donations
- Total income this meeting: $142
- Ending balance: 578.36
Action Taken:
- Permaculture request to become a working group approved.
- Tim will do a presentation to Rotary Club on the 19th of March
- Operating principle: everyone signs off on graphics, flyers, announcements that go out from the CC.
- Discussions:
- Debrief of Desert clean up. Learned that Marines need a 30 day notice/we could have taken yard junk. Thanks Buck.
- Local currency generation – Tim researching local currency with intrinsic value
- Be considerate of Martin’s time
- Stamp on hold. Info in secretary’s binder
- Local economy is a focus of the current CC
Action Item Assignments:
- Look into cost of bumper stickers
- Beth & Buck design business card/postcard
- Buck:
- Talk to Music Fair about Transition doing reskilling booth
- Design business cards with Beth
- Get Deb’s list of questions for MBCA
- Let Deb know we might be interested in bringing Debra Huston in as a speaker, have Deb find out what it takes
- Bring receipts for banner for reimbursement
- Get Susan list of interested people from the Clean Up
- Buck buy trash bags for Deb & Ron, CC will reimburse
- Susan:
- Talk to Gary Daigneault
- Find out about gmail site for CC communication
- Get H & S information to Tim
- Find out how to reimburse Martin $ for Fearless Theme Template and how to get donations to him.
- Ask Martin when he wants us to come over to check out website
- Look into writing about the letter opener belonging to Hollinger for website/Deb’s got photo
- Tim:
- Continue to research local currency
- Give TJT talk at Rotary Club
- Develop list for reskilling (all help) = have ready for the TJT meeting 3.9.14
- Develop list for farmer’s market table (all help)- have ready for 3.9.14
- Tim will speak for the group
- Website
- Ask for someone from each Team to provide content for the website
- Reskilling signup sheet
Present: Susan, Beth, Tim, Martin
Treasury Report: $40 from Clean Up/$13 today’s dues/Total $554.61
Expenses: Martin’s breakfast/$12
Discussed website with Martin.
- Martin suggested using a green server and self hosting instead of using the hosted wordpress.
- Susan to check with Jill about what credit card was used to pay for the hosted word press and what system Jill is using to send out newsletters.
- Martin will send the CC a few sample templates for the new website and meet with us again.
- Many ideas talked about for website: donate button, Transition store with Pay Pal, making the site a resource center and etc.
- We provide content, Martin designs and posts (for the most part)
Discussed Transition Team donations to CC. Currently, most groups are giving appx. 50%.
Decisions made:
- Beth authorized to buy the Transition Companion.
- We will switch to a green server per Martin’s suggestion asap
- Send Transition reps to next chamber meeting, 2nd Wednesdays at 8 AM
- Susan will gather info on non-profit pros & cons
- All: look at strategic plan and constitution for simplification ideas
- Susan send Martin contact info for CC
Next meeting:
- Discuss farmer’s market table/send out query about who has what to sell
- Debrief the Desert Cleanup project: purpose is to learn to communicate better and work like a team.
- Buck bring receipt for banner and other expenses for Clean Up.
CC Minutes 1. 8. 14
Present: Tim, Susan, Buck, Beth
- Desert Clean Up Project
- Flyer & press release information clarified and Susan assigned to rewrite and post to Communications Director
- Buck to see if he can get marines to help. Buck to contact artists to let them know about availability of recyclables at the collection site.
- CC Operating Principles
- Before press is released to Communications for posting, it will be sent to all CC members for review. Lead must respond efficiently with changes or ok.
- Always ask: Does this event fit the TJT principles and the CC Aim?
- We agree to follow Communications Guidelines for events, especially timeline.
- We agree to allow a reasonable time line for producing events.
- Each project has a lead responsible for keeping track of everyone involved and everything that needs to be done for the event.
- Give credit where credit is due whenever possible.
- Action Items:
- Bring ( or email to Susan) a list of skills and talents to the next meeting
- Make a list of questions about the website for Martin: coordinate through Tim for efficiency and to reduce redundancy.
- Tim will see if Martin can make our next meeting
Coordinating Council meeting 12.18.13
Susan, Buck, Beth, Tim
Minutes: Susan
Minutes of 12.12.13 approved.
Treasurer’s report: $50
Proposed and adopted Aim:
The Coordinating Council will actively foster the organic growth of Transition Joshua Tree and the Transition Teams in a way that is empowering, open, responsive and inspiring, so that TJT rapidly becomes a resource for teaching and demonstrating strategies for community resilience.
Proposed and adopted Secretary:
Susan voted in as secretary.
Proposed and adopted:
To go forward with the JT Elementary terra forming project with Buck as CC rep.
Proposed and adopted:
Dues are $5 per meeting (suggested.)
Proposed and adopted:
Using the Four Agreements as an operating system for our meetings (perhaps our lives)
Be impeccable with your word.
Don’t take anything personally.
Don’t make assumptions.
Always do your best.
Buck’s Reports:
- JT El project is actively moving forward.
- Cleanup Joshua Tree day has been moved tentatively to January 11th due to the holidays.
Action Items assigned:
- Tim &/or Buck will learn to post our minutes from Martin and ask him if the CC needs a new page on the website.
- Tim & Buck will send over bio and photo to Susan soon. Very soon.
- Buck will confirm date for the JT cleanup and get that date to CC members
- Susan will make a document binder for the CC
- Susan will set up the meeting with the IG & facilitators using noodle. 3rd week in January is proposed as the date for the meeting.
- Susan volunteered t
___________________________________________________o do PR for the JT Cleanup project
Next meeting: Wednesday, January 8th, 2014, 9 AM/Susan’s
Coordinating Council minutes 12.12.13
Buck, Tim, Susan, Beth, Kathy
Facilitator: Kathy
Minutes: Susan
Worked on rough draft of Aim statement
Proposal: Beth CC treasurer/adopted. $31 in treasury (button sales)
Next meeting:
· Buck’s project reports
· Finalize aim
· Norms
· What we need to get from the IG
· Dues
· 4 Agreements
Next meeting: Breakfast, Wednesday the 18th, at 9 AM/Susan’s