WATER TEAM Meeting Minutes


4.21.16 Water Group Meeting Minutes

Present: Deb, Ron, Joe, Martin, Gregory, Matt, Cathy, Dave, Marcus, Jeff, Seth, Richard

Facilitator: Joe    Minutes: Deb

Treasurer Report: $284.00 includes $88.00 collected at WG101 event. Group agreed to donate $40 to the JT Local Food Group who provided meals ($ given to Deb), and pay Buck $23 for emergency water barrel raffled.


April 24: JTLFP Spring Greens. Food & recipes featuring greens. 5pm at Community United Methodist Church.

April 26:  UCR Lecture. ‘Change is the only constant: 10,000 Years of Climate Variability in California and What it Means for Our Water Supply’. 6-7 p.m. at UCR Palm Desert. Free.

April 26: JBWD Workshop on long-term strategy for water/overdraft of aquifer/growth projections, Chromium 6, funding. 10 am – 2 pm at the Bob Burke Government Center Video Conferencing Room. Seating is limited. RSVP Kathleen at 760.821.5716.

April 27: Eagle Mountain presentation by NPCA and MBCA. 7-9pm at Bobby Furst’s. 8528 Desert Shadow Road Joshua Tree. Parking is limited, please ride share. RSVP Seth Shteir – sshteir@npca.org.

April 28: UCR Film Screening: ‘Breaking Point’ Impending disaster at the Salton Sea. 6 p.m. at UCR PD. Contact Ron to organize ride sharing.

May 5: Eagle Mountain meeting by NPCA. 6 pm at the JT Community Center.


  • Pumped Dry film screening/Events. Deb contacted Ian James about possibility of Morongo Basin screening. No response yet.
    • A sub-committee of Joe, Seth, Greg, Deb will meet to discuss feasibility of Debra Hughson presentation.
  • Water Collection Committee is reviewing WG trifolds for Rainwater Harvesting and possibly greywater. Trifolds provided to MBCA for Desert-Wise Landscape Tours this weekend.
  • Quarterly Field Trips. Interests included Salton Sea, Dale Mining District, Cadiz farm operations, Deborah Dozier residence, Castle Mountain/Piute Spring, Afton Canyon. Tabled until committee can meet.

Old Business:

  • Salton Sea: Contact Ron if interested in 4/28 ‘Breaking Point’ film screening.
  • Transition 101: Intro to the Water Group & Cadiz
    • Event attended by 40 to 45 people. Many new faces. Some conflict over providing time for Cadiz to respond.
    • Joe will work on a follow-up event to focus on ethics. Panel suggested.
    • Joe sent thank-you to Sportsman Club manager. Will inquire on availability for follow up event. No food allowed that doesn’t come from commercial kitchen.
  • Earth Day in Yucca Valley: Ron distributed rainwater capture flyers, collected names of interested people, sold 1 bumper sticker. List provided to Joe.

New Business:

  • Eagle Mountain. Seth described project to return lands to JTNP and asked for support from group and individuals.
  • TJT Time Bank. Joe outlined potential group projects organized through time bank, suggested including people on limited income including seniors and veterans.
  • Next meeting at Ron & Deb’s. May 5 at 6pm.


Action Items:

  • Joe, Seth, Deb, and Greg to meet to discuss Debra Hughson presentation: Drought, and the Drying Landscape
  • Joe to work on follow-up Cadiz event/panel discussion on ethics.


Agreements Made:

  • Donations of $40 to Jen/Local Food Group for food served at WG101, $23 owed to Buck.


Parking Lot Items:

  • Rain barrel project at Community United MC/JT Local Food garden.

Water Group Meeting Minutes

April 7th, 2016

Present: Joe G., Joe F., Ron, Greg, Cathy, Deb, Tim Facilitator: Joe    Minutes: Joe

-Pumped Dry: Documentary Report: (Deb)  How will the WG respond? Possibility of screening at TJT?

-Announcements: UCR lecture Series: Links on WG FB page. Next Tues. & April 20th “water rates”

-Aims Read -Check in -Treasury: + $14

-Team Reports:

-Water Collection Committee: Tabled

-Visibility Website Activity Log: Cadiz piece on FB and Web page

-Quarterly Field Trip: Considerations: Cadiz, Salton Sea, Death Valley. Action Item: Committee to organize via email.

-Web Page: Links and updates. Agreement Made: Remove minutes old link on TJT webpage and replace with “Request for minutes, please contact Joe Fairbanks.”

-Salton Sea Report: (Ron) Large Geothermal projections.

Water 101 planning session:

Agenda: (FINAL)

5:00 Set up:

Joe F. & Patricia: Dishes, Signs, Projector, Spaghetti Squash.

Deb: Projector Screen.

Ron: Bread. (Raffle tickets?)

Jen Jungworth: Spaghetti Sauce.  All: food set up, etc.

Buck: Water Barrels for Sale and Raffle, Water Collection display.

6:00 Spaghetti Dinner/Welcome with Introduction by Joe F. with Aims Read

6:10 Check in

6:30 TJT movement and teams back story

6:35 History/Testimony of WG: Deb (includes Emergency Water Barrels, Personal Choice vs. Tech philosophy, What the WG does: Field Trips, etc.

6:45 Game Show Skit

7:00 Break (5 min for Special Presentation Set up)

7:05 Program

7:50 Conclusion: Joe F.: invitation to WG and follow up Q and A about Water Group and Water Issues.

8:00 END

(Please stick around and discuss the issues over beer at the Swordfish Pub)


-New Business

-SPG Environmental Issues: Letter writing, should the WG get involved with more letter writing activism?  Check out Facebook’s Joshua Tree Community Connection.

-WG to track and evaluate local water agencies Urban Water Management Plan. Action Item: Add to next agenda for study session.

-Earth Day: No water district participation. Action Item: Add to January Agenda for Water Education Day and Earth Day Participation.

-Next Meeting: Joe and Patricia’s 62040 Grand View Circle, Joshua Tree 6-9pm April 21st

Water Team Meeting December 19, 2013 at Tim’s house

Present: Buck, Deb, Tim, Ron, Martin, Gregory, Cathy & new member Hannah

Minute’s taker – Cathy

Treasury Report—Deb >had $143 now $158


Buck >            TJT’s Solar Oven Demo in front of Listening Lounge 12/21 10-2

Ron>Colorado River Water Project report says Colorado River to be divvied up and now Mexico gets water to sustain its delta.

Buck>Trash pick up in the desert Jan 18 8-2

Tim>Rocket stove workshop at Quail Springs Jan 24-27.  Possibly another one nearer.

Tim>Boomerang Swale workshop and tree guild beginning of February.  TBA.  A solar cook off for lunch.  Possible food forest workshop in the future.

Ron>Magazine / Book share.  Please take home what isn’t shared.

Deb>MBCA Annual meeting with a great speaker Jan 25 9-1.

Coordinating Council Report

Tim>Mission statement that there are 4 members now on the council.  Admin position, possibly Martin, maybe it will be more of a tech position for him as Stacy still wants to do admin.

Deb>Climate Reality Project committee met and feels need to go ahead with this.  Deb will write to see if Utne writer is coming to the desert anytime soon and might be interested in helping us.  Once, that is figured out then contact Deb Hughson to see if we can get her to speak.  In essence separating from Climate Reality and focusing more locally.

Buck>JT elementary school working on replanting natives and garden.  Still doing “paperwork” that is necessary.

Tim>Possibly organizing a local farmer’s market co-op to sell at the JT Farmer’s Market.

Tim>Reskilling workshop would stimulate local economy + share knowledge and skills.

Tim>Wants to have segments of each working group part of the CC report.

Old Business

Cathy> Library issue and books tabled until mid January.

Buck>Pipeline is still an active idea, possibly for the website.

New Business

Tim>Deb will be the new facilitator of the Water Group.

Tim, Cathy>Minutes will be distributed electronically as soon as they are done and also in the email that the facilitator sends out prior to each meeting.

Tim>Hackers meeting, where creators / inventors routinely get together.  Hannah brought up the idea of Permaculture blitz.  Both still in ideation stage.  Also discussed visiting cistern, centrifuge in park, field trips to Schwartz’s and field trip to Rhonda’s.  Also, Rainwater harvesting Take 2.

Cathy>Discussion fro website re: materials.  Decided order of listing and best 5 of each to be on website.

Next meeting January 2, 2014 at Cathy’s house.  Program for meeting will be a “calendar” for website or group focus.

Program  Martin did a tutorial on accessing our website and then everyone helped review layout & ideas for tier 2 of website.


Water Team Meeting Minutes
December 5, 2013


Present—Deb, Ron, Buck, Matt, Cathy, Martin, Gregory, Tim and Joe Fairbanks

Treasury Report –$143 in the Water Group Acct and $15 in the Administration Group Acct.



Buck            He and Joe will help anyone see if they are eligible for the PACE or HERO       program.

Buck            Dec 21st will be a Solar Cook Off in connection with Radio Free Joshua Tree 11 AM

Tim            Reminder of the Rocket Stove workshop at Quail Springs with Early bird registration.

Tim            Swale & Berm workshop date TBA, late January probably

Tim            Reminder TJT CC meeting Sunday @ 4.  Potluck

Tim            Sharebox now in effect.  It is to be used for a place where members can share books, magazines etc.  Ron will bring the box to the meetings.

Old Business


Deb brought up The Climate Reality Project again feeling more discussion was needed.  Should it be a CC project?  Would it be viewed as urgent by them?  What would be the purpose of holding a community “lecture”?  Increase enrollment in TJT?  Decided that this will be the topic of the next meetings Program and it wold be thoroughly discussed then.

Books and Library.  Cathy is going to email all regarding a compilation list of books, DVDs, magazines, youtube videos and podcasts that each member feels is valuable.  Then cross check them with the availability with the library.  This will give the website are “recommendation list” and also see what books to buy for the library.  Also, will check with Penny on how to buy said book.

CC meeting.  Selection for CC committee and discussion on direction.

New Business


Deb thought it would be a good idea on having our Programs turn into pdf files for the website.


Our website and what to do about it.   We want a resource list for the Water Group.  Buck brought up the idea of a “Pipeline”, a place to note ideas that can be referred back to when time permits.  Matt wants more up to date photos, “action shots” and with his new phone will be the paparazzi!  Discussion on a possible blog in the website.  The group as a whole feels frustrated in not being able to have access to the website.  They feel it is important to be able to access the site, place items in events, resources etc., keeping it current.   Martin was present and seemed to have a handle on the website programming and how it can work for us.  It was requested of Martin to check out the website to see if in general it was fairly user friendly and if so instruct the Water Group on the “how tos” of access and posting to it.

Next meeting will be at Tim’ house and the topic will be Martin instructing the group on access and use of our website.

Water Team Meeting November 21, 2014

Present—Tim, Deb, Gregory, Ron, Matt, Cathy

Minutes taker—Cathy

Treasury Report—Deb  $133



Deb—Aquifers 101 still not rescheduled.

Ron—Deb is now a Level II Water Use Efficiency Practitioner.

Deb—AB217 provides $3.5 billion for low income, R & D and residential modest improvements under the HERO program.

Tim—Rocket Stove workshop is Jan 24-27 at Quail Springs Permaculture with an early bird discount at registration.

Tim— Swale and Berm workshop with tree guild is being planned for end of January.  Stay tuned for date.  Solar cooking for lunch.

Buck—Buck is going into the Solar Business.  90 cents a watt.

Deb—DWR says that water contractors are only getting 5% of their requested water allotment.

Old Business

Tim & Gregory gave a short report on receiving their Permaculture instruction at certification at Quail Springs.

Buck announced that the cement factory is closed for now, due to air quality issues.

Ron told how the old Blue Sky Golf Course (renamed Hawks Landing) is very close to being completely compliant to the stringent industry standards of the Coachella Valley Water District.

Tim reported on the Permaculture Workshop.  The area that it is going to be held at needs some reworking for show& tell, for rainwater harvesting, solar cooking demo and hoping to get it on the Landscape Tour.  Scheduling is to be about 2 weeks after Jill does a Permaculture lecture.  Again hoping to be in January.

Tim reported that the library can take books at any time.  Buck will get a stamp from Beth & Martin to place in front of book to say “Donated By’ with our logo, or mention of the Water Group or TJT.  Which books, DVDs, magazines need to be donated, which need to be put on the web.  Next meeting we are all to bring a list of books to be donated or need to buy.  Idea broght up that we need to bring anything we want to share—magazines etc to the meetings.  Decided that we need to have a meeting as to what goes on the website.

Buck and Matt gave a long report on restructuring the IG group.  There will be two parts to the new group—called the Coordinating Council (CC).  One part is administration (technical). Which Jill has volunteered to do.   The other part is a council consisting of 1-2 members of each of the four groups; Water, Food, Permaculture & Heart and Soul.  Decision made to collect dues for this council.  Therefore, at each of the Water Group meetings $1 donation is requested for the Water Group and $1 for the CC.  The new guidelines for the CC, which were developed by “The Buckaroos” were presented, voted on and accepted.  Also, sentiment was voiced that any name decisions need to be voted on.

Buck still wants to do a solar cook off, not just at the Permaculture Workshop.  He will try finding another venue than Benson realty.

Tour of the Barker Dam centrifuge was tabled until April (time change!).

New Business


Discussion on who are volunteers for the CC.  Tim felt that we have tended to minimalize the work we do—when in reality in the big picture it is so important.  He is taking it on a very personal level, even to the point of moving to another area to truly be able to “transition”.  Gregory gave a history of TJT and feels that it needs to get back to the original “sense of urgency” and be faster moving.  Matt volunteered as an alternate to the CC.  Tim said he would volunteer but not be able to lead the Water Group too.  Buck volunteered.  Gregory said he would volunteer.  Decision made to have 4 from our group and 4 from Heart & Soul until there are more groups and then a few can step down.  Tim will contact Heart & Soul with this information.

Next meeting, December 5 at Buck’ house on Walpi.

Program for next meeting will be CC issue, books & website and possible water blog.



Power point presentation by Deb & Ron regarding making their house totally electric with solar panels and thermal hot water.  Review of steps taken to insure efficiency and appropriate number of panels needed, costs and recoups and other great information.


Water Team Meeting ==== October 24 2013

Members present:  Time, Cathy Matt, Buck

Place:  Tim’s House

Secretary:  Cathy

Treasurer’s Report $122

Announcements / Checking In

Buck reported that San Bernadino County is taking his complaint regarding Hi Grade Concrete much more seriously regarding the toxic air pollution and not just having it handed off to the Air Quality Monitoring Board.  Mr. Hudson has called Buck personally and will update him in a few days regarding his findings.

Tim will be off to his permaculture course for 2 weeks.  Gregory and Kathy Jennings will be going also.

Local journalist Hillary Sloane dropped in to gather information to write an article regarding Transition and Permaculture.

Old Business

Rocket Stoves—Tim will obtain more information at his course as they are used at Quail Springs.

IG—Matt reports the quarterly meeting for all groups is NOVEMBER 17.  Save the date and there will be the rollout of the transition from IG to CC.

Hi Desert Museum has a history of water display through the end of the month.

Per Tim the Permaculture group is planning a workshop in January dealing with Berms and Swales.  9-4

Awaiting the date of the rescheduled Aquifers 101 by USGS.

Climate Reality—Buck said the small group met and felt that since it incorporated all of Transitions principles that it should be an IG initiative or committee.  Not only to involve all Transition but also to help attract new members.

Library & books.  Tim spoke with Librarian at JT.  She wasn’t sure regarding not lending to other libraries.  He will circle back to talk with her.

Solar Cook Off – Matt will again try to contact to get a date.  In the meantime Cathy suggested that there be a Solar Oven Cook off for the Permaculture workshop!

Tour of the Barker Dam Centrifuge.  Decided to hold it 1 hour before the Transition Quarterly Meeting on November 17.  Then go to meeting after that.

New Business

Tim reminded us of the kind offer of Pat Flanagan, to do a walking tour of the Oasis of Mara, describing the geology and water issues.  This would be on a Friday afternoon.  Afterwards we could all go to the 29 Palms Inn for dinner and listen to Dana perform.

Earthing report from Buck that Ron’s ankle /knee was healed.  Halleluiah!

Buck also provided some statistics about quads-  which  I as the secretary, forgot to write down.  20 lashes with a wet noodle and hopefully Buck reads these minutes and forwards the statistics– to be in the next minutes!

Next meeting to be November 14th at Deb & Ron’s.  (We hope, Deb & Ron let us know if that’s not possible.)

Program for next meeting will be viewing and discussing the Solar Power and Thermal water systems installed at their house.

Minutes Water (& Power!) Group meeting  September 18, 2013 



Treasury report: Deb   Current balance $103.00


  • Sept 24 – Mojave Water Agency presents ABC’s of Water “Muddying the Water: Mixing Water & Politics” from 5:30 to 7pm in Apple Valley. Deadline to RSVP is 9/23. Call Gloria Golike at (760) 946-7001 or email at ggolike@mojavewater.org.  Karen Tracy is organizing a car pool.
  • Sept 26 – Hi-Desert Medical Center package treatment plant ribbon-cutting and tour. Limited seating. Must RSVP to (760) 366-6334 by 9/24.
  • Sept 29 – TJT  IC Meeting 1pm – 6pm. Location TBD.
  • Oct 5 – Desert Wise Landscaping workshop 2:30 – 3:30 at JT Community Center. Register at http://www.mbconservation.org/desert_wise_landscape_workshop.
  • Oct 14 – Bay Delta Conservation Plan Workshop from 1:00 – 3:00pm. Coachella Valley Water District 75-515 Hovely Lane East, Palm Desert. RSVP Melissa Tessmer at (818) 760-2121. More info: http://www.socalwater.org/images/SCWC_BDCP_Desert_Workshop_-_UPDATED_Flyer.pdf
  • Oct 18 – Aquifers 101 hosted by Joshua Basin Water District. 2:00 – 4:00pm at JT Community Center. RSVP Kathleen by 10/14. (760) 821-5716 or email kradnich@jbwd.com.
  • Oct 21 – Quail Springs Permaculture Farm open house
  • Oct 27 – November 9. A Permaculture Design training and certification is available at Quail Springs Permaculture in Maricopa (Ventura County). The reduced registration fee is $1000. Camping on site. They provide food. Site is comparable to Morongo Basin – it receives little more than 6” of annual precipitation.
  • New technology alert: Home energy storage and battery backup from Solar City and Tesla: http://www.solarcity.com/residential/energy-storage.aspx
  • JBWD rate study – the Citizen’s Advisory Committee discussed a rate study that would increase rates on high water users while protecting economically disadvantaged low water users. Thanks to Buck and Karen for moving the discussion towards an increase that would encourage water conservation.
  • Desert Sun published a series of articles based on their 3-month investigation into Coachella Valley water issues including depletion of aquifers, and an economy built on cheap water. Links will be emailed to group.
  • Book recommendations: ‘The Post Carbon Reader’ (various authors), ‘Magical Thinking’ by James Howard Kuntsler, Salt Dreams: Land and Water in Low-Down California by William deBuys, ‘Blue Revolution: Unmaking America’s Water Crisis’ by Cynthia Barnett .

Old Business

-Review of Aims statement for water group.

Brief review of statement that group agreed to. Developed with the idea in mind that a separate Transition JT working group covering power/energy would evolve from Water Group.

To educate, advocate, and demonstrate regenerative water practices that follow permaculture principles in a way that inspires, empowers and enables people to evolve their thinking and to practice a higher water ethic.

-Solar Cook-off adjacent to Mel Benson’s in Joshua Tree (Matt) – tabled.

-Barker Dam tour – to be scheduled for October

– Climate Reality Project – Buck, Deb, & Cathy to schedule public presentation. Will check availability of Yucca Room at Yucca Valley Community Center.  MBCA possible co-sponsor?


New Business

Book donations to library (item added)

Discussed how to distribute books on reading list and suggestion made to follow TJT lead and donate books to the Joshua Tree library that will be dedicated to local circulation.  Books can be purchased with Water Group monies.

Permaculture workshop

The Permaculture project committee will present a workshop on berms, swales, and tree guilds in November.

Meeting schedule

Water & Power Group schedule to be changed to 1st and 3rd Thursdays.

Meeting topics and facilitator

Group members discussed how to cover power issues. While there is a strong energy-water nexus (power needs water/water needs power), group has focused on water and there is concern that the topics are too large for a single group to cover adequately. Tim has suggested a split-off group to cover power, but meanwhile we agreed to try alternating programs and facilitators. Next meeting will be a power topic to be selected and facilitated by Buck.

Next meeting: October 3 at Buck’s


Water Group Meeting Minutes for May 28, 2013

Meeting at Bernard’s house.  Walk around done at Bernard’s property as he won the Water Group’s raffle prize.  Many ideas offered.

Present: Bernard, Megan (visiting artist), Buck, Cathy, Ron, Deb, Matt, Gregory, Tim, Martin

Buck is giving up the Treasurer position after 1 try and Deb assumed being Treasurer.  With that change, money obtained at the Music Festival and dues paid the total amount in treasury is $84.


Regional Water Plan being developed for the Mojave Water Agency.  It’s a 30 year plan.  Public meeting to be June 12th, 6:30 at the YV Senior Center.

Buck regraded the shop at Buzzard’s Roost.

Cal Earth Tour June 1st in Hesperia with a party afterwards.  9-11AM

Homestead workshop June 16th 2-5 PM

TJT is having a Pizza party June 23rd 5 PM.  The Audio screening of the Sebastopol initiating group’s transition to a steering committee will be presented with discussion afterward.


JT Music Festival booth went well.  240 gal of compost made with it being taken to the Roost.  2 Solar Ovens sold.  There was a sign up sheet with interested names for email.  Buck will be searching for the list.

Chris Crow manned a booth at the Whitewater Festival.

Climate Reality Speaking engagement will be July 9th at the Buzzard’s Roost.  Tim will invite those from TJT.

Solar Cook Off idea.  Matt will ask for permission to use the Benson Real Estate location.  Then date will follow.

Deb passed out rain gauges obtained from JBWD.  This will help standardize our calculations for precipitation.


Barker Dam catchment system.  Cathy will see if it is still possible to visit it (due to recent closure) / or obtain permission.

Discussion about a Terraforming workshop with nothing definite decided.


Desire to include more power issues into our direction as the water group.

Members should become more familiar with our local water issues—attend water board meetings and bring items of note / concern back to the group.  Need to take responsibility for getting information to our group and out to the community.

Hold new type of workshops—composting toilets, 50 gallon challenge

We should all try to get ideas to bring to the June 12th meeting- to help insure better access to grant money.  Ideas such as storm water drainage recharge, commercial air conditioning runoff.

We will not be holding meetings for the latter part of the summer, after the July 9th meeting.  Will resume meetings in September.

AIMS meeting will be June 25.  Tim will see if Kathy is available to help.

We will try to get a resource list on to the TJT website.

Deb will email Matt the pdf of the Waterboard land plan to Matt for his project.

Next Meeting at Buck’s mom’s house.  62323 Belmont (between Sunburst + Border off Golden).  The program is about the shop, composting toilet and ideas to bring to the water plan meeting on the 12th.

Water Group Meeting Minutes May 14th

Location Mitchell’s House

Members present: Buck, Damien, Kathy, Ron, Tim, Matt, Gregory, Mitchell, Deb, Cathy

Toured Mitchell’s house with suggestions/ ideas given

Established a new minutes taker- Cathy

Established a new timekeeper- Buck

Treasury Report $95 with $25 given to Tim for expenses, leaving $70


Agua Caliente Band is Suing the Coachella Valley for their aquifer rights and also for polluting their aquifers.  Another water war!

Recent studies have shown that nitrates in our California water systems are increasing to the point that 80% will be polluted by 2050.

Ron and Buck went to the Democratic Breakfast –taking away that there was not much there to report!

Reminder of the Permaculture lecture this Thursday at 6:30.

Kathy will be withdrawing from the water group L, but will continue to help with rewriting the Aims.  Buck will be the new Treasurer.  Money envelope handed over to him.

Mojave Water Agency will be holding a water quality class May 28th.

MBCA Report that Desert-wise Landscape Tour was a success.  155 people attended.  Jill was able to speak with the board and they are moving to have permaculture and Transition events included.

Rooftop rainwater catchment workshop went well.  Ideas brought forth there were that the worm guy added everything to his worms.  That most people need to add “enzymes” to their septic system regularly.  Idea brought forth to create a list of resources that are bio-compatible.

Working groups potluck went well.  Tim did a great job with his presentation.  There was some concern over the announcement of a name change for TJT.

Johnson Valley water tour was held at a distant pumping station that was showing how it helps decrease the amount of moss & algae.  Also, looked at recharging area recharging by pumping into the Mojave River and letting it take it into the aquifers.

55 gallon barrels.  No new sales but at the workshop 3 totes and 2 barrels were sold.  Buck reported no reasonably priced hand pumps available.

Group is still looking for cheap rain gauges so there can be consistent measuring devices for comparability.  Deb- will look into getting some from JBWD.

JT Music Festival—Buck, Tim, Ron and Paul will man a booth.  There will be banner and shade structure there.  Besides water items, there will be demo composting, solar panels, solar ovens.  Requested that a TJT sign up sheet for emailing be there.

Hot Purple Energy (from Palm Springs) will be powering Mitchell’s group recording studio / trailer.

Next meeting will start 6 PM at Bernard’s land as the winner of the door prize.  Tim will get address.  Then the meeting will move to Deb & Ron’s house.

Discussion on the solar cook off.  First will be attempted at the JT Music Festival and gauge interest.

Heard back from the Climate Change speaker, Kassie Siegel.  Dates were discussed and will recontact her with our dates for a small presentation at the Buzzard’s Roost.

Deb reported that USGS will be here this fall for aquifer monitoring and new data might be available as the old data is from 2004.  We need to get data in simple easy to grasp points such as per capita average etc.


Chris Crow will be manning a booth at the Whitewater Festival.


Watched Watershed by Robert Redford.

Minutes: Water Group meeting  April 9, 2013

Attendees:  Tim, Matt, Kathy, Buck, Ron, Deb


Property  featured many compost pits to capture and retain water, use of AC condensate and clay “urns” for planting beds, nice tree guilds with herbs. Made recommendations for series of one rock dams to capture runoff from drive, berms to direct flow. Extensive swales and deep-root tree irrigation in place.


Treasury report: (Kathy)

–       Current balance is $66.00

Announcements (5 min)

-April 11 Drylands Permaculture, Yucca Mesa Community Center 6:30pm

-April 13 Agave Roasting at Malki Museum 11am (reservations required, rideshare?)

-April 20th, Earthday celebration, Yucca Valley

-April 27?? Desert-Wise Landscape Tours (same day as rainwater harvesting workshop!)

– May 2nd Mojave Water Agency Johnson Valley water tour

Old business

-Update 55-gallon drum project (Buck) (2 min)

8 barrels sold, taking barrels to Earth Day


-Earthday booth, Sat, April 20th  9-2PM (Buck) (2 min)

Group is signed up for a booth, Ron and Tim will assist

-Rain water Catchment mini-workshop April 27 (Buck) conflict with landscape tour (5 min)

Date changed to April 28. Deb will promote to MBCA (& Tours), Kathy will update flyer

-Working group quarterly meeting potluck, water group hosting Bobby Furst april 28 (Tim) (10 min)

Meeting will be held at Bobby Furst’s. IG will pay part of costs. Will include raffle of permaculture consultation, water drum, book, and more. Discussed agenda for 6pm to 8:30 meeting with 30 minutes for potluck, 15 minutes working group updates, 30 minutes for Delta Warming Film & Discussion. Tim will prepare powerpoint presentation of Water Group info and accomplishments with focus on 4 main areas. Agreed to add 6-minute Brad Lancaster film on rainwater catchment. Deb and Cathy will provide additional data. Group will do a dry run as main activity for next meeting.

-Rainwater catchment data collection for JTWD (Buck, Deb, Kathy) (5 min)

Kathy provided info on rain catchment volume during last two rain events. Developed simplified method for estimating.

-Reserve levels of the aquifers in the various water districts and where does the water come from (Ron) (5 min)

Discussed variables/uncertainty for determining reserve levels of the aquifers including future population projections, amount of recharge, changing data on size of aquifers.  Deb and Ron will work on providing a data range.

New Business

Next meeting location (2 min)

4/23 Deb and Ron’s

Program responsibility for next meeting (5 min)

Suggestion that host determine agenda, present his/her hot topic.


– Rework Aims (Kathy) (1 hr)

Kathy received survey questions from all group members, directed the group in a roundtable reading of the answers to each question. General discussion followed to recap areas of agreement. Aims project is still in process – we are still evolving.

Minutes of the Water Group meeting  March 26, 2013

Attendees: Tim, Matt, Deb, Kathy, Cathy, Gregory, Jill

Walk-about of Cathy’s property. Identified 2 drainages, high points and low points, potential for rainwater capture from roof and local surface water runoff. Most 29 Palms precipitation falls in summer when landscape water requirement is highest.


Treasury report: (Kathy, Tim)

$9 collected for total of $105. $33.00 still owed to Tim for Delta Warning video. Therefore the remaining balance will be $72.00


– March 27 Master Composters Meeting at Yucca Valley Community Center, 6pm

-April 6 Agave Harvest at Malki Museum in Cabazon 10am (reservations required)

-April 6-7 UC Riverside Botanical Garden Spring Plant Sale (Sat 11-4, Sun 9-3)

-April 11 -Drylands Permaculture. 6pm @ Yucca Mesa Community Center

-April 13 Agave Roasting at Malki Museum 11am (reservations required, rideshare?)

-April 27 Desert-Wise Landscape Tours (same day as rainwater harvesting workshop!)

– May 2nd Johnston Valley water tour

-Buck is now a member of Joshua Basin Water District’s Citizens Advisory Committee

Old business

-Update 55-gallon drum project (Buck) – Tabled

Earthday booth, Sat, April 20th  9-2PM (Buck) – Tabled

-Rain water Catchment mini-workshop April 27 (Buck) – Tabled

-Website (Tim)

-Tier 1 info has been posted including slide show and 5 important things to know. Need FAQs and Resource Info. Tim will meet with Jill, get passcodes & instruction, schedule committee meeting.

-Working group quarterly meeting potluck, water group hosting Venue date april 16 (Tim)

Proposed date change – April 21 or 28 (28th preferred)

Need venue – discussed 3 options:

Gregory will contact Bobby Furst

Jill will contact Shari Elf

Last resort – Greg will check for availability of Harrison House

Time: 6:30 to 9pm

Program: Food, presentations from IG, name change group, food group, heart and soul, and water group. Water group will present new info about water, activities and show Delta Warning video with discussion following video.

Flyer/Meeting information needed. Tim will send info to Jill.

-Report on Site visit for Action pump   black water system March 15, 3:30  (Tim, Kathy, Cathy, Ron)

Blackwater/closed system was not operational,  product is a long way from market. Ramon is teaching online classes on water issues through Copper Mountain College.

-JT music festival booth May 17,18,19 volunteers  (Buck) – Tabled.

-Rainwater catchment data collection for JTWD (Buck, Deb, Kathy)

Kathy developed a simple system for measuring rainwater capture and is collecting results. Since December 20 she captured approximately 4400 gallons from 3 small rain events, though not all tanks were filled.  She’ll monitor direction of storm, and measure precipitation.

-Reserve levels of the aquifers in the various water districts and where does the water come from (Ron)

Deb presented some of Ron’s info, including HDWD water supply and demand, and State Water Project deliveries compared to requests (only 1 year that HDWD received amount requested). Also entitlements of 5 districts based on current agreements. Group requested Ron to report on number of years of reserves for each district.

New Business

Next meeting location – Tim’s on April 9.

Program responsibility for next meeting

Group agreed to assign a timekeeper and allot minutes for each agenda item in order to get through agendas.


– Rework Aims (Kathy) – Tabled.

1 hour will be devoted to this during next meeting.

-Short video- Delta Warning  15 min (Tim)

Viewed 2006 video and discussed implications of next disaster that will cut off water supply to SoCal. Group agreed to use the video for quarterly meeting, present positive actions along with alarming message.

Transition Joshua Tree Water Group Meeting  March, 12, 2013

Attendees: Tim, Ron, Gregory, Buck, Paul (welcome a new member), Matt, Cathy

Minutes Taker:  Cathy

Treasury Report:  Tim

Collected $6 for total of $96.


Ron shared upcoming conferences- Global Water Summit – Spain $2900!

Water & Agriculture – Los Angeles $960!

Dryland Permaculture Workshop (Free!) April 11th  Thursday @6:30 Yucca Mesa Community Center. See TJT website for more information.

St. Patrick’s Day Party @ Tim’s 5020 Brisbane, YV Starting @3-?

Tim’s own Irish Stout, Irish Soda Bread, Jameson’s, Music & Jamming

Tim attended the Permaculture Convergence in San Diego.  Go to website

permies.com to see all the great information and videos.

May 2nd Johnson Valley Facilities Mini-Tour

Harbor Freight has a very good hand pump for water barrels at a great price ($12?).  Contact Buck

Old Business

55 Gallon Drum Project-Notice placed on Facebook—all are urged to comment                    on it to keep it prominent.   Buck still working on getting the word out.  Hopefully there will be a blurb on RFJT—Radio Free Joshua Tree.

Earth Day Booth- Still need to register for it, which Buck is in the process.    Volunteers for the booth – Ron, Tim, Buck.  Others welcome.

.Whitewater Preserve Celebration-  May 18th 10-2  Buck is looking into getting a booth.

Rainwater Collection Mini-Workshop— Saturday, April 27th

Website for TJT Water-Group is up, running and looking great.  Check it out.  Drop down boxes, links, list of the 5 most important things to know about our water.  If anyone has more links, ideas please tell Tim.  Tim will soon have access to manage the website!

Quarterly Potluck with all working Groups of TJT—Tentative date April 16th, location TBD—if anyone has an idea of where a spot for about 30 people please speak up.  Program outline discussed.  Delta Warning (15 minute video) to be shown.  Group watched a “trailer” of it on YouTube and then voted on buying the video—cost $25.   Possibility of showing the Robert Redford water video also, which is coming soon to Deb & Ron who will preview it for appropriateness for the Potluck.

Talking points for potluck-Emergency Water and Preparedness.  Making this an opportunity for a “Barrel Challenge”.  55 gallon barrels will be available at Potluck for $25.

Ron will dig up data on each of our 5 water districts and present that.  (how much reserve, where they get their water etc.)

Basic information on wells-cost & regulations

Raffle off tickets  ($1) to win the expertise of the water group.  Members will go to the winner’s home and offer site specific ideas on water conservation, design etc.  What a prize!

We do want to include positive information on presentation, which will be a short blurb by focusing on educating the kids.  There can be a tremendous change in water consciousness in one generation.

JTree Music Festival Booth  -Paul, Buck, Tim & Ron will be there the whole weekend.  They will be composting, demonstrating the solar oven and giving water catchment information.

Rainwater Catchment Data.  Buck & Kathy continue working on it.

New Business

Possible change in meeting dates as there is a conflict with Joshua Basin Water           District meeting dates.  Stay tuned!

We decided to try a new format in which each meeting, a different individual will be  responsible for the program section of the meeting.  This could be a water related movie, a quest speaker or a member providing some educational insights in regards to permaculture issues.

After discussing the prize of a “home evaluation” for the Potluck the group decided to try it out on our group.  So each meeting will start with an evaluation of the hosts home.  (Maybe a good idea especially before we give one away as a prize!?)

Next Meeting-  March 26th.   The agenda will be the group’s aims.  Kathy is to email a 5 item questionnaire to help us focus our aims.

Location — Cathy’s house 7137 Sherman Rd.  29 Palms.  209-605-2070  Directions—Highway 62 east towards 29 Palms.  1.5 miles after Indian Cove, turn R (south) on Sherman Rd.  Go to end of road—bright green house on L (east).

Minutes, Transition Joshua Tree Water Group meeting  Feb 26, 2013

Attendees: Tim, Buck, Kathy, Ron, Deb


Treasury report: Kathy

Collected $6.00 in contributions. New total $90.00


            Graywater DVDs available at Joshua Basin Water District

Tim is working with permaculture site selection group

MBCA Landscape Tour on April 27 (NOT 28th as previously reported!) – Deb reported that TJT not ready to add permaculture

Mojave Water Agency Tour on May 2. Buck, Julia, & Ron will go

Old business

-Report on Landscaping technologies convention (Ron and Deb)

Ron reported on panel discussion of 5 subsurface drippertubing products w/claims of 40% to 80% water savings. Also new PVC fittings that don’t require toxic PVC cement. Deb reported on new emphasis on movement of water under the ground (there is no precise irrigation without uniform soil texture), Deb will send link to you tube video.

-Update 55-gallon drum project/availability, Community calendar, Facebook, JBWD newsletter, 107.7)(Buck)

Buck & Julia are working on 1-minute promo blurb for Ted Quinn’s Radio Show. Also Craig’s List (FOB JT), Need to refresh listing every 2 weeks.

-Similar letter from MBCA to Blue Sky Golf course (Deb)

The MBCA board unanimously supported a letter similar to TJTs. Deb & Larraine are drafting.

-Earthday booth for April 20th (Buck)

Ron & Tim volunteered to help Buck. Need to complete application, pay fee, and organize.

-Rain water Catchment mini-workshop April 27, location (Buck)

Buck will host at Buzzard’s Roost. Discussed alternative of Gene Evaro’s home in JT. Problems in contacting Gene. Deb suggested texting and will send text inquiry.

Website (Tim)

The water group’s website is launched! He took us on a tour through the site. We need to add water drums info, links for CERT training. Thanks to Tim & committee.

-Working group quarterly meeting potluck, water group hosting March 12, 19 or 26(Tim)

Tim discussed schedule, took poll – 19th best for attendees. Tim will confirm date and location. Plan is to show ‘Last Call at the Oasis’. Tim will report on water group accomplishments, what we learned about water. Will prepare powerpoint slides, and take questions after movie. Group should prepare questions for discussion.

-Site visit for Action pump   black water system (Tim)

Best time to visit is after 3 any Friday. Tim will send announcement, set up possible dates.

New Business

– Collective input to assure all members are represented in aims (Kathy)

Kathy  discussed a process to gain input – email is not working. How do we make progress, gain input, maintain enthusiasm? Kathy will prepare a survey to send to members in advance of a meeting devoted to group aims (3/26 proposed). Survey would deal with values – not only what we do, but how we do it. By front loading the meeting with questions and pushing for a quorum to attend we can work through this evolution/revision of our aims. Tim will email group about meeting dates.

-Rainwater catchment data collection for JTWD (Buck, Deb, Kathy)

No accurate data has been collected because of lack of a way to measure content of totes. Discussed several options from attachment of thermometer, to site glass, to bobber/pulley system with string extending outside storage tank to determine level of water. Lines on tank showing water level were painted over.

-JT music festival booth May 17,18,19 volunteers

Buck needs 4 volunteers to him. Tim and Ron volunteered. Deb will text Gene (& tribe).

Next meeting location

Bollinger cabin in Pioneertown (next to Matt’s). Deb will email address/directions to Tim.

Note: Names associated with action items are bolded.

Minutes:  Water Group Meeting   Jan 8, 2013

Attendees:  Tim, Donna, Gregory, Matt, Chris, Buck, Ron, Deb, Kathy

Minutes-taker-Next one up

Deb volunteered for 3-month period. Kathy accepted treasurer duty.

Treasury report: Deb

$56 including $12 in member donations


J-Topia in Joshua Tree as possible venue for events, open mic on Wednesday

1/15 DRECP Meeting at 6pm, JT Community Center

1/16 Joshua Basin Water District 50th anniversary celebrati

1/19 MBCA Annual Meeting and Solar Seminar 9am-1pm, JT Community Center

Old business

Notice about the 55-gallon drum project/availability on the JT Community Connection website (Buck & Kathy)

Buck will contact website administrator recently returned from vacation. Donna suggested Morongo Basin Friends as well as TJT website notices. Tim will contact Jill G.

-Update on labels to be placed on water barrels in regards to proper use and storage (Deb)

Deb distributed draft label. Several suggestions made to limit use to 55-gallon drum, provide instructions on storage and treatment after 6 months. Deb will modify label.

-On site storage of diesel JTWB (Deb)  – Tabled

-Availability of video of “ABC’s of water” gray water basics (Deb)

Deb reported video still unavailable, will follow up.

-Residential solar backup for wells discussion involving Walter (Matt, buck)

Matt reported that Walter was working out of town, he will attempt to schedule tour of solar installations upon Walter’s return.

-Update on Blue Sky Golf Course plan . (Ron)

Ron reported that architect had been selected, time to write letter.  He will create rough draft and work with Tim to finalize letter from Water Group.

-Update Rain Catchment Jan 26 mini-workshop “Rooftop Rain Harvesting” workshop handout/agenda/Flyers (Buck, Deb, Kathy)

Kathy distributed flyers for review. Donna made a few recommendations re disclaimer which group agreed with. Kathy will revise and email to review committee, then print and distribute to members for posting.

Update statistics on YV and JT use of water for landscaping (Deb) – Tabled

-Cadiz update – no new news.

Website content  update (Tim, Kathy, Cathy).

Tim described 5 items of “Tier 1” messages (the most important things to know). He and committee will continue work on it. He also recommended a photo for the home page – a dry lake bed with cracked earth. Group voted to use the photo for the time being.

New Business

-Rotating facilitator

Tim suggested that facilitator should rotate rather than enable any individual to have undue influence on the group and agenda. Entire group protested that Tim was best and should remain facilitator and all voted for Tim to retain role.

-Rewriting of our aims

Tim reviewed mission and development of the group and resulting evolutionary change. Suggested that all think about revision and devote next meeting to it. Ron suggested that group think in terms of a “water ethic”, an idea that appealed to the group.

-Solar Cookoff

Buck and Tim suggested event for solar ovens of all types. Discussed possible locations and events. Many water group members have solar ovens and were interested in participating. This would be a fun event, not serious competition. Tim will discuss concept and time with TJT IG group.

Program:  Movie  “Last call at the Oasis”

Great public education flick.  Group discussed possibility of presenting to general audience in JT.

Water Group Minutes 11/27/12

Met at the Buzzard’s Roost:  Buck, Tim, Kathy, Cathy S., Deb, Ron, Matt, Gregory


Treasurer—Deb—reported current balance is $26.00


Kathy mentioned a new 3 minute video on Brad Lancaster—she will send out the link to members; also a new water movie:  Last Call at the Oasis


Old Business:

Possibility of Solar-powered emergency backup power at well-heads


Marine Base Tour (Tim)–Had hoped to learn about the solar infrastructure, especially in regards to wellhead pump power, but this was not included in the tour.  The Mojave Desert Land Trust rep—Kimberly Bowers may be able to connect us up with the appropriate Marine Base contact.

Note—70% of the base’s energy is from solar – for 7 months of the year.

Cathy S. noted that she has not had any luck with her attempts to get a Marine base contact.

Tim then read a memo from Chris about his talk with Scott from NPS about solar battery backups used in the park.

Discussion about where to go from here—one suggestion was to try installing a solar backup on Matt’s well.

Another suggestion was to check with the people (didn’t catch the name of the company) who have already installed solar-powered wells—about 20 of them.

Tim noted that one aim is to see if residential solar well pumps can be installed—and to share what we have learned with those who have wells.

55-gallon drum for emergency water supply

Buck will talk with Thomas about posting a notice about the drum availability on the Joshua Tree Community Connection site.

Deb will try to obtain one of the JBWD labels for using on the 55 gallon drums

Video from the ABC’s of Water—Gray Water Basics presentation—will be coming out soon—Deb will follow up to find out when.  Buck noted the big news from that presentation is that San Bernadino County is encouraging people to tie in multiple systems (shower, sink, washing machine, etc.) to the gray water system, and simplifying the regulations.

TJT name change effort—no new info—there is a meeting coming up to finalize the recommendations on tagline for the new proposed name:  Transition Together Joshua Tree.

Blue Sky—Ron reported positive news—new regulations on using more native vegetation.  The estimate is that the course would save 12 million gallons a year by replacing turf with native vegetation in the first 100 yards of each fairway.  There is a definite interest in reducing water costs.

A supportive letter from us and perhaps other organizations (i.e. MBCA) would be a good idea and help hold their feet to the fire if there is some push-back on the idea.

Ron will write a draft for the group to review next meeting (?)

Rain Harvesting Workshop—update—Deb is doing some final work on the agenda handout; next will be a meeting to figure out the marketing/flyers (Buck, Deb, Kathy, Cathy S.)  The workshop has been tentatively scheduled for January 12th—need to check with Jill, other organizations to avoid competing events.


Research on landscape water use (Deb)

Coachella Valley residents use approx. 80% of their water on landscaping.  She is working on finding out the stats for Yucca Valley, Joshua Tree.

She used January as the baseline lowest water use month—then calculated everything above that amount as “outdoor” use—initial calculations show 36% for residential use in the JBWD area—she plans to compare usage for each of the communities.

Cadiz Updates– Deb reported that there were 4 closed sessions held about the Chemical plant lawsuits.

Website Update:

Donna needs to hand off the lead on this project—we decided to create a sub-group to finalize the draft contents—Tim, Matt, Kathy, and Donna.


Want to be sure and make a strong connection between water and power.

Check the Palm Springs Greenscene website for ideas on good front page.

New Business

Tim:  15-minute video “Delta Warning” is available for $25.00.  Should the Water Group purchase this—perhaps make it available on the website?

Deb noted she might have a Power-point presentation that covers the same material—she will check and let the group know.

Meeting times/length:  group agreed that the meetings should start at 6pm and adjourn at 8:30.  Aim is to complete the business of the meeting on time.  If there is a movie or something that extends beyond the meeting time, try to let people know ahead of time

Next meeting dates:   December 11,  no meeting scheduled or December 25

Ron—recommends new e-book on water – “Blue Revolution”

Buck—getting closer to building the no-water composting toilet

Adjourned at 8pm—some stayed to watch 20 minutes of “Last Call at the Oasis”—will watch the rest at the next meeting 12/11.

Water Group meeting Nov 13, 2012

Attendees:  Deb, Ron, Donna, Chris, Matt, Kathy, Buck

Meeting started about 30 minutes late—add agenda item for next meeting: meeting times/length policy


Treasury report:  After collecting from the members, total was $32.00– $21 was then given to Buck for the cost of the 55-gallon drum donated at the MBCA Desert Landscaping Workshop; leaves a current balance of $11.

There was a suggestion that we put a notice about the 55-gallon drum project/availability on the JT Community Connection website.


  1. Chris checked with Mojave Desert Land Trust on the upcoming tour of Marine Base facilities and found out that you have to be invited; Kathy noted that she had received an invitation from MDLT and will tour the base on Nov 20 with Tim as her guest.
  2. Chris also talked with Scott at the National Park, will send around an email to us that describes Scott’s concerns about solar battery backups (there are definite downsides)

Old business:

Gray Water Presentation (Buck)—the presentation was good; the county is allowing more items to be connected to the gray water systems now*; talked about alternatives to digging drain fields; generally making it less complicated so more people will put them in.  Can divert up to 250 gallons without a permit.*Need to have a clearly marked 3-way ball valve installed to divert flow to either irrigation or septic system.  There is a video of the workshop coming soon!

-Report on Transition JT Potluck for working groups Sunday Nov 4 (Donna, Kathy)—focus was on working group updates, possible Hub concept for TJT structure (more later), Donna’s presentation on the three cultural groups within the U.S. and how that relates to a name change for TJT.

Blue Sky Golf Course plan –Determination whether they could use support from the local community in pushing for a low-water design (Ron)—pending/no contact yet

Military Base contact, in regards to solar power at wellheads (Cathy S) –Deb advised that Cathy met with this contact and he has asked for a list of questions from us—she is working on this

Rain Catchment mini-workshop  (Buck, Deb, Kathy)—update on the pre-workshop held on 11/3—good process–after the trial run notes were typed up and a draft workshop handout/agenda has been created.  Discussion about using “ Alternative Sources of Water” as the title of a series of workshops, the first one to be “Rooftop Rain Harvesting”.

Labels to be placed on water barrels in regards to proper use and storage (Buck) ; someone noted that JBWD ( and FEMA?) already had similar labels—why not use them instead of creating and printing our own?

Cadiz update: (Buck)  Six lawsuits are now underway, with additional expected.

Website content  (Donna)—the rest of the meeting was a review and discussion of the draft website page content Donna has been working up.

Action items:

Deb will send out the .pdf file on Bottled water

Kathy and Buck will draft a blurb on Permaculture and Sustainability

Deb will research the statistics on YV and JT use of water for landscaping (relative to statement that 80% of residential water in CA is using on landscaping (more here in the Hi Desert???)

Donna will send out an updated Word Doc of the webpage content, along with assignments for rewrites/more information on some of the topics.  This will get added to the draft, and we will look at the update next meeting.


TJT Water Group Minutes  Aug 14, 2012

Meeting 6:00PM

Minutes: Deb Bollinger


-Water film competition. Karen provided info to Gene Evaro who is working on water conservation video. Gene reported to group on progress.

-August 22 Drip Irrigation Seminar sponsored by Joshua Basin Water District (JBWD). Deb distributed registration forms. Seminar is free.

-November 8 Greywater presentation will be held at JT Community Center from 5pm to 7pm. DWR and County of San Bernardino will present. Part of ABC’s of Water sponsored by JBWD. Registration will be required. Event is free.

-Field trip to Off the Grid in Palm Desert suggested by Tim. He’ll email notice to group with suggested dates, times.

Old business

-Rebates for water catchment (Tim). Includes water storage. Hi-Desert Water District had a program that was discontinued. Deb reported that some water districts in wetter climates provide rebates, JBWD had received a single inquiry. Buck will collect data on water catchments that he’s installed so group can prepare an information campaign.

-Size and number of wellheads, land availability in JTWD (Deb). Deb reported that JBWD had 5 wells plus 11 booster pumping plants. Shallowest well is approx. 435 feet. Will pursue additional info – cost/kwh, and total kwh per year.

– Solar on wellheads (Municipal solar corporation as possible contractor) (Tim) Tim contacted Chris Bennett at Municipal Solar and reported that feasibility is based on cost/kwh greater than $.15, and minimum annual power usage of 500 kwh. He’ll email company info to any interested. Deb found local well drilling company with experience in residential-scale solar. 600’ max well depth, and 40gpm max. One system 20 years old. Buck reported that 29Palms Marine Base wells were all solar, suggested contacting Base liaison.

-55 gal drum distribution campaign (Donna, Buck). Donna made announcement at CERT training, took orders for 12 water barrels which Buck delivered Saturday. Buck presented water barrel campaign to JBWD Public Information Committee. They supported promotion of water barrels for emergency water supply and rain catchment and suggested October article in Waterline Report.

Website content  (Donna). Donna and a subcommittee reviewed information to post. Some too technical. Will meet again to complete review and submit top 5. Also discussed possibility of posting videos and a community calendar. Karen provided info on wordpress player and calendar and cost issues.

New Business

Program:  Group watched Cadillac Desert part 1 (of 4).

Roots Fest. Buck will contact Lindsey about water barrel/info booth at Oct. 12-14 Music Festival.

Group Treasury. Deb suggested tithing to help fund group activities. Food Group has purchased banner, composter, paid for Farmer’s Market booth with money collected (voluntary) from group members. Karen reported that IG also funded website and other expenses this way. Discussed possible deterrent effect on recruiting new members. Group voted to begin “tithing” at next meeting. Deb will serve as treasurer.

Meeting adjourned at 10pm.

Water Group Notes   June 14, 2012

Tim, Buck, Matt, Kathy, Eva, Dana attended the meeting at the Buzzard’s Roost.

Announcements:  there will be a Yucca Valley water district tour June 19—Mary is the contact person.  Tim and Buck plan to attend.

Great resource:  Water Education Foundation website—http://www.watereducation.org

Old business  (action person)

– Sustainability Commission meeting in Palm Springs (Tim gave a report)

-What rebates have been developed in the past for residential water catchment installation in this area as well as others in CA?  (Chris)  Tabled  

-Aerators for commercial business (Buck has installed at two businesses in JT)

State rebates on rain catchment projects? (Stephanie) Tabled

List of potential programs and movies for the water group (Tim passed around initial list—eventually the best from this evolving list will be added to our Transition page as recommendations)

-Check USDA, whether Grant program might apply to solar on wellheads (Donna) Tabled

-Research whether other town use solar on pump heads (Donna) Tabled

-Obtain report on solar feasibility study conducted by JT water district (Tim—working on obtaining this report)

55 gal drum distribution campaign utilizing the water board newsletter (Buck)  Still working on it—possibly distribute via Farmer’s Market?  Write an article in the Water District Newsletter?

Buck suggested we create some kind of “Water Saver Certificate” stickers to give out to businesses and organizations that practice good water conservation.  *TJT brand/logo needed—talk with IG member?  Donna?


New Business

1.  Meeting date change (again)—lots of conflicting meetings. 

 Action:  Decided on 2nd and 4th TUES of the month, will float by members to determine if there are conflicts.

2. Generate a “State of the Water” Morongo Basin report—Tim suggested we create a report that focuses on what we are learning about the water situation and issues, and share this with the TJT as comprehensive document.  Need to clearly connect water, permaculture and security.

Action–Tim will create a possible outline of topics to include, discuss at next meeting, and then we will assign WG members to write it up/Dana volunteered to edit the document.

3.  Membership retention program — Discussed how to attract new members and encourage more participation from those currently on the email list.  It was suggested that we need to offer workshops– every third meeting we plan a Water-Related Home Working Party Project” at one of the group member’s homes—a hands-on workshop – and invite everyone to come and learn how to do this.  

Actioneveryone identify a 1-2 hour max project –bring it to next meeting– from this we will create a list/schedule them(advertise on the website)?   Tim also suggested emailing a personal invitation to the current email list who do not regularly attend meetings as a way to determine if there is any interest in participation to a limited extent.

Buck to investigate getting a grant for rainwater catchment project for science classes at JT elementary.

4.  Website content (next meeting’s program will be to review TJT Water Group website content)

  ActionAll review the site contents for all the working groups on the TJT website before next meeting, and come with ideas for additional content/topics for the water group section

5.  Assign tasks relative to Medium term goals

Action:  Tabled –not enough time to address

6.  Distributing meeting notes/minutes:  we need a process to ensure that active members get the notes from the meetings . 

 Action:  Tabled –discuss process at next meeting.



Formal meeting adjourned, next meeting will be at Donna’s house in Yucca Valley.



Flow: For the Love of water